1,629 research outputs found

    Measurements of r-process nuclei

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    Progress in the astrophysical understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis also depends on the knowledge of nuclear-physics quantities of extremely neutron-rich isotopes. In this context, experiments at CERN-ISOLDE have played a pioneering role in exploring new shell-structure far from stability. Possible implications of new nuclear-data input on the reproduction of r-abundance observations are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; Proc. "Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000", Nucl. Phys.

    Stellar and nuclear-physics constraints on two r-process components in the early Galaxy

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    Proceedings of "Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000", Aarhus, DanmarkComment: 3 pages, 2 figures; to be publ. in Nucl. Phys.

    Nuclear Structure Studies at ISOLDE and their Impact on the Astrophysical r-Process

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    The focus of the present review is the production of the heaviest elements in nature via the r-process. A correct understanding and modeling requires the knowledge of nuclear properties far from stability and a detailed prescription of the astrophysical environment. Experiments at CERN/ISOLDE have played a pioneering role in exploring the characteristics of nuclear structure in terms of masses and beta-decay properties. Initial examinations paid attention to far unstable nuclei with magic neutron numbers related to r-process peaks, while present activities are centered on the evolution of shell effects with the distance from the valley of stability. We first show in site-independent applications the effect of both types of nuclear properties on r-process abundances. Then, we explore the results of calculations related to two different `realistic' astrophysical sites, (i) the supernova neutrino wind and (ii) neutron star mergers. We close with a list of remaining theoretical and experimental challenges needed to overcome for a full understanding of the nature of the r-process, and the role CERN/ISOLDE can play in this process.Comment: LATEX, 38 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Hyperfine Interaction

    A tentative 4- isomeric state in Sr-98

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    Annual Report 2001, Institut fuer Kernchemie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet, Mainz, GermanyComment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Nucleosynthesis Basics and Applications to Supernovae

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    This review concentrates on nucleosynthesis processes in general and their applications to massive stars and supernovae. A brief initial introduction is given to the physics in astrophysical plasmas which governs composition changes. We present the basic equations for thermonuclear reaction rates and nuclear reaction networks. The required nuclear physics input for reaction rates is discussed, i.e. cross sections for nuclear reactions, photodisintegrations, electron and positron captures, neutrino captures, inelastic neutrino scattering, and beta-decay half-lives. We examine especially the present state of uncertainties in predicting thermonuclear reaction rates, while the status of experiments is discussed by others in this volume (see M. Wiescher). It follows a brief review of hydrostatic burning stages in stellar evolution before discussing the fate of massive stars, i.e. the nucleosynthesis in type II supernova explosions (SNe II). Except for SNe Ia, which are explained by exploding white dwarfs in binary stellar systems (which will not be discussed here), all other supernova types seem to be linked to the gravitational collapse of massive stars (M>>8M⊙_\odot) at the end of their hydrostatic evolution. SN1987A, the first type II supernova for which the progenitor star was known, is used as an example for nucleosynthesis calculations. Finally, we discuss the production of heavy elements in the r-process up to Th and U and its possible connection to supernovae.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, uses cupconf.sty (included); to appear in "Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics", eds. J. Hirsch., D. Page, Cambridge University Pres

    Charged-Particle and Neutron-Capture Processes in the High-Entropy Wind of Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    The astrophysical site of the r-process is still uncertain, and a full exploration of the systematics of this process in terms of its dependence on nuclear properties from stability to the neutron drip-line within realistic stellar environments has still to be undertaken. Sufficiently high neutron to seed ratios can only be obtained either in very neutron-rich low-entropy environments or moderately neutron-rich high-entropy environments, related to neutron star mergers (or jets of neutron star matter) and the high-entropy wind of core-collapse supernova explosions. As chemical evolution models seem to disfavor neutron star mergers, we focus here on high-entropy environments characterized by entropy SS, electron abundance YeY_e and expansion velocity VexpV_{exp}. We investigate the termination point of charged-particle reactions, and we define a maximum entropy SfinalS_{final} for a given VexpV_{exp} and YeY_e, beyond which the seed production of heavy elements fails due to the very small matter density. We then investigate whether an r-process subsequent to the charged-particle freeze-out can in principle be understood on the basis of the classical approach, which assumes a chemical equilibrium between neutron captures and photodisintegrations, possibly followed by a β\beta-flow equilibrium. In particular, we illustrate how long such a chemical equilibrium approximation holds, how the freeze-out from such conditions affects the abundance pattern, and which role the late capture of neutrons originating from β\beta-delayed neutron emission can play.Comment: 52 pages, 31 figure

    Correlations of r-process elements in very metal-poor stars as clues to their nucleosynthesis sites

