1,493 research outputs found

    Design and Assessment of an Interactive Digital Tutorial for Undergraduate-Level Sandstone Petrology

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    This study describes the goals, features and effectiveness of a digital interactive tutorial which was created to provide undergraduates a 'virtual microscope' resource for learning sandstone petrology. The goal of the tutorial is to provide students exposure to the highly visual subject matter of petrography outside the confines of organized laboratory exercises. The hope is that widespread use of such digital interactive formats will allow students to gain high levels of expertise with description and interpretation of earth materials despite the reduced amounts of hands-on laboratory practice that are allowed by modern curricula. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Flux Jumping and a Bulk-to-Granular Transition in the Magnetization of a Compacted and Sintered MgB2 Superconductor

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    The recent discovery of intermediate-temperature superconductivity (ITC) in MgB2 by Akimitsu et al. and its almost simultaneous explanation in terms of a hole-carrier-based pairing mechanism by Hirsch, has triggered an avalanche of studies of its structural, magnetic and transport properties. As a further contribution to the field we report the results of field (H) and temperature (T) dependent magnetization (M) measurements of a pellet of uniform, large-grain sintered MgB2. We show that at low temperatures the size of the pellet and its critical current density, Jc(H) - i.e. its M(H) - ensure low field flux jumping, which of course ceases when M(H) drops below a critical value. With further increase of H and T the individual grains decouple and the M(H) loops drop to lower lying branches, unresolved in the usual full M(H) representation. After taking into account the sample size and grain size, respectively, the bulk sample and the grains were deduced to exhibit the same magnetically determined Jc s (e.g. 105 A/cm2, 20 K, 0T) and hence that for each temperature of measurement Jc(H) decreased monotonically with H over the entire field range, except for a gap within the grain-decoupling zone.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Changes: Fig 6 Vertical scale an order of magnitude out (changed figure and associated text). Also corrected typo in last sectio


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    Justifications usually given for adopting an automated system pertain to a reduction in labor and an improvement in quality control. A manufacturer of a prototype instrument that automated some of the steps for culturing bacteria wanted to compare the automated system to the manual system. The manufacturer wanted to compare the two systems in 1) Total time needed to isolate the target bacteria, 2) Ability to isolate the target bacteria, 3) Amount of interference from background (non-target) bacterial growth, and 1) Extent of cross (sample to sample) contamination. This paper presents the experimental design used to make these comparisons and how the design helped discover some surprising results about laboratory quality control. The experiment presented illustrates the importance of a good experimental design, the power of current statistical tools, and that a thorough and appropriate analysis of a data set requires side-by-side good detective work by both statistician and client

    Design Considerations for Efficient and Effective Microarray Studies

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    This paper describes the theoretical and practical issues in experimental design for gene expression microarrays. Specifically, this paper (1) discusses the basic principles of design (randomization, replication, and blocking) as they pertain to microarrays, and (2) provides some general guidelines for statisticians designing microarray studies

    Anisotropic Transport of Quantum Hall Meron-Pair Excitations

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    Double-layer quantum Hall systems at total filling factor νT=1\nu_T=1 can exhibit a commensurate-incommensurate phase transition driven by a magnetic field B∥B_{\parallel} oriented parallel to the layers. Within the commensurate phase, the lowest charge excitations are believed to be linearly-confined Meron pairs, which are energetically favored to align with B∥B_{\parallel}. In order to investigate this interesting object, we propose a gated double-layer Hall bar experiment in which B∥B_{\parallel} can be rotated with respect to the direction of a constriction. We demonstrate the strong angle-dependent transport due to the anisotropic nature of linearly-confined Meron pairs and discuss how it would be manifested in experiment.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 postscript figure

    Electron-phonon interactions on a single-branch quantum Hall edge

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    We consider the effect of electron-phonon interactions on edge states in quantum Hall systems with a single edge branch. The presence of electron-phonon interactions modifies the single-particle propagator for general quantum Hall edges, and, in particular, destroys the Fermi liquid even at integer filling. The effect of the electron-phonon interactions may be detected experimentally in the AC conductance or in the tunneling conductance between integer quantum Hall edges.Comment: 9 pages (revtex) + one postscript file with 2 figures. A complete postscript file with all figures + text (5 pages) is available from http://FY.CHALMERS.SE/~eggert/fqh.ps or by request from [email protected]

    Low-temperature behavior of a Magnetic Impurity in a Heisenberg Chain

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    Using the bosonization technique, we have studied a spin-1/2 magnetic impurity in Heisenberg chain, and shown that the impurity specific heat and spin susceptibility have an anomalous temperature dependence.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, no figure, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Anomalous Exponent of the Spin Correlation Function of a Quantum Hall Edge

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    The charge and spin correlation functions of partially spin-polarized edge electrons of a quantum Hall bar are studied using effective Hamiltonian and bosonization techniques. In the presence of the Coulomb interaction between the edges with opposite chirality we find a different crossover behavior in spin and charge correlation functions. The crossover of the spin correlation function in the Coulomb dominated regime is characterized by an anomalous exponent, which originates from the finite value of the effective interaction for the spin degree of freedom in the long wavelength limit. The anomalous exponent may be determined by measuring nuclear spin relaxation rates in a narrow quantum Hall bar or in a quantum wire in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex file, no figures. To appear in Physical Revews B, Rapid communication

    Anomalous tunneling conductances of a spin singlet \nu=2/3 edge states: Interplay of Zeeman splitting and Long Range Coulomb Interaction

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    The point contact tunneling conductance between edges of the spin singlet ν=2/3,K^=(3/3/0)\nu=2/3,\hat{K}=(3/3/0) quantum Hall states is studied both in the quasiparticle tunneling picture and in the electron tunneling picture. Due to the interplay of Zeeman splitting and the long range Coulomb interaction between edges of opposite chirality novel spin excitations emerge, and their effect is characterized by anomalous exponents of the charge and spin tunneling conductances in various temperature ranges. Depending on the kinds of scatterings at the point contact and the tunneling mechanism the anomalous interaction in spin sector may enhance or suppress the tunneling conductances. The effects of novel spin excitation are also relevant to the recent NMR experiments on quantum Hall edges.Comment: Revtex File, 7 pages: To be published in Physical Reviews
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