35 research outputs found


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    Today the development of computers and technology are so rapidly, use is no longer limited to companies or large institutions and capable only. Many companies or institutions, whether large or small, government or private use computers as a means to improve the effectiveness of work. Practice with a specialist is a practice that is more than one medical specialist working in public health services. It required that if a system can improve effectiveness and efficiency of work. In addition, many clinics still use manual way to record all patient health data, so that the patient's health data is difficult to control and lead to human error can not provide accurate information. So far in terms of patient health data records as well as the purchase and sale of drugs at the pharmacy took place manually, thus affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of work, so that service to the patient becomes very slow. In this final task, the author tries to apply the concept of an integrated information system to manage patient data, physician data, transaction data, and pharmacy data on drugs with the help of computers, since the patient came for treatment, drug supply data collection (inventory), the patient care, until the printing of reports required for decision-making and maintenance of the database. With this system, time constraints can be overcome. Iterative process can be done quickly. Also in its application, is expected not happening is due to constraints in the formulation of this system refers to the patient care system as a whole. So time to get the necessary information can be done in a timely and accurate. This application is designed to make patient data recording, the recording of transactions pharmacies, doctor's examination, the patient's health records, users, reports, and exit which allows the user to run this application. Key words : JSP, Practice with all Specialist, MySQ


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    News is an important role in human life. Because people always require information, person can access the news through various media, including: print media, electronic media, and Internet media. Most people want a piece of news can be accessed anywhere and anytime, then arose an idea how to make the news becomes portable.In this final project, will develop a server application responsible for crawling and manage news, News was addressed to the mobile user such as a cell phone. The aim of this project which provides convenience for mobile phone users to get the latest news from the site on the internet news provider. By utilizing the RSS feature of the site, the system will get the latest news from the site. Then look for the complete news by taking the content page in the link results RSS document. News that is still embedded in HTML documents will be separated by using RegEx or Regular Expression. Then the news is categorized by using text mining and correlation analysis. The calculation of the correlation, which becomes variable is the news and categories of documents that have been provided by the system. Then stored into the database which will be accessed by a WML server The expected result is the news access to the WML server with load data faster than with direct access to the original site. And categorization of news with an error rate of 20 to 30%. Keywords: news, rss, regex, text mining, correlation analysis, wml


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    ABSTRACT Science is very important for the kids, and even a must-have and learned early to child growth and development can become a better generation. Science is given, among other animals, plants, shapes and colors. One method of delivery of content is using computer games and mobile phones. So that children can get pleasure and education of educational games. In this final project, created RPG (Role Playing Game) which contains about science everyday, especially for children ages three to seven years. The educational gaming software has been designed using Netbeans. This game and the game contains material about everyday science with a series of adventure stories that must be passed through to the finish. At the beginning of the adventure, players are given material form of images and then go through the questions in the form of the game. Materials submitted in the form of levels or levels, ie, there are five levels in accordance with the child's age 3-5 years and 6-7 years. While the questions on the game when diijawab correctly, it will add value to the player, otherwise if false it will reduce the chance of playing. So that at the end of the game will display ratings or Top Score. Keywords : Science, RPG (Role Playing Game), children aged 3-7 years, NetBeans IDE 6.9 M1, J2Me

    Text Mining Untuk Pencarian Dokumen Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Suffix Tree Clustering

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    A search of the collection of documents generally provide excerpts of the documents are arranged according to rank matches in a long list. Not infrequently a search result in tens and even hundreds of fragments of documents that caused a user to scroll the screen up and down (scrolling) to examine the documents snippet one by one. This situation causes a user is having difficulty in determining which documents relevant to the topic he wants. In this Final Project developed an application web-based document segmentation with suffix tree clustering method. The basic concept of this method is to classify documents in the search results to form groups or clusters based on words or phrases contained in these documents. The application requires the search input and output will result in clusters containing the corresponding documents. This cluster can be stratified depending on the word or phrase that might be distinguished on the same parent cluster. Clusters generated is displayed to the user. Then on the last cluster is selected will display a collection of documents, each consisting of the title and snippet of the document. With this method expected results would be easier to trace. Keywords : text mining, suffix tree, suffix tree clustering, the grouping of documents

    Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Bahan Bangunan Berbasis Web

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    Pertimbangan atau pemikiran tentang strategi untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan bangunan harus mulai dilakukan sejak proses perencanaan dan perancangan. Dalam perencanaan dan perancangan pembangunan haruslah di pikirkan juga tentang bahan-bahan bangunan yang di perlukan serta biaya yang di perlukan. Dengan adanya sistem informasi perhitungan bahan bangunan ini diharapakan dapat membantu lainnya,pemilihan bahan-bahan bangunan serta menentukan jumlah biaya yang akan di keluarkan dalam membangun rumah atau bangunan lainnya. Kata Kunci : system informasi,perhitungan bahan bangunan,bahan banguna


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    ABSTRACT Computer and mobile technology these days is continously much contributing to human life, especially in medical world. Tradisional medication is one of the alternative to treat a kind desease. It is so beneficial if combination of computer technology and mobile technology succeeded in identification a general desease possibility which is experienced and giving a treatment solution through tradisional medication. In this application programme design asking an input from handphone about the user�s desease complain while the output issued by the computer server is about desease posibility experienced by the user together with the other alternative of tradisional medication instructed for every desease possibility as well as the usage of that herbal medicine. From the examination which has been done resulting a conclusion that this knowledge based system application give posibilities along with the alternative of tradisional medication instructed for every deseas posibility as well as the usage of that herbal medicine. Keyword : Knowledge Based System, General Deseas, Tradisional Medication, Mobile Technology


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    Final project is one of duties that have to be done by university college student, especially in PENS-ITS, as a condition to graduate. But, there are many students that get difficulties in finishing their final project. That can be caused by their capability on final project specification that they're working on. So that, it's needed an application that can help students to determine their final project specification based on their capability. This Final Project discuss about fuzzy methods to determine Final Project specification for student of Informatics Engineering PENS-ITS based on their interest and ?lectures? values. Each specification has lectures itself and those lectures that will be the attributes of the data in this system. Fuzzy method used is the Fuzzy Sugeno. Fuzzy methods are used to perform fuzzification of data that formed the membership value. Membership value is performed or the determination of rules of inferenci. Inference is to find the highest value of the fuzzification process. Composition process is a combination of the outputs of all rules or inference. The result of the composition and then perform defuzzification process data. Defuzzification is the final process that uses max method by taking the highest index will be chosen field of TA. This application was built using PHP and implemented in a web form that can be easily accessed by the user. Aplication can help students determine areas of study TA base on values and interests with the results of studies in the field recommend.Test data generation D4 2006 0:44 percentage of appropriate and inappropriate 0:56 and 0:53 D4 force in 2007 the percentage of appropriate and inappropriate 0:47. Keyword: Fuzzy Sugeno, fuzzification, Defuzzification, Inference, Composition, PHP


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    Kebutuhan informasi jalur menuju daerah wisata sangatlah penting bagi masyarakat atau wisatawan luar. Terutama untuk wisatawan luar yang berkendara sendiri atau menggunakan fasilitas angkutan umum untuk berpergian atau untuk sampai ke tempat tujuan. Bagi wisatawan yang pada umumnya belum mengenal suatu daerah yang dikunjunginya, banyak hal yang menyulitkan mereka untuk memperoleh informasi jalur yang tepat untuk dilewati. Tak dapat dihindari mereka akan di pusingkan karena banyaknya jalan dan rumitnya lalu lintas kota Surabaya. Jauh dekat tempat pariwisata bergantung pada jalan yang dilewatinya, demikian juga dengan banyak sedikitnya biaya yang dikeluarkan bergantung pada jalur dan fasilitas transportasi yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu dibuat Aplikasi pencarian jalur alternatif jalur Surabaya untuk melengkapi Sistem Pariwisata Berorientasi pada adaptle budget di kota Surabaya. Aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa JSP(Java Server Path) dengan database PosgreSQL untuk menyimpan data. Pemberian altenatif jalur bukan hanya ditinjau dari jaraknya saja, tetapi juga keramaian jalan dan kondisi jalan tersebut karena dalam menghitung minimum biaya keramaian jalan dan kondisi jalan juga mempengaruhi biaya transportasinya. Hal tersebutlah yang nantinya menggunakan metode fuzzy untuk menghasilkan sebuah nilai yang kemudian dijadikan bobot di dalam algoritma djikstra untuk pencarian jalur alternatifnya. Hasil dari aplikasi ini mampu memberikan alternatif kepada wisatawan untuk memilih jalur perjalanan yang diminati dengan biaya paling minimal. Wisatawan mudah untuk melakukan penelusuran jalur sesuai alternatif yang dimiliki berdasarkan pergerakan thread pada peta 2 dimensi. Alternatif angkutan umum dapat memberikan informasi perpotongan jalur oper ke angkutan lain jika diperlukan. Kata kunci : Pariwisata,Ttravel Online,Pencarian Jalur, JSP, Postgre, Fuzzy, Djikstr

    Degenerative Scoliosis: a Case Report

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    Background: Scoliosis in adults is a spinal deformity in adult patients with a Cobb angle of more than 10° in the coronal plane. Degenerative scoliosis is a term used for the presence of spinal coronal deviation in the elderly population due to segment degeneration. This case report presents a quite different management option, namely applying intraoperative vertebral correction to the subject. The operative procedure carried out on the patient has experienced success as indicated by improvement in symptoms and curve progressiveness in patients.Case: A patient suffers degenerative scoliosis at Surabaya RKZ Hospital. Data is taken from medical records, patient clinical records, home visits, and physical examination of patients.Discussion: From the results of the post op clinical examination, it was found that pain complaints improved compared to pre-op complaints. From the results of the post op radiological examination, the position of fixation was good, there was no spondylolisthesis, lumbar dextroscoliosis (+), lumbar spondylosis (+), drain tip as high as Th12-L1.Conclusion: Giving operative management can directly improve the patient\u27s quality of life and reduce symptoms experienced in a shorter time