1,503 research outputs found

    System and method for object matching

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    A computer implemented method of matching a tagged target group, selected from a plurality of gallery groups in a first camera field of view, with probe groups in a second camera field of view, by determining a group context for the tagged target group , determining, in the second camera field of view, probe contexts for the respective local probe groups in the second camera field of view; matching the group context against the probe contexts to produce respective similarity scores; and identifying based upon the similarity scores, the probe group that matches the tagged target group

    Pilonidal Sinus - A Case Report

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    Pilonidal sinus is an acquired condition with significant morbidity and patient discomfort. The incidence of the disease is calculated to be 26 per 100,000 people. It has a male predominance with a ratio of 3:1. There are several methods to treat pilonidal sinus, but the recurrence rate is more. This apparently minor condition can present the surgeon with major challenges. Many of the standard surgical procedures are associated with a significant risk both of delayed healing and of recurrent disease. Location of the disease is in the natal cleft with midline positioning of the lesion associated with moisture and abundant hair poses greater threat to effective management. According to Ayurveda it can be correlated to Salyaja Nadi Vrana. Even though the disease is Kricchrasadhya, it is managed through Patana (surgery) followed by Shodhana and Ropana treatment. We report a 38 year old male patient presented with pus discharge from cleft of the buttock. Excision was done followed by diathermy and wound is treated with Jathyadi Taila dressing. Disease healed well with no recurrence in the 4months follow up period

    Migration estimation in India : a monsoon migration model

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    Rural-Urban and Rural-Rural migration has become one of the most common phenomena of population demographic changes. Several factors which contribute towards the improvement of the livelihood and opportunities to the migrated labourers have been studied. More than 69 per cent of the 1.21 billion people live in rural India (2011 Census) and agriculture is their main source of income. Agriculture contributes to 18 per cent to the GDP of India. Due to lack of adequate public irrigation facilities, most of these farmers are dependent heavily on monsoon as the main source of water for agriculture. Since a large percentage of these farmers are into subsistence farming, they lack the capital required to set up their own irrigation facilities. When the monsoon fails, or when there is excess rain, there is loss of crop and hence rural-to-urban migration results

    Sequestration of pRb by cyclin D3 causes intranuclear reorganization of lamin A/C during muscle cell differentiation

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    The A-type lamins that localize in nuclear domains termed lamin speckles are reorganized and antigenically masked specifically during myoblast differentiation. This rearrangement was observed to be linked to the myogenic program as lamin speckles, stained with monoclonal antibody (mAb) LA-2H10, were reorganized in MyoD-transfected fibroblasts induced to transdifferentiate to muscle cells. In C2C12 myoblasts, speckles were reorganized early during differentiation in cyclin D3-expressing cells. Ectopic cyclin D3 induced lamin reorganization in C2C12 myoblasts but not in other cell types. Experiments with adenovirus E1A protein that can bind to and segregate the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) indicated that pRb was essential for the cyclin D3-mediated reorganization of lamin speckles. Cyclin D3-expressing myoblasts displayed site-specific reduction of pRb phosphorylation. Furthermore, disruption of lamin structures by overexpression of lamins inhibited expression of the muscle regulatory factor myogenin. Our results suggest that the reorganization of internal lamins in muscle cells is mediated by key regulators of the muscle differentiation program

    Differential dynamics of splicing factor SC35 during the cell cycle

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    Pre-mRNA splicing factors are enriched in nuclear domains termed interchromatin granule clusters or nuclear speckles. During mitosis, nuclear speckles are disassembled by metaphase and reassembled in telophase in structures termed mitotic interchromatin granules (MIGs). We analysed the dynamics of the splicing factor SC35 in interphase and mitotic cells. In HeLa cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-SC35, this was localized in speckles during interphase and dispersed in metaphase. In telophase, GFP-SC35 was highly enriched within telophase nuclei and also detected in MIGs. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments revealed that the mobility of GFP-SC35 was distinct in different mitotic compartments. Interestingly, the mobility of GFP-SC35 was 3-fold higher in the cytoplasm of metaphase cells compared with interphase speckles, the nucleoplasm or MIGs. Treatment of cells with inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks) caused changes in the organization of nuclear compartments such as nuclear speckles and nucleoli, with corresponding changes in the mobility of GFP-SC35 and GFP-fibrillarin. Our results suggest that the dynamics of SC35 are significantly influenced by the organization of the compartment in which it is localized during the cell cycle

    A Case Study on efficacy of Apamarga Kshara Sootra in multiple Fistulae-In-Ano

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    Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano) is a disease which is pertaining to anorectal region which is a highly prevalent disease among the anorectal diseases. Acharya Sushruta considered it as one among the Ashtamahagadas. There is a wide description of its etiology, pathogenesis, types, Sadhyasadhyata, various modality of treatment, Pathya and Apathya in various classical texts. Ayurveda classics have explained different types of Bhagandara and its Chikitsa which includes medical, surgical alternative and surgical management. The modern medical system treats the condition using seton technique or surgery. The Ksharasootra method explained in Ayurveda Samhitas believed to have more efficacy than the seton technique. The incidence of fistula-in-ano is increasing gradually irrespective of age and sex. It affects the day-to-day life of the patients with its severity in presentation. Here a case study is discussed in which the patient suffered from multiple fistula-in-ano, was treated with Teekshna Apamarga Ksharasootra and internal medications. Fistula got completely cured in 6 months without recurrence in 1 year follow up

    Correlative study of sonological appearance of BI-RADS 4 and above breast lumps with histopathology and immunohistochemistry markers

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    Background: Breast cancer is clinically categorized into 4 major subtypes, ER (+), PR (+), Her2 (+), and TNBC. Although the correlation between sonographic features of breast cancer and immunohistochemistry markers expression is found, it is not still very clear; thus, this study aimed to investigate the ultrasound features of breast cancer and analyze the correlation between them. Methods: This was a prospective study, in which patients with breast lumps were sonologically categorized as BI-RADS 4 and above. Percutaneous biopsy was done. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry markers were correlated with ultrasound findings. Results: ER (+), PR (+) tumors were associated with irregular shape. ER (+), PR (+), and Her2 (+) tumors were associated with indistinct margin. TNBC tumor was associated with microlobulated margin. TNBC cases had more posterior acoustic enhancement. Conclusions: Young female with ultrasound features of oval/round shape, micro-lobulated margin, abrupt tumor interface, showing posterior acoustic enhancement, absence of microcalcification was significantly associated with TNBC.  Tumor with an irregular shape, indistinct margin, hyperechoic halo, no change in posterior acoustic feature, and presence of microcalcification were significantly associated with ER (+) cancers. Tumor with irregular shape, indistinct margin, and no change in the posterior acoustic feature was significantly associated with PR (+) cancers. Tumour with indistinct margin, and hyperechoic halo is significantly associated with Her2 (+) cancers. Tumor with irregular shape, indistinct margin, hyperechoic halo, and no posterior acoustic feature was associated with NTNBC

    An essential GT motif in the lamin A promoter mediates activation by CREB-binding protein

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    Lamin A is an important component of nuclear architecture in mammalian cells. Mutations in the human lamin A gene lead to highly degenerative disorders that affect specific tissues. In studies directed towards understanding the mode of regulation of the lamin A promoter, we have identified an essential GT motif at -55 position by reporter gene assays and mutational analysis. Binding of this sequence to Sp transcription factors has been observed in electrophoretic mobility shift assays and by chromatin immunoprecipitation studies. Further functional analysis by co-expression of recombinant proteins and ChIP assays has shown an important regulatory role for CREB-binding protein in promoter activation, which is mediated by the GT motif
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