1,256 research outputs found

    On the Nature of the Binary Components of RX J0806.3+1527

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    We present imaging circular polarimetry and near-infrared photometry of the suspected ultra-short period white-dwarf binary RX J0806.3+1527 obtained with the ESO VLT and discuss the implications for a possible magnetic nature of the white dwarf accretor and the constraints derived for the nature of the donor star. Our V-filter data show marginally significant circular polarization with a modulation amplitude of ~0.5% typical for cyclotron emission from an accretion column in a magnetic field of order 10 MG and not compatible with a direct-impact accretor model. The optical to near-infrared flux distribution is well described by a single blackbody with temperature kT_bb = 35000 K and excludes a main-sequence stellar donor unless the binary is located several scale heights above the galactic disk population.Comment: 2 pages including 2 figures. To appear in RevMexAA(SC) Conference Series, Proc. of IAU Colloquium 194 `Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond', La Paz (Mexico), eds. G. Tovmassian & E. Sio

    Probing the accretion processes in soft X-ray selected polars

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    High-energy data of accreting white dwarfs give access to the regime of the primary accretion-induced energy release and the different proposed accretion scenarios. We perform XMM-Newton observations of polars selected due to their ROSAT hardness ratios close to -1.0 and model the emission processes in accretion column and accretion region. Our models consider the multi-temperature structure of the emission regions and are mainly determined by mass-flow density, magnetic field strength, and white-dwarf mass. To describe the full spectral energy distribution from infrared to X-rays in a physically consistent way, we include the stellar contributions and establish composite models, which will also be of relevance for future X-ray missions. We confirm the X-ray soft nature of three polars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Acta Polytechnica, Proceedings of "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects II

    No periodicity revealed for an "eclipsing" ultraluminous supersoft X-ray source in M81

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    Luminous supersoft X-ray sources found in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds are likely white dwarfs that steadily or cyclically burn accreted matter on their surface, which are promising type Ia supernova progenitors. Observations of distant galaxies with Chandra and XMM-Newton have revealed supersoft sources that are generally hotter and more luminous, including some ultraluminous supersoft sources (ULSs) that are possibly intermediate mass black holes of a few thousand solar masses. In this paper we report our X-ray spectral and timing analysis for M81-ULS1, an ultraluminous supersoft source in the nearby spiral galaxy M81. M81-ULS1 has been persistently supersoft in 17 Chandra ACIS observations spanning six years, and its spectrum can be described by either a kTbb70kT_{bb}\approx70 eV blackbody for a 1.2M\sim1.2M_\odot white dwarf, or a kTin80kT_{in} \approx 80 eV multicolor accretion disk for a 103M\gtrsim10^3M_\odot intermediate mass black hole. In two observations, the light curves exhibited dramatic flux drop/rise on time scales of 10310^3 seconds, reminiscent of eclipse ingress/egress in eclipsing X-ray binaries. However, the exhaustive search for periodicity in the reasonable range of 50 ksec to 50 days failed to reveal an orbital period. The failure to reveal any periodicity is consistent with the long period (30\ge30 yrs) predicted for this system given the optical identification of the secondary with an asymptotic giant star. Also, the eclipse-like dramatic flux changes in hours are hard to explain under the white dwarf model, but can in principle be explained by disk temperature changes induced by accretion rate variations under the intermediate mass black hole model.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, to appear in ApJ

    Multifrequency Behaviour of Polars

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    Cataclysmic variables emit over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this paper I will review observations of polars in relevant passbands obtained during the last decade and will discuss their diagnostical potential to access the physics of the main components within the binary systems. This will include a discussion of intrinsic source variability and the quest for simultaneous multi-frequency observations

    The high-field magnetic white dwarf LP 790-29: not a fast rotator

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    We have investigated the nature of the magnetic white dwarf LP 790-29 = LHS 2293 by polarimetric monitoring, searching for short-term variability. No periodicity was found and we can exclude rotation periods between 4 sec and 1.5 hour with a high confidence. Maximum amplitudes of sinusoidal variations are Delta R < 0.009 mag and Delta V_R < 0.7% for a mean value of the R-band circular polarization of V_R = +9.1+/-0.3%. Combined with earlier results by other authors, our observation suggests that LP 790-29 is, in fact, an extremely slowly rotating single white dwarf and not an unrecognized fast rotator and/or disguised cataclysmic variable.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    The high-field polar RX J1007.5-2017

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    We report optical and X-ray observations of the high-field polar RXJ1007.5-2017 performed between 1990 and 2012. It has an orbital period of 208.60 min determined from the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star in an extended low state. The spectral flux of the dM3- secondary star yields a distance of 790+-105 pc. At low accretion levels, \RX{} exhibits pronounced cyclotron emission lines. The second and third harmonic fall in the optical regime and yield a field strength in the accretion spot of 94 MG. The source is highly variable on a year-to-year basis and was encountered at visual magnitudes between V \sim 20 and V \sim 16. In the intermediate state of 1992 and 2000, the soft X-ray luminosity exceeds the sum of the luminosities of the cyclotron source, the hard X-ray source, and the accretion stream by an order of magnitude. An X-ray high state, corresponding to the brightest optical level, has apparently not been observed so far.Comment: To be published in A&