17,651 research outputs found

    Convergent series for lattice models with polynomial interactions

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    The standard perturbative weak-coupling expansions in lattice models are asymptotic. The reason for this is hidden in the incorrect interchange of the summation and integration. However, substituting the Gaussian initial approximation of the perturbative expansions by a certain interacting model or regularizing original lattice integrals, one can construct desired convergent series. In this paper we develop methods, which are based on the joint and separate utilization of the regularization and new initial approximation. We prove, that the convergent series exist and can be expressed as the re-summed standard perturbation theory for any model on the finite lattice with the polynomial interaction of even degree. We discuss properties of such series and make them applicable to practical computations. The workability of the methods is demonstrated on the example of the lattice ϕ4\phi^4-model. We calculate the operator ϕn2\langle\phi_n^2\rangle using the convergent series, the comparison of the results with the Borel re-summation and Monte Carlo simulations shows a good agreement between all these methods.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    A Mathematica Package for Computing N=2 Superfield Operator Product Expansions

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    We describe a general purpose Mathematica package for computing Superfield Operator Product Expansions in meromorphic N=2N=2 superconformal field theory. Given the SOPEs for a set of ``basic" superfields, SOPEs of arbitrarily complicated composites can be computed automatically. Normal ordered products are always reduced to a standard form. It is possible to check the Jacobi identities, and to compute Poisson brackets (``classical SOPEs''). We present two explicit examples: a construction of the ``small'' N=4N=4 superconformal algebra in terms of N=2N=2 superfields, and a realisation of the N=2N=2 superconformal algebra in terms of chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. Minor corrections, particularly to Mathematica output Out[6],Out[9] in section 4. Available through anonymous ftp from ftp://euclid.tp.ph.ic.ac.uk/papers/ or on WWW at http://euclid.tp.ph.ic.ac.uk/Papers

    Solution of the Riemann problem for polarization waves in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We provide a classification of the possible flow of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates evolving from initially discontinuous profiles. We consider the situation where the dynamics can be reduced to the consideration of a single polarization mode (also denoted as "magnetic excitation") obeying a system of equations equivalent to the Landau-Lifshitz equation for an easy-plane ferro-magnet. We present the full set of one-phase periodic solutions. The corresponding Whitham modulation equations are obtained together with formulas connecting their solutions with the Riemann invariants of the modulation equations. The problem is not genuinely nonlinear, and this results in a non-single-valued mapping of the solutions of the Whitham equations with physical wave patterns as well as to the appearance of new elements --- contact dispersive shock waves --- that are absent in more standard, genuinely nonlinear situations. Our analytic results are confirmed by numerical simulations

    Charged analogue of Finch-Skea stars

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    We present solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations in spherically symmetric gravitational fields for static interior spacetimes with a specified form of the electric field intensity. The condition of pressure isotropy yields three category of solutions. The first category is expressible in terms of elementary functions and does not have an uncharged limit. The second category is given in terms of Bessel functions of half-integer order. These charged solutions satisfy a barotropic equation of state and contain Finch-Skea uncharged stars. The third category is obtained in terms of modified Bessel functions of half-integer order and does not have an uncharged limit. The physical features of the charged analogue of the Finch-Skea stars are studied in detail. In particular the condition of causality is satisfied and the speed of sound does not exceed the speed of light. The physical analysis indicates that this analogue is a realistic model for static charged relativistic perfect fluid spheres.Comment: 17 pages, To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Nonlinear Realization and Weyl Scale Invariant p=2 Brane

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    The action of Weyl scale invariant p=2 brane which breaks the target super Weyl scale symmetry in the N=1, D=4 superspace down to the lower dimensional Weyl symmetry W(1,2) is derived by the approach of nonlinear realization. The dual form action for the Weyl scale invariant supersymmetric D2 brane is also constructed. The interactions of localized matter fields on the brane with the Nambu-Goldstone fields associated with the breaking of the symmetries in the superspace and one spatial translation directions are obtained through the Cartan one-forms of the Coset structures. The covariant derivatives for the localized matter fields are also obtained by introducing Weyl gauge field as the compensating field corresponding to the local scale transformation on the brane world volume.Comment: 20 page