9,671 research outputs found

    Tests of QED with Multi-Photonic Final States

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    In the Standard Model the process e+e- -> gamma-gamma is fully described by QED. Measurements of the differential cross-sections from the four LEP experiments are compared to the QED expectation and limits are set on parameters describing physics beyond the Standard Model. Three-photon events are used for a direct search for a photonically decaying resonance produced together with a photon.Comment: Talk presented at Lake Louise Winter Institute 2001; 7 pages, 3 figure

    Reducing the hypoxic fraction of a tumour model by growth in low glucose.

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    The question of whether growth under low glucose conditions leads to a reduced amount of cell hypoxia was investigated using an in vitro tumour analogue, the sandwich system. In this multicellular system, the interplay between diffusion and consumption of oxygen and nutrients results in spatial gradients of these environmental factors. Gradients in the environment lead to biological heterogeneity within the cell population. A necrotic centre, surrounded by a viable cell border, subsequently develops. Cells adjacent to the necrotic centre in sandwiches are hypoxic and are in an environment somewhat analogous to that of cells adjacent to necrotic regions in solid tumours. Using sandwiches of the 9L and V79 cell lines, the effects of growth under low glucose conditions on the degree of hypoxia in regions adjacent to the necrotic centre were investigated. Per-cell binding of 3H-misonidazole, assessed by autoradiography, was used as an indicator of oxygen deprivation. It was found that the extent of the hypoxic region and the severity of hypoxia were considerably reduced by growing sandwiches in a glucose concentration of 0.6 mM rather than 6.5 mM. This reduction was found in conjunction with a smaller viable border; it occurred despite the fact that the average per-cell oxygen consumption is higher in the low glucose sandwiches. The data are qualitatively consistent with a joint oxygen-glucose deprivation model for cell necrosis

    Idiotypes of anti-Ia antibodies. I. Expression of the 14-4-4S idiotype in humoral immune responses.

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    The idiotype of a mouse monoclonal anti-I-E antibody, 14-4-4S, has been studied using a heterologous anti-idiotypic reagent. This antibody recognizes Ia. 7, an antigenic specificity present in all strains expressing a product of the I-E subregion. Expression of the 14-4-4S idiotype in humoral immune responses was analyzed by an idiotype-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system. The idiotype was readily detectable in C3H.SW anti-C3H alloantisera, the same immunization combination from which the hybridoma was derived. Absorption analysis demonstrated the anti-I-E specificity of the idiotype-positive molecules in these alloantisera. Penetrance of idiotype expression was high among individual C3H.SW immune mice (9 of 10 tested). To examine genetic requirements for idiotype expression, an immunization was performed using as responders CWB mice, congenic with C3H.SW but differing at the heavy chain allotype loci. Immune sera of individual CWB mice contained very little or no idiotype, demonstrating that levels of idiotype expression are influenced by allotype-linked genes, although the influence of other genes has not been ruled. The 14-4-4S idiotype therefore represents a shared idiotype of anti-Ia antibodies and provides opportunities for analysis of the idiotypes of cellular receptors for the corresponding Ia antigen

    Normal frames for non-Riemannian connections

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    The principal properties of geodesic normal coordinates are the vanishing of the connection components and first derivatives of the metric components at some point. It is well-known that these hold only at points where the connection has vanishing torsion and non-metricity. However, it is shown that normal frames, possessing the essential features of normal coordinates, can still be constructed when the connection is non-Riemannian.Comment: 4 pages, plain TeX. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    CP Violation and Arrows of Time Evolution of a Neutral KK or BB Meson from an Incoherent to a Coherent State

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    We study the evolution of a neutral KK meson prepared as an incoherent equal mixture of K0K^0 and K0ˉ\bar{K^0}. Denoting the density matrix by \rho(t) = {1/2} N(t) [\1 + \vec{\zeta}(t) \cdot \vec{\sigma} ] , the norm of the state N(t)N(t) is found to decrease monotonically from one to zero, while the magnitude of the Stokes vector ζ(t)|\vec{\zeta}(t)| increases monotonically from zero to one. This property qualifies these observables as arrows of time. Requiring monotonic behaviour of N(t)N(t) for arbitrary values of γL,γS\gamma_L, \gamma_S and Δm\Delta m yields a bound on the CP-violating overlap δ=KLKS\delta = \braket{K_L}{K_S}, which is similar to, but weaker than, the known unitarity bound. A similar requirement on ζ(t)|\vec{\zeta}(t)| yields a new bound, δ2<1/2(ΔγΔm)sinh(3π4ΔγΔm)\delta^2 < {1/2} (\frac{\Delta \gamma}{\Delta m}) \sinh (\frac{3\pi}{4} \frac{\Delta \gamma}{\Delta m}) which is particularly effective in limiting the CP-violating overlap in the B0B^0-B0ˉ\bar{B^0} system. We obtain the Stokes parameter ζ3(t)\zeta_3(t) which shows how the average strangeness of the beam evolves from zero to δ\delta. The evolution of the Stokes vector from ζ=0|\vec{\zeta}| = 0 to ζ=1|\vec{\zeta}| = 1 has a resemblance to an order parameter of a system undergoing spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Inserted conon "." in title; minor change in text. To appear in Physical review

    Spatial resolution of a GEM readout TPC using the charge dispersion signal

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    A large volume Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is being considered for the central charged particle tracker for the detector for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC). To meet the ILC-TPC spatial resolution challenge of ~100 microns with a manageable number of readout pads and channels of electronics, Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) are being developed which could use pads comparable in width to the proportional-wire/cathode-pad TPC. We have built a prototype GEM readout TPC with 2 mm x 6 mm pads using the new concept of charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode. The dependence of transverse resolution on the drift distance has been measured for small angle tracks in cosmic ray tests without a magnetic field for Ar/CO2 (90:10). The GEM-TPC resolution with charge dispersion readout is significantly better than previous measurements carried out with conventional direct charge readout techniques.Comment: 5 figures, 10 page

    How Do Nonlinear Voids Affect Light Propagation ?

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    Propagation of light in a clumpy universe is examined. As an inhomogeneous matter distribution, we take a spherical void surrounded by a dust shell where the ``lost mass'' in the void is compensated by the shell. We study how the angular-diameter distance behaves when such a structure exists. The angular-diameter distance is calculated by integrating the Raychaudhuri equation including the shear. An explicit expression for the junction condition for the massive thin shell is calculated. We apply these results to a dust shell embedded in a Friedmann universe and determine how the distance-redshift relation is modified compared with that in the purely Friedmann universe. We also study the distribution of distances in a universe filled with voids. We show that the void-filled universe gives a larger distance than the FRW universe by 5\sim 5% at z1z \sim 1 if the size of the void is 5\sim 5% of the Horizon radius.Comment: To appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. 10