34 research outputs found
Optical precursors in transparent media
We theoretically study the linear propagation of a stepwise pulse through a
dilute dispersive medium when the frequency of the optical carrier coincides
with the center of a natural or electromagnetically induced transparency window
of the medium (slow-light systems). We obtain fully analytical expressions of
the entirety of the step response and show that, for parameters representative
of real experiments, Sommerfeld-Brillouin precursors, main field and second
precursors "postcursors" can be distinctly observed, all with amplitudes
comparable to that of the incident step. This behavior strongly contrasts with
that of the systems generally considered up to now
Correlated photon pairs generated from a warm atomic ensemble
We present measurements of the cross-correlation function of photon pairs at
780 nm and 1367 nm, generated in a hot rubidium vapor cell. The temporal
character of the biphoton is determined by the dispersive properties of the
medium where the pair generation takes place. We show that short correlation
times occur for optically thick samples, which can be understood in terms of
off-resonant pair generation. By modifying the linear response of the sample,
we produce near-resonant photon pairs, which could in principle be used for
entanglement distribution
Soliton absorption spectroscopy
We analyze optical soliton propagation in the presence of weak absorption
lines with much narrower linewidths as compared to the soliton spectrum width
using the novel perturbation analysis technique based on an integral
representation in the spectral domain. The stable soliton acquires spectral
modulation that follows the associated index of refraction of the absorber. The
model can be applied to ordinary soliton propagation and to an absorber inside
a passively modelocked laser. In the latter case, a comparison with water vapor
absorption in a femtosecond Cr:ZnSe laser yields a very good agreement with
experiment. Compared to the conventional absorption measurement in a cell of
the same length, the signal is increased by an order of magnitude. The obtained
analytical expressions allow further improving of the sensitivity and
spectroscopic accuracy making the soliton absorption spectroscopy a promising
novel measurement technique.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures
Optical analog of Rabi oscillation suppression due to atomic motion
The Rabi oscillations of a two-level atom illuminated by a laser on resonance
with the atomic transition may be suppressed by the atomic motion through
averaging or filtering mechanisms. The optical analogs of these velocity
effects are described. The two atomic levels correspond in the optical analogy
to orthogonal polarizations of light and the Rabi oscillations to polarization
oscillations in a medium which is optically active, naturally or due to a
magnetic field. In the later case, the two orthogonal polarizations could be
selected by choosing the orientation of the magnetic field, and one of them be
filtered out. It is argued that the time-dependent optical polarization
oscillations or their suppression are observable with current technology.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
Time dependence of evanescent quantum waves
The time dependence of quantum evanescent waves generated by a point source
with an infinite or a limited frequency band is analyzed. The evanescent wave
is characterized by a forerunner (transient) related to the precise way the
source is switched on. It is followed by an asymptotic, monochromatic wave
which at long times reveals the oscillation frequency of the source. For a
source with a sharp onset the forerunner is exponentially larger than the
monochromatic solution and a transition from the transient regime to the
asymtotic regime occurs only at asymptotically large times. In this case, the
traversal time for tunneling plays already a role only in the transient regime.
To enhance the monochromatic solution compared to the forerunner we investigate
(a) frequency band limited sources and (b) the short time Fourier analysis (the
spectrogram) corresponding to a detector which is frequency band limited.
Neither of these two methods leads to a precise determination of the traversal
time. However, if they are limited to determine the traversal time only with a
precision of the traversal time itself both methods are successful: In this
case the transient behavior of the evanescent waves is at a time of the order
of the traversal time followed by a monochromatic wave which reveals the
frequency of the source.Comment: 16 text pages and 9 postscript figure
Modulation Instability of Ultrashort Pulses in Quadratic Nonlinear Media beyond the Slowly Varying Envelope Approximation
We report a modulational instability (MI) analysis of a mathematical model
appropriate for ultrashort pulses in cascaded quadratic-cubic nonlinear media
beyond the so-called slowly varying envelope approximation. Theoretically
predicted MI properties are found to be in good agreement with numerical
simulation. The study shows the possibility of controlling the generation of MI
and formation of solitons in a cascaded quadratic-cubic media in the few cycle
regimes. We also find that stable propagation of soliton-like few-cycle pulses
in the medium is subject to the fulfilment of the modulation instability
Fresnel polarisation of infra-red radiation by elemental bismuth
We revisit the classical problem of electromagnetic wave refraction from a lossless dielectric to a lossy conductor, where both media are considered to be non-magnetic, linear, isotropic and homogeneous. We derive the Fresnel coefficients of the system and the Poynting vectors at the interface, in order to compute the reflectance and transmittance of the system. We use a particular parametrisation of the referred Fresnel coefficients so as to make a connection with the ones obtained for refraction by an interface between two lossless media. This analysis allows the discussion of an actual application, namely the Fresnel polarisation of infra-red radiation by elemental bismuth, based on the concept of pseudo Brewster’s angle.We acknowledge helpful discussions with M. Vasilevskiy, P. Alpuim, J. Caridad and B. Figueiredo. The authors thank the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) [under the Project GNESIS -Graphenest's New Engineered System and its Implementation Solutions; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033566], European Regional Development Fund. This work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2019
Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications
In this chapter, we review recent advances in generating narrowband biphotons
with long coherence time using spontaneous parametric interaction in monolithic
cavity with cluster effect as well as in cold atoms with electromagnetically
induced transparency. Engineering and manipulating the temporal waveforms of
these long biphotons provide efficient means for controlling light-matter
quantum interaction at the single-photon level. We also review recent
experiments using temporally long biphotons and single photons.Comment: to appear as a book chapter in a compilation "Engineering the
Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A.
Predojevic and M. W. Mitchel