9 research outputs found

    Показатели клеточного и гуморального иммунного ответа

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    The data of the comparative analysis of separate parameters of cell and humoral chains of immune response in patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by eosinophilia has been presented in the article.With involving contemporary immunological methods of research, it has been stated that tuberculosis infection in combination with eosinophilic blood reaction is accompanied by marked cytokine imbalance, characterized by increase in the concentration of IL-5 (mediator with anti-inflammatory activity) in blood serum against the background of low serum level of the key anti-tuberculosis cytokine — IFN-γ.Представлены данные сравнительного анализа отдельных параметров клеточного и гуморального звена иммунного ответа у больных туберкулезом легких, сопровождающимся эозинофилией и без эозинофилии.С привлечением современных иммунологических методов исследования установлено, что туберкулезная инфекция в сочетании с эозинофильной реакцией крови сопровождается выраженным дисбалансом цитокинов, характеризующимся увеличением концентрации интерлейкина-5 (медиатора с противовоспалительной активностью) в сыворотке крови на фоне низкого сывороточного уровня ключевого противотуберкулезного цитокина — интерферона-γ

    The role of polymorphism of genes IL5 (–703) and IL5RA (–80) in formation of blood eosinophilia under pulmonary tuberculosis

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    With attracting contemporary molecular-genetic and immunological research methods, the article analyses etiopathogenetical factors of formation of eosinophilic blood reaction under pulmonary tuberculosis. It has been established that blood eosinophilia under pulmonary tuberculosis is reactive, mediated by hypersecretion, blood cells of IL-5-key eosinophil-activating mediator as well as excessive expression of IL-5R on the membrane of eosinophilic granulocytes. Besides, susceptibility to the emergence of eosinophilic blood reaction under tubercular infection is associated with the homozygous genotype CC and allele C of the polymorphic region C-703 T of the gene IL5 as well as with allele A and genotype AA of the polymorphic region G-80 A of the gene IL5RA

    Indicators of cell and humoral immune response under pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by eosinophilia

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    The data of the comparative analysis of separate parameters of cell and humoral chains of immune response in patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis accompanied by eosinophilia has been presented in the article.With involving contemporary immunological methods of research, it has been stated that tuberculosis infection in combination with eosinophilic blood reaction is accompanied by marked cytokine imbalance, characterized by increase in the concentration of IL-5 (mediator with anti-inflammatory activity) in blood serum against the background of low serum level of the key anti-tuberculosis cytokine — IFN-γ


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    In present work, some immunogenetic aspects of pulmonary tuberculosis were studied, using modern techniques from molecular genetics and immunology. It is shown that carriage of Т allele and homozygous TT genotype in +874А/Т IFNγ gene polymorphism comprise a immunogenetic factor which correlated with a protective effect, regarding a susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis. Predisposition for tuberculosis infection is associated with A allele of this gene, as well as with АА and АТ genotypes of +874A/T IFNγ gene. Clinical evolution of pulmonary tuberculosis is accompanied by increase in IFNγ production