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    Aims. Various nucleosynthesis studies have pointed out that the r-process elements in very metal-poor (VMP) halo stars might have different origins. By means of familiar concepts from statistics (correlations, cluster analysis, and rank tests of elemental abundances), we look for causally correlated elemental abundance patterns and attempt to link them to astrophysical events. Some of these events produce the r-process elements jointly with iron, while others do not have any significant iron contribution. We try to (a) characterize these different types of events by their abundance patterns and (b) identify them among the existing set of suggested r-process sites. Methods. The Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients were used in order to investigate correlations among r-process elements (X,Y) as well as their relation to iron (Fe) in VMP halo stars. We gradually tracked the evolution of those coefficients in terms of the element enrichments [X/Fe] or [X/Y] and the metallicity [Fe/H]. This approach, aided by cluster analysis to find different structures of abundance patterns and rank tests to identify whether several events contributed to the observed pattern, is new and provides deeper insights into the abundances of VMP stars. Results. In the early stage of our Galaxy, at least three r-process nucleosynthesis sites have been active. The first two produce and eject iron and the majority of the lighter r-process elements. We assign them to two different types of core-collapse events, not identical to regular core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), which produce only light trans-Fe elements. The third category is characterized by a strong r-process and is responsible for the major fraction of the heavy main r-process elements without a significant coproduction of Fe. It does not appear to be connected to CCSNe, in fact most of the Fe found in the related r-process enriched stars must come from previously occurring CCSNe. The existence of actinide boost stars indicates a further division among strong r-process sites. We assign these two strong r-process sites to neutron star mergers without fast black hole formation and to events where the ejecta are dominated by black hole accretion disk outflows. Indications from the lowest-metallicity stars hint at a connection with massive single stars (collapsars) forming black holes in the early Galaxy

    The strength of nuclear shell effects at N=126 in the r-process region

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    We have investigated nuclear shell effects across the magic number N=126 in the region of the r-process path. Microscopic calculations have been performed using the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov approach within the framework of the RMF theory for isotopic chains of rare-earth nuclei in the r-process region. The Lagrangian model NL-SV1 with the inclusion of the vector self-coupling of omega meson has been employed. The RMF results show that the shell effects at N=126 remain strong and exhibit only a slight reduction in the strength in going from the r-process path to the neutron drip line. This is in striking contrast to a systematic weakening of the shell effects at N=82 in the r-process region predicted earlier in the similar approach. In comparison the shell effects with microscopic-macroscopic mass formulae show a near constancy of shell gaps leading to strong shell effects in the region of r-process path to the drip line. A recent analysis of solar-system r-process abundances in a prompt supernova explosion model using various mass formulae including the recently introduced mass tables based upon HFB approach shows that whilst mass formulae with weak shell effects at N=126 give rise to a spread and an overproduction of nuclides near the third abundance peak at A~190, mass tables with droplet models showing stronger shell effects are able to reproduce the abundance features near the third peak appropriately. In comparison, several analyses of the second r-process peak at A~130 have required weakened shell effects at N=82. Our predictions in the RMF theory with NL-SV1, which exhibit weaker shell effects at N=82 and stronger one at N=126 in the r-process region, support the conjecture that a different nature of the shell effects at the magic numbers may be at play in r-process nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Physical Review C. Part of this work was presented at Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics II, 20th International Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference of the European Physical Society, at Debrecen, Hungary, May 16-20, 200

    Nucleosynthesis Modes in the High-Entropy-Wind of Type II Supernovae: Comparison of Calculations with Halo-Star Observations

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    While the high-entropy wind (HEW) of Type II supernovae remains one of the more promising sites for the rapid neutron-capture (r-) process, hydrodynamic simulations have yet to reproduce the astrophysical conditions under which the latter occurs. We have performed large-scale network calculations within an extended parameter range of the HEW, seeking to identify or to constrain the necessary conditions for a full reproduction of all r-process residuals N_{r,\odot}=N_{\odot}-N_{s,\odot} by comparing the results with recent astronomical observations. A superposition of weighted entropy trajectories results in an excellent reproduction of the overall N_{r,\odot}-pattern beyond Sn. For the lighter elements, from the Fe-group via Sr-Y-Zr to Ag, our HEW calculations indicate a transition from the need for clearly different sources (conditions/sites) to a possible co-production with r-process elements, provided that a range of entropies are contributing. This explains recent halo-star observations of a clear non-correlation of Zn and Ge and a weak correlation of Sr - Zr with heavier r-process elements. Moreover, new observational data on Ru and Pd seem to confirm also a partial correlation with Sr as well as the main r-process elements (e.g. Eu).Comment: 15 pages, 1 table, 4 figures; To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter
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