10 research outputs found

    Djelovanje miozmina na antioksidativne sustave u jetri štakora

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    Myosmine [3-(1-pyrrolin-2-yl) pyridine] is an alkaloid structurally similar to nicotine, which is known to induce oxidative stress. In this study we investigated the effects of myosmine on enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidative defence in rat liver. Wistar rats received a single i.p. injection of 19 mg kg-1 of myosmine and an oral dose of 190 mg kg-1 by gavage. Nicotine was used as a positive control. Through either route of administration, myosmine altered the hepatic function by decreasing the levels of reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activities on one hand and by increasing malondialdehyde, catalase, and glutathione reductase activity on the other. Compared to control, both routes caused significant lipid peroxidation in the liver and altered hepatic enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative defences. The pro-oxidant effects of myosmine were comparable with those of nicotine.Miozmin (3-(1-pirolin-2-il)piridin) alkaloid je strukturno sličan nikotinu, za koji se zna da potiče oksidativni stres. Istražili smo djelovanje miozmina na enzimske i neenzimske antioksidativne sustave u jetri štakora. Wistar štakori primili su jednokratno pokusni spoj intraperitonealno u dozi od 19 mg kg-1, odnosno na usta u dozi od 190 mg kg-1. Za pozitivnu kontrolu rabili smo nikotin. Nakon primjene, bez obzira na put, zamijećena je promjena u jetrenoj funkciji u obliku pada razina glutationa, aktivnosti superoksid dismutaze i glutation peroksidaze te rasta razina malondialdehida, aktivnosti katalaze i glutation reduktaze. Ovi nalazi upućuju na to da intraperitonealna i oralna primjena miozmina dovode do značajne lipidne peroksidacije u jetrenome tkivu te promjena u enzimskoj i neenzimskoj zaštiti jetre. Prooksidativno djelovanje miozmina pokazalo se sličnim onomu nikotina

    Nicotelline: A Proposed Biomarker and Environmental Tracer for Particulate Matter Derived from Tobacco Smoke

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    Particulate matter (PM) derived from tobacco smoke contains numerous toxic substances. Since the PM and gas phase of tobacco smoke may distribute differently in the environment, and substances in them may have different human bioavailability, multiple tracers and biomarkers for tobacco smoke constituents are desirable. Nicotelline is a relatively non-volatile alkaloid present in tobacco smoke, and therefore it has the potential to be a suitable tracer and biomarker for tobacco smoke-derived PM. We describe experiments demonstrating that nicotelline is present almost entirely in the PM, in both freshly generated cigarette smoke and aged cigarette smoke. An excellent correlation between the mass of nicotelline and the mass of the PM in aged cigarette smoke was found. We also describe experiments suggesting that the main source of nicotelline in tobacco smoke is dehydrogenation of another little-studied tobacco alkaloid, anatalline, during the burning process. We show that nicotelline metabolites can be measured in urine of smokers, and that nicotelline can be measured in house dust from homes of smokers and non-smokers. We conclude that nicotelline should be useful as a tracer and biomarker for PM derived from tobacco smoke

    Nicotine Chemistry, Metabolism, Kinetics and Biomarkers

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    Metal Stable Isotope Signatures as Tracers in Environmental Geochemistry

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    Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Heteroarenes and Arenes

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