9 research outputs found

    Journeying from “I” to “we”: assembling hybrid caring collectives of geography doctoral scholars

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in "Journal of Geography in Higher Education" on 15 June 2017, available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03098265.2017.133529

    Victims of terrorism: In need of special attention?

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    Journeying from “I” to “we”: assembling hybrid caring collectives of geography doctoral scholars

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    Completing a PhD is difficult. Add a major earthquake sequence and general stress levels become much higher. Caring for some of the nonacademic needs of doctoral scholars in this environment becomes critical to their scholarly success. Yet academic supervisors, who are in the same challenging environment, may already be stretched to capacity. How then do we increase care for doctoral scholars? While it has been shown elsewhere that supportive and interactive department cultures reduce attrition rates, little work has been done on how exactly departments might create these supportive environments: the focus is generally on the individual actions of supervisors, or the individual quality of students admitted. We suggest that a range of actors and contingencies are involved in journeying toward a more caring collective culture. We direct attention to the hybridity of an emerging ‘caring collective’, in which the assembled actors are not only ‘students’ and ‘staff’, but also bodies, technologies, objects, institutions, and other nonhuman actors including tectonic plates and earthquakes. The concept of the hybrid caring collective is useful, we argue, as a way of understanding the distributed responsibility for the care of doctoral scholars, and as a way of stepping beyond the student/supervisor blame game

    A new gastric juice peptide, BPC - an overview of stomach (stress) organoprotection hypothesis and BPC befitial effects

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    The possibility that the stomach affected by general stress pathology initiates a conteracting response has not been considered in the stress theory until recently. In this, the stomach as the most sensitive part of gastrointestinal tract, the largest neuroendocrine organ in the body, has been suggested to be a crutial point, from where a full stress response against all noxius stress pathology could be purposefully initiated, mediated and organized. The end result would be a strong protection of all organs invaded by "stress". Consistent with this assumption, this coping response is best explained in terms of "organoprotection" and endogenous organoprotectors (e.g. prostaglandins, somatostatin, dopamine) are proposed as mediators. Such an endogenous counteraction could even be afforded by their suitable application. According to this concept, a new gastric juice peptide, M.W. 40, 000, named BPC, was recently isolated. In this, a 15 amino acid fragment (BPC 157) tought to be essential for this activity was fully characterized and effectively investigated. As it had previously been demonstrated for many organoprotective agents using different models of various tissue lesions, despite the poorly understood final mechanism, practically all organ systems appear to be included into BPC beneficial activity. Relative to the reference standards, these effects have been achieved in many species using very low dosages (mostly ug and ng/kg range) after intraperitoneal, intragastrical as well as intramucosal (local) application. The effect was obvious already after one application. A long lasting activity was also demonstrated. Likewise, it was highly efficacious when applied in many experiments simultaneously with noxious agent or in the already established damage conditions, as well as chronically during a prolonged period. Therefore, it seems that BPC treatment does not share any of the so far known limitations for "conventional organoprotectors". No influence on different basal parameters and no toxicity were observed. Thus, whether these findings would provide a purposeful breakthrough into the stress thepry and whether BPC, as a likely endogenous free radical scavenger and organoprotection mediator, would be a useful prototype of a new class of drugs, organoprotective agents, remains to be seen