269 research outputs found

    Effective Action and Measure in Matrix Model of IIB Superstrings

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    We calculate an effective action and measure induced by the integration over the auxiliary field in the matrix model recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. It is shown that the measure of integration over the auxiliary matrix is uniquely determined by locality and reparametrization invariance of the resulting effective action. The large--NN limit of the induced measure for string coordinates is discussed in detail. It is found to be ultralocal and, thus, possibly is irrelevant in the continuum limit. The model of the GKM type is considered in relation to the effective action problem.Comment: 9pp., Latex; v2: the discussion of the large N limit of the induced measure is substantially expande

    Bistable and dynamic states of parametrically excited ultrasound in a fluid-filled cavity

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    In this paper we have considered the problem of parametric sound generation in an acoustic resonator flled with a fluid, taking explicitely into account the influence of the nonlinearly generated second harmonic. A simple model is presented, and its stationary solutions obtained. The main feature of these solutions is the appearance of bistable states of the fundamental field resulting from the coupling to the second harmonic. An experimental setup was designed to check the predictions of the theory. The results are consistent with the predicted values for the mode amplitudes and parametric thresholds. At higher driving values a self-modulation of the amplitudes is observed. We identify this phenomenon with a secondary instability previously reported in the frame of the theoretical model.Comment: 5 figures. Submitted to JAS

    Exact Solution of the One-Dimensional Non-Abelian Coulomb Gas at Large N

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    The problem of computing the thermodynamic properties of a one-dimensional gas of particles which transform in the adjoint representation of the gauge group and interact through non-Abelian electric fields is formulated and solved in the large NN limit. The explicit solution exhibits a first order confinement-deconfinement phase transition with computable properties and describes two dimensional adjoint QCD in the limit where matter field masses are large.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Bethe Ansatz for a Quantum Supercoset Sigma Model

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    We study an integrable conformal OSp(2m + 2|2m) supercoset model as an analog to the AdS_5 X S^5 superstring world-sheet theory. Using the known S-matrix for this system, we obtain integral equations for states of large particle density in an SU(2) sector, which are exact in the sigma model coupling constant. As a check, we derive as a limit the general classical Bethe equation of Kazakov, Marshakov, Minahan, and Zarembo. There are two distinct quantum expansions around the well-studied classical limit, the lambda^{-1/2} effects and the 1/J effects. Our approach captures the first type, but not the second.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, v2: references adde

    Laser-Generated Ultrasonic Beams

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    Now, it is well known that when the radiation from a high-power laser (a Q-switched laser) is focused onto a specimen, very large stresses are generated within the specimen primarily by thermo-elastic means as well as others. Generally, in this focused configuration, damage results. 11 Damage 11 is a bad word in the context of this workshop, so consequently we were concerned with harnessing this potential for lasers to generate large stress waves and thereby produce a stress wave of a more useful nature. In particular, we wanted to generate plane compressive stress pulses and sinusoidal wave trains to be used in subsequent wave propagation experiments from a nondestructive point of view. These waves may be used wherever a compressive stress pulse or a sinusoidal wave train with a very large amplitude might be needed. In particular, they may be used for flaw detection through materials that might be very dissipative where signals from piezoelectric crystals might not get through

    Fine Structure of String Spectrum in AdS(5)xS(5)

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    The spectrum of an infinite spinning string in AdS(5) does not precisely match the spectrum of dual gauge theory operators, interpolated to the strong coupling regime with the help of Bethe-ansatz equations. We show that the mismatch is due to interactions in the string sigma-model which cannot be neglected even at asymptotically large 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; v2: IR safety conditions spelled out more precisely; v3: eq. (14) correcte

    Correlation functions, null polygonal Wilson loops, and local operators

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    We consider the ratio of the correlation function of n+1 local operators over the correlator of the first n of these operators in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, and consider the limit where the first n operators become pairwise null separated. By studying the problem in twistor space, we prove that this is equivalent to the correlator of a n-cusp null polygonal Wilson loop with the remaining operator in general position, normalized by the expectation value of the Wilson loop itself, as recently conjectured by Alday, Buchbinder and Tseytlin. Twistor methods also provide a BCFW-like recursion relation for such correlators. Finally, we study the natural extension where n operators become pairwise null separated with k operators in general position. As an example, we perform an analysis of the resulting correlator for k=2 and discuss some of the difficulties associated to fixing the correlator completely in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. v2: typos corrected and references added; v3: published versio

    Wilson line correlators in two-dimensional noncommutative Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the correlator of two parallel Wilson lines in two-dimensional noncommutative Yang-Mills theory, following two different approaches. We first consider a perturbative expansion in the large-N limit and resum all planar diagrams. The second approach is non-perturbative: we exploit the Morita equivalence, mapping the two open lines on the noncommutative torus (which eventually gets decompacted) in two closed Wilson loops winding around the dual commutative torus. Planarity allows us to single out a suitable region of the variables involved, where a saddle-point approximation of the general Morita expression for the correlator can be performed. In this region the correlator nicely compares with the perturbative result, exhibiting an exponential increase with respect to the momentum p.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, typeset in JHEP style; some formulas corrected in Sect.3, one reference added, results unchange

    On string solutions of Bethe equations in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    The Bethe equations, arising in description of the spectrum of the dilatation operator for the su(2) sector of the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, are considered in the anti-ferromagnetic regime. These equations are deformation of those for the Heisenberg XXX magnet. It is proven that in the thermodynamic limit roots of the deformed equations group into strings. It is proven that the corresponding Yang's action is convex, which implies uniqueness of solution for centers of the strings. The state formed of strings of length (2n+1) is considered and the density of their distribution is found. It is shown that the energy of such a state decreases as n grows. It is observed that non-analyticity of the left hand side of the Bethe equations leads to an additional contribution to the density and energy of strings of even length. Whence it is concluded that the structure of the anti-ferromagnetic vacuum is determined by the behaviour of exponential corrections to string solutions in the thermodynamic limit and possibly involves strings of length 2.Comment: LaTex, 9 pages, 1 figur
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