127 research outputs found

    Temperature Effects on Force and Actin–Myosin Interaction in Muscle:A Look Back on Some Experimental Findings

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    Observations made in temperature studies on mammalian muscle during force development, shortening, and lengthening, are re-examined. The isometric force in active muscle goes up substantially on warming from less than 10 °C to temperatures closer to physiological (>30 °C), and the sigmoidal temperature dependence of this force has a half-maximum at ~10 °C. During steady shortening, when force is decreased to a steady level, the sigmoidal curve is more pronounced and shifted to higher temperatures, whereas, in lengthening muscle, the curve is shifted to lower temperatures, and there is a less marked increase with temperature. Even with a small rapid temperature-jump (T-jump), force in active muscle rises in a definitive way. The rate of tension rise is slower with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and faster with increased phosphate. Analysis showed that a T-jump enhances an early, pre-phosphate release step in the acto-myosin (crossbridge) ATPase cycle, thus inducing a force-rise. The sigmoidal dependence of steady force on temperature is due to this endothermic nature of crossbridge force generation. During shortening, the force-generating step and the ATPase cycle are accelerated, whereas during lengthening, they are inhibited. The endothermic force generation is seen in different muscle types (fast, slow, and cardiac). The underlying mechanism may involve a structural change in attached myosin heads and/or their attachments on heat absorption

    Tension responses to rapid pressure release in glycerinated rabbit muscle fibers.

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    Force generation examined by laser temperature-jumps in shortening and lengthening mammalian (rabbit psoas) muscle fibres

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    We examined the tension change induced by a rapid temperature jump (T-jump) in shortening and lengthening active muscle fibres. Experiments were done on segments of permeabilized single fibres (length (L0) ∼2 mm, sarcomere length 2.5 ΞΌm) from rabbit psoas muscle; [MgATP] was 4.6 mm, pH 7.1, ionic strength 200 mm and temperature ∼9Β°C. A fibre was maximally Ca2+-activated in the isometric state and a ∼3Β°C, rapid (< 0.2 ms), laser T-jump applied when the tension was approximately steady in the isometric state, or during ramp shortening or ramp lengthening at a limited range of velocities (0–0.2 L0 sβˆ’1). The tension increased to 2- to 3 Γ— P0 (isometric force) during ramp lengthening at velocities > 0.05 L0 sβˆ’1, whereas the tension decreased to about < 0.5 Γ— P0 during shortening at 0.1–0.2 L0 sβˆ’1; the unloaded shortening velocity was ∼1 L0 sβˆ’1 and the curvature of the force–shortening velocity relation was high (a/P0 ratio from Hill's equation of ∼0.05). In isometric state, a T-jump induced a tension rise of 15–20% to a new steady state; by curve fitting, the tension rise could be resolved into a fast (phase 2b, 40–50 sβˆ’1) and a slow (phase 3, 5–10 sβˆ’1) exponential component (as previously reported). During steady lengthening, a T-jump induced a small instantaneous drop in tension, followed by recovery, so that the final tension recorded with and without a T-jump was not significantly different; thus, a T-jump did not lead to a net increase of tension. During steady shortening, the T-jump induced a pronounced tension rise and both its amplitude and the rate (from a single exponential fit) increased with shortening velocity; at 0.1–0.2 L0 sβˆ’1, the extent of fibre shortening during the T-jump tension rise was estimated to be ∼1.2% L0 and it was shorter at lower velocities. At a given shortening velocity and over the temperature range of 8–30Β°C, the rate of T-jump tension rise increased with warming (Q10 β‰ˆ 2.7), similar to phase 2b (endothermic force generation) in isometric muscle. Results are discussed in relation to the previous findings in isometric muscle fibres which showed that a T-jump promotes an early step in the crossbridge–ATPase cycle that generates force. In general, the finding that the T-jump effect on active muscle tension is pronounced during shortening, but is depressed/inhibited during lengthening, is consistent with the expectations from the Fenn effect that energy liberation (and acto-myosin ATPase rate) in muscle are increased during shortening and depressed/inhibited during lengthening

    An analysis of the temperature dependence of force, during steady shortening at different velocities, in (mammalian) fast muscle fibres

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    We examined, over a wide range of temperatures (10–35Β°C), the isometric tension and tension during ramp shortening at different velocities (0.2–4 L0/s) in tetanized intact fibre bundles from a rat fast (flexor hallucis brevis) muscle; fibre length (L0) was 2.2Β mm and sarcomere length ~2.5Β ΞΌm. During a ramp shortening, the tension change showed an initial inflection of small amplitude (P1), followed by a larger exponential decline towards an approximate steady level; the tension continued to decline slowly afterwards and the approximate steady tension at a given velocity was estimated as the tension (P2) at the point of intersection between two linear slopes, as previously described (Roots etΒ al. 2007). At a given temperature, the tension P2 declined to a lower level and at a faster rate (from an exponential curve fit) as the shortening velocity was increased; the temperature sensitivity of the rate of tension decline during ramp shortening at different velocities was low (Q10 0.9–1.5). The isometric tension and the P2 tension at a given shortening velocity increased with warming so that the relation between tension and (reciprocal) temperature was sigmoidal in both. In isometric muscle, the temperature T0.5 for half-maximal tension was ~10Β°C, activation enthalpy change (βˆ†H) was ~100Β kJΒ molβˆ’1 and entropy change (βˆ†S) ~350Β JΒ molβˆ’1Β Kβˆ’1. In shortening, these were increased with increase of velocity so that at a shortening velocity (~4 L0/s) producing maximal power at 35Β°C, T0.5 was ~28Β°C, βˆ†H was ~200Β kJΒ molβˆ’1 and βˆ†SΒ ~Β 700 JΒ molβˆ’1Β Kβˆ’1; the same trends were seen in the tension data from isotonic release experiments on intact muscle and in ramp shortening experiments on maximally Ca-activated skinned fibres. In general, our findings show that the sigmoidal relation between force and temperature can be extended from isometric to shortening muscle; the implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the crossbridge cycle. The data indicate that the endothermic, entropy driven process that underlies crossbridge force generation in isometric muscle (Zhao and Kawai 1994; Davis, 1998) is even more pronounced in shortening muscle, i.e. when doing external work

    Persistent left superior vena cava: Review of the literature, clinical implications, and relevance of alterations in thoracic central venous anatomy as pertaining to the general principles of central venous access device placement and venography in cancer patients

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    Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) represents the most common congenital venous anomaly of the thoracic systemic venous return, occurring in 0.3% to 0.5% of individuals in the general population, and in up to 12% of individuals with other documented congential heart abnormalities. In this regard, there is very little in the literature that specifically addresses the potential importance of the incidental finding of PLSVC to surgeons, interventional radiologists, and other physicians actively involved in central venous access device placement in cancer patients. In the current review, we have attempted to comprehensively evaluate the available literature regarding PLSVC. Additionally, we have discussed the clinical implications and relevance of such congenital aberrancies, as well as of treatment-induced or disease-induced alterations in the anatomy of the thoracic central venous system, as they pertain to the general principles of successful placement of central venous access devices in cancer patients. Specifically regarding PLSVC, it is critical to recognize its presence during attempted central venous access device placement and to fully characterize the pattern of cardiac venous return (i.e., to the right atrium or to the left atrium) in any patient suspected of PLSVC prior to initiation of use of their central venous access device

    Identification of Intracellular and Plasma Membrane Calcium Channel Homologues in Pathogenic Parasites

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    Ca2+ channels regulate many crucial processes within cells and their abnormal activity can be damaging to cell survival, suggesting that they might represent attractive therapeutic targets in pathogenic organisms. Parasitic diseases such as malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis are responsible for millions of deaths each year worldwide. The genomes of many pathogenic parasites have recently been sequenced, opening the way for rational design of targeted therapies. We analyzed genomes of pathogenic protozoan parasites as well as the genome of Schistosoma mansoni, and show the existence within them of genes encoding homologues of mammalian intracellular Ca2+ release channels: inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs), ryanodine receptors (RyRs), two-pore Ca2+ channels (TPCs) and intracellular transient receptor potential (Trp) channels. The genomes of Trypanosoma, Leishmania and S. mansoni parasites encode IP3R/RyR and Trp channel homologues, and that of S. mansoni additionally encodes a TPC homologue. In contrast, apicomplexan parasites lack genes encoding IP3R/RyR homologues and possess only genes encoding TPC and Trp channel homologues (Toxoplasma gondii) or Trp channel homologues alone. The genomes of parasites also encode homologues of mammalian Ca2+ influx channels, including voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and plasma membrane Trp channels. The genome of S. mansoni also encodes Orai Ca2+ channel and STIM Ca2+ sensor homologues, suggesting that store-operated Ca2+ entry may occur in this parasite. Many anti-parasitic agents alter parasite Ca2+ homeostasis and some are known modulators of mammalian Ca2+ channels, suggesting that parasite Ca2+ channel homologues might be the targets of some current anti-parasitic drugs. Differences between human and parasite Ca2+ channels suggest that pathogen-specific targeting of these channels may be an attractive therapeutic prospect
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