569 research outputs found

    Effective action for the Regge processes in gravity

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    It is shown, that the effective action for the reggeized graviton interactions can be formulated in terms of the reggeon fields A++A^{++} and AA^{--} and the metric tensor gμνg_{\mu \nu} in such a way, that it is local in the rapidity space and has the property of general covariance. The corresponding effective currents jj^{-} and j+j^{+} satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a massless particle moving in the gravitational field. These currents are calculated explicitly for the shock wave-like fields and a variation principle for them is formulated. As an application, we reproduce the effective lagrangian for the multi-regge processes in gravity together with the graviton Regge trajectory in the leading logarithmic approximation with taking into account supersymmetric contributions.Comment: 39 page

    Diffractive J/ΨJ/\Psi photoproduction at large momentum transfer in coherent hadron - hadron interactions at CERN LHC

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    The vector meson production in coherent hadron-hadron interactions at LHC energies is studied assuming that the color singlet tt-channel exchange carries large momentum transfer. We consider the non-forward solution of the BFKL equation at high energy and large momentum transfer and estimate the rapidity distribution and total cross section for the process h1h2h1J/ΨXh_1 h_2 \to h_1 J/\Psi X, where hih_i can be a proton or a nucleus. We predict large rates, which implies that the experimental identification can be feasible at the LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Integrable spin chains and scattering amplitudes

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    In this review we show that the multi-particle scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM at large Nc and in the multi-Regge kinematics for some physical regions have the high energy behavior appearing from the contribution of the Mandelstam cuts in the complex angular momentum plane of the corresponding t-channel partial waves. These Mandelstam cuts or Regge cuts are resulting from gluon composite states in the adjoint representation of the gauge group SU(Nc). In the leading logarithmic approximation (LLA) their contribution to the six point amplitude is in full agreement with the known two-loop result. The Hamiltonian for the Mandelstam states constructed from n gluons in LLA coincides with the local Hamiltonian of an integrable open spin chain. We construct the corresponding wave functions using the integrals of motion and the Baxter-Sklyanin approach.Comment: Invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", R. Roiban(ed), M. Spradlin(ed), A. Volovich (ed

    Double diffractive meson production and the BFKL Pomeron at e+ee^+e^- colliders

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    In this Letter we study the double diffractive vector meson production in e+ee^+e^- collisions assuming the dominance of the BFKL pomeron exchange. We consider the non-forward solution of the BFKL equation at high energy and large momentum transfer and estimate the total cross section for the process e+ee+eV1V2e^+e^- \to e^+e^- V_1 V_2 with antitagged e+e^+ and ee^-, where V1V_1 and V2V_2 can be any two vector mesons (Vi=ρ,ω,ϕ,J/Ψ,ΥV_i = \rho, \omega, \phi, J/\Psi, \Upsilon). The event rates for the future linear colliders are given.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, Version to be published in Physical Review

    Baxter's Q-operator for the homogeneous XXX spin chain

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    Applying the Pasquier-Gaudin procedure we construct the Baxter's Q-operator for the homogeneous XXX model as integral operator in standard representation of SL(2). The connection between Q-operator and local Hamiltonians is discussed. It is shown that operator of Lipatov's duality symmetry arises naturally as leading term of the asymptotic expansion of Q-operator for large values of spectral parameter.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    Vertical thermal structure of the Venus atmosphere from temperature and pressure measurements

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    Accurate temperature and pressure measurements were made on the Vega-2 lander during its entire descent. The temperature and pressure at the surface were 733 K and 89.3 bar, respectively. A strong temperature inversion was found in the upper troposphere. Several layers with differing static stability were visible in the atmospheric structure

    Prompt photon and associated heavy quark production at hadron colliders with kt-factorization

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    In the framework of the kt-factorization approach, the production of prompt photons in association with a heavy (charm or beauty) quarks at high energies is studied. The consideration is based on the O(\alpha \alpha_s^2) off-shell amplitudes of gluon-gluon fusion and quark-(anti)quark interaction subprocesses. The unintegrated parton densities in a proton are determined using the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. The analysis covers the total and differential cross sections and extends to specific angular correlations between the produced prompt photons and muons originating from the semileptonic decays of associated heavy quarks. Theoretical uncertainties of our evaluations are studied and comparison with the results of standard NLO pQCD calculations is performed. Our numerical predictions are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the D0 and CDF collaborations at the Tevatron. Finally, we extend our results to LHC energies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Next-to-Leading Order Hard Scattering Using Fully Unintegrated Parton Distribution Functions

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    We calculate the next-to-leading order fully unintegrated hard scattering coefficient for unpolarized gluon-induced deep inelastic scattering using the logical framework of parton correlation functions developed in previous work. In our approach, exact four-momentum conservation is maintained throughout the calculation. Hence, all non-perturbative functions, like parton distribution functions, depend on all components of parton four-momentum. In contrast to the usual collinear factorization approach where the hard scattering coefficient involves generalized functions (such as Dirac δ\delta-functions), the fully unintegrated hard scattering coefficient is an ordinary function. Gluon-induced deep inelastic scattering provides a simple illustration of the application of the fully unintegrated factorization formalism with a non-trivial hard scattering coefficient, applied to a phenomenologically interesting case. Furthermore, the gluon-induced process allows for a parameterization of the fully unintegrated gluon distribution function.Comment: 22 pages, Typos Fixed, Reference Added, Minor Clarification Adde

    Rapidity Gap Events in Squark Pair Production at the LHC

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    The exchange of electroweak gauginos in the tt- or uu-channel allows squark pair production at hadron colliders without color exchange between the squarks. This can give rise to events where little or no energy is deposited in the detector between the squark decay products. We discuss the potential for detection of such rapidity gap events at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Our numerical analysis is divided into two parts. First, we evaluate in a simplified framework the rapidity gap signal at the parton level. The second part covers an analysis with full event simulation using PYTHIA as well as Herwig++, but without detector simulation. We analyze the transverse energy deposited between the jets from squark decay, as well as the probability of finding a third jet in between the two hardest jets. For the mSUGRA benchmark point SPS1a we find statistically significant evidence for a color singlet exchange contribution. The systematical differences between current versions of PYTHIA and HERWIG++ are larger than the physical effect from color singlet exchange; however, these systematic differences could be reduced by tuning both Monte Carlo generators on normal QCD di--jet data.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure