171 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetic order and dielectric gap within the vortex core of antiferromagnetic superconductor

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    The structure of a superconducting vortex has been studied theoretically for a dirty antiferromagnetic superconductor (AFSC), modelling an AFSC as a doped semi-metal with s-wave superconducting pairing and antiferromagnetic (dielectric) interaction between electrons (holes). It is also supposed that the quasiparticles dispersion law possesses the property of nesting. The distribution of the superconducting and magnetic order parameters near the vortex core is calculated. It is shown that the antiferromagnetic order, been suppressed at large distances, is restored around the superconducting flux and the vortex core is in fact insulating and antiferromagnetic, in stark contrast to the normal metal cores of traditional superconductors. Moreover, our model calculations predict that as the temperature decreases the flux region of the superconductivity and antiferromagnetism coexistence increases.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Postscript figures,NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Vortex dynamics in superconductors and other complex systems" Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 13-17 September 200

    The temperature fields in electrically heated wires at crisis of boiling

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    The self-organization processes take place in several phenomena and physical objects and in particular they arise in metals in conditions of charge transfer. At liquid helium temperature in conditions of the increase of direct current flowing through bismuth, indium and tungsten there arise unstabilities of charge carries flux and this process exhibits itself in electromagnetic oscillations generation. This instability the authors refer to the mutual influence of the current flowing through the sample and magnetic field of the current. With this heat flux density through the sample’s surfaces didn’t exceed 0.1 W/sm2. Such a value of heat flux is сlose to the first boiling crisis but the author state that the nature of these phenomena is no case is connected with the heat removal specific features

    Inhomogeneous magnetism induced in a superconductor at superconductor-ferromagnet interface

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    We study a magnetic proximity effect at superconductor (S) - ferromagnet (F) interface. It is shown that due to an exchange of electrons between the F and S metals ferromagnetic correlations extend into the superconductor, being dependent on interface parameters. We show that ferromagnetic exchange field pair breaking effect leads to a formation of subgap bands in the S layer local density of states, that accommodate only one spin-polarized quasiparticles. Equilibrium magnetization leakage into the S layer as function of SF interface quality and a value of ferromagnetic interaction have also been calculated. We show that a damped-oscillatory behavior versus distance from SF interface is a distinguished feature of the exchange-induced magnetization of the S layer.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    Alternating-Spin Ladders in a Magnetic Field: New Magnetization Plateaux

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    We study numerically the formation of magnetization plateaux with the Lanczos method in 2-leg ladders with mixed spins of magnitudes (S1,S2)=(1,1/2)(S_1,S_2)=(1,1/2) located at alternating positions along the ladder and with dimerization γ\gamma. For interchain coupling J>0J'>0 and γ=0\gamma=0, we find normalized plateaux at m=1/3m=1/3 starting at zero field and m=1m=1 (saturation), while when γ0\gamma \ne 0 is columnar, another extra plateau at m=2/3m=2/3 shows up. For J<0J'<0, when γ<γc(J)\gamma<\gamma_c(J') we find no plateau while for γ>γc(J)\gamma>\gamma_c(J') we find four plateaux at m=0,1/3,2/3,1m=0,1/3,2/3,1. We also apply several approximate analytical methods (Spin Wave Theory, Low-Energy Effective Hamiltonians and Bosonization) to understand these findings and to conjeture the behaviour of ferrimagnetic ladders with a bigger number of legs.Comment: REVTEX file, 7 pages, 6 eps Figure

    Layered ferromagnet-superconductor structures: the π\pi state and proximity effects

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    We investigate clean mutilayered structures of the SFS and SFSFS type, (where the S layer is intrinsically superconducting and the F layer is ferromagnetic) through numerical solution of the self-consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for these systems. We obtain results for the pair amplitude, the local density of states, and the local magnetic moment. We find that as a function of the thickness dFd_F of the magnetic layers separating adjacent superconductors, the ground state energy varies periodically between two stable states. The first state is an ordinary "0-state", in which the order parameter has a phase difference of zero between consecutive S layers, and the second is a "π\pi-state", where the sign alternates, corresponding to a