2,211 research outputs found

    Psychology Case Record

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    DIAGNOSTIC CLARIFICATION: UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA, CONTINUOUS COURSE: Apparently well prior to four years, when he returned from Singapore because he could not cope with the job there. At home he exhibited disorganized behavior like wandering about places, assaulting wife without provocation or explanation, and appearing preoccupied. He did not initiate conversation with people and did not want to work. His sleep was disturbed on most days when not on medication. PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT: SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY Mr.P.R has been married for the last 9yrs; however he is unable to have satisfying emotional and sexual relationship with his spouse. The wife describes him as person who likes to be alone, lacks in emotion and avoids sexual contact. She feels that he has odd behaviors like muttering to self and being socially withdrawn not initiating social contact with people. There are no clear symptoms of schizophrenia. He has been functioning well in his occupation. There is no history of any sleep disturbance. DIAGNOSTIC CLARIFICATION: SEVERE DEPRESSION WITHOUT PSYCHOSIS: Apparently well prior to 7 years, since then has repetitive, intrusive irrational thoughts that his body is emaciated and wasted. He would constantly look into the mirror each time he had this thoughts. He also had obsessive rumination about cricket, about how the shot could be played in different ways. Over the last 7years there has been marked decline in his scholastic performance with deterioration in self-care and episodes of assault behavior. BODERLINE MENTAL RETARDATION: Ms. S.B has had difficulty with academics since the beginning of schooling. She also had history of not persisting with tasks and needing constant supervision and prodding to complete tasks. For the last two years since the birth of her younger brother she has been noticed to be more irritable and adamant for minor problems. She is also slow to walk and takes longer to do simple tasks. There was no history of lack of social reciprocity and pronominal reversal. She continued to play with children much smaller than her age in spite her growing up. He had no sleep disturbances. No history to suggest psychosis. There was no history of seizures, loss of consciousness or altered sensorium. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT: DEMENTIA: Patient was apparently well up till 5 years back. He had been working as a police officer. Since the last 5years he had been noticed to be irritable with frequent angry outbursts. He would be very emotional and cried when speaking of subjects of spiritualism. His wife identified that he would frequently lose his belongings when he came home from duty, for the last 3years. For the last one and half year he was not able to do simple calculations while shopping and would forget the way about home. His handwriting has been gradually deteriorating over the last one year, almost illegible for the last 6months.In the last 4months he has been incontinence in urination and passing stools in inappropriate places. His sleep has been disturbed for the last 2 years

    Depressed classes Assertion in Princely Mysore - A Study

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    The princely Mysore state, which came to be called a model state by the British and Ramrajya by Mahatma Gandhi, was unique in several respects. After the Rendition of the state to the Wodeyar Kings in 1881, the Maharajas and the Dewans embarked upon developmental activities in a big way. Political and economic changes resulted in social and educational changes among the depressed classes. While the depressed classes (Dalits) in other parts of India still lived in the dark ages, the depressed classes of Mysore in the 20th century underwent a process of socio-economic transformation. This resulted in their self-assertion in bigaray. The paper focuses on this issue

    Assessment of gene action and combining ability for advancement of yield andits attributing traits in pansy (Viola × wittrockiana Gams.) through diallel mating design

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    Pansy is one of the most important bedding winter annual for sub-tropical climatic conditions. Twenty-eight F1 hybrids of pansy were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications, to study the combining ability for vegetative and floral characters. The analysis of variance indicated significant variability among all the genotypes for all the characters. The ratio of genetic component of variance indicated the equal importance of additive and non-additive gene action in governing the flower yield and its component traits of pansy. Estimates of general combining ability effects showed that parents Pa-64-1-5-14, Pa-62-4-12-18, Pa-63-1-7-25 and Pa-32-8-7-6 were good general combiners for most of the traits except stalk length and flower size. The specific combining ability effects showed that for yield traits the best cross combinations were Pa-64-1-5-14 × Pa-62-4-12-18, Pa-13-1-2-3 × Pa-47-1-3, Pa-11-1-3-7 × Pa- 62-4-12-18, Pa-64-1-5-14 × Pa-63-1-7-25 and Pa-11-1-3-7 × Pa-64-1-5-14. The study on gene effect of different characters indicated the predominance of non-additive gene effects for most of the characters. The gca variances was higher for branches number, flower size, days from bud initiation to flowering and flowers number than sca variances, indicating additive gene action, and progeny selection will be effective for the genetic improvement of these traits

    Identity-Based Proxy-Oriented Data Uploading and Remote Data Integrity Checking in Public Cloud

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    More and more clients would like to store their data to public cloud servers (PCSs) along with the rapid development of cloud computing. New security problems have to be solved in order to help more clients process their data in public cloud. When the client is restricted to access PCS, he will delegate its proxy to process his data and upload them. On the other hand, remote data integrity checking is also an important security problem in public cloud storage. It makes the clients check whether their outsourced data are kept intact without downloading the whole data. From the security problems, we propose a novel proxy-oriented data uploading and remote data integrity checking model in identity-based public key cryptography: identity-based proxy-oriented data uploading and remote data integrity checking in public cloud (ID-PUIC). We give the formal definition, system model, and security model. Then, a concrete ID-PUIC protocol is designed using the bilinear pairings. The proposed ID-PUIC protocol is provably secure based on the hardness of computational Diffie–Hellman problem. Our ID-PUIC protocol is also efficient and flexible. Based on the original client’s authorization, the proposed ID-PUIC protocol can realize private remote data integrity checking, delegated remote data integrity checking, and public remote data integrity checking

    Android Encrypted Network Traffic to Identify User Actions

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    Network forensics is a sub-branch of digital forensics relating to the monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic for the purposes of information gathering, legal evidence. Unlike other areas of digital forensics, network investigations deal with volatile and dynamic information. Network traffic is transmitted and then lost, so network forensics is often a pro-active investigation. Network forensics generally has two uses. The first, relating to security, involves monitoring a network for anomalous traffic and identifying intrusions. The second form relates to law enforcement. In this case analysis of captured network traffic can include tasks such as reassembling transferred files, searching for keywords and parsing human communication such as emails or chat sessions. Nowadays use of mobile apps to communicate with friends. Not only communication purpose it gets information about sensitive topics such as diseases, sexual or religious preferences, etc. Numerous worries have been raised about the capabilities of these portable devices to occupy the privacy of users actually becoming “tracking devices”. Above problem they influence in our work to find solution using machine learning techniques. It is used to protect the content of a packet. Our framework analyzes the network communications and leverages information available in TCP/IP packets like IP addresses and ports, together with other information like the size, the direction, and the timing. Our system, for each app they ?rst pre-process a dataset of network packets labeled with the user actions that originated them, they cluster them in ?ow typologies that represent recurrent network ?ows, and ?nally it analyze them in order to create a training set that will be used to feed a classi?er. The trained classi?er will then be able to classify new traf?c traced. Our approach results shows it accuracy and precision more than 95% for most of the considered actions

    Multiservice Delivery in Wireless Networks Management

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    A Wireless Sensor Network is a self-configuring set of connections of tiny sensor nodes communicate in the middle of themselves using radio signals, and deployed in measure to sense, observe and identify with the physical world.WSN provide a bridge between the real physical and virtual worlds. Allow the ability to observe the previously unobservable at a fine resolution over large spatiotemporal scales. A join that execute different than typical behavior (drop packets, scare routing system and save their assets by not ahead the other node packets) is identified as selfish node. The multiservice delivery between the source-destination pairs in distributed selfish wireless networks (SeWN), where selfish relay nodes (RN) expose their selfish behaviors. Research focus evaluating the trust of a node group and excluding selfish nodes for improving the network performance. In the network connectivity of selfish wireless networks (SeWNs) constituted by selfish nodes (SeNs). Source transfer the multi-service delivery to destination through Relay Node (RN). At the time of transfer, the selfish relay nodes expose their selfish behavior by doing dropping multiservice. In this environment, the network need to establish the connection between source and destination, for that source need to find the optimal path. Concept of Node selfishness management is constructed to manage the RN’sto manage the RN’s node-selfishness information (NSI). It includes the degree of node-selfishness (DeNS), the degree of intrinsic selfishness (DeIS) and the degree of extrinsic selfishness (DeES). DeNs determines in terms of RN’s historical behaviors, DeIS defines in terms of its available resources and finally DeES described by means of the employed incentive mechanism and the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. Over the spread node-selfishness administration, a path collection criterion is considered to select the most reliable and through path in terms of RNs’ DeISs precious by their accessible resources, and the optimal incentive are determined by the source to motivate forwarding multiservice of the RNs in the selected path. Simulation results show that this future model effectively manages the RNs’ NSI, and the most select path selection and the optimal incentives are determined

    Global DDoS Threat Landscape Tracking Network Anomalies using Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Devices, such as in mobile devices or RFID. In brief, ECC based algorithms can be easily comprised into existing protocols to get the same retrograde compatibility and security with lesser resources.: Recent variants of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks influence the flexibility of application-layer procedures to disguise malicious activities as normal traffic patterns, while concurrently overwhelming the target destination with a large application rate. New countermeasures are necessary, aimed at guaranteeing an early and dependable identification of the compromised network nodes (the botnet). This work familiarizes a formal model for the above-mentioned class of attacks, and we devise an implication algorithm that estimates the botnet hidden in the network, converging to the true solution as time developments. Notably, the analysis is validated over real network traces. An important building block for digital communication is the Public-key cryptography systems. Public-Key cryptography (PKC) systems can be used to provide secure substructures over insecure channels without swapping a secret key. Applying Public-Key cryptography organizations is a challenge for most submission stages when several factors have to be considered in selecting the application platform. The most popular public-key cryptography systems nowadays are RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The compensations can be achieved from smaller key sizes including storing, speed and efficient use of power and bandwidth. The use of shorter keys means lower space necessities for key storage and quicker calculation operations. These advantages are essential when public-key cryptography is applied in constrained

    Impact of Organized Retailing on the Informal Retailing of Select Organizations in Bangalore

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    The Retail sectors have become one of the most dynamic growing sectors in recent times. Retailing has always been an integral part of economic development. Nations with strong retail activity have enjoyed greater economic and social progress. It contributes to the development by matching the individual requirements of the population with the producers and suppliers of merchandise. This study focuses on the growth & development of retail sector. And business practices adopted by Retailing and its impact on informal organizations. This research paper is analytical and empirical in nature. Findings of the study is the highest Pearson correlation value is between ‘Ethical practices’ and ‘Overall Importance Factors in Retail’ and the lowest Pearson correlation value is between ‘Price’ and ‘Overall Importance Factors in Retail

    E-Mail Security Using Spam Mail Detection and Filtering System

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    Electronic mail, also known as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Email is the most efficient way to communicate or transfer our data from one to another. While transferring or communicating through email there is the possibility of misbehave. In the existing system Spam method is used to avoid the unwanted Email receiving. Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. But in Spam method there is no way to prevent the unwanted messages or Email receiving. To solve these unwanted messages or Email receiving we propose the concept Email misbehave blocking system. In the proposed method we permanently prevent the incoming unwanted messages or Email through blocking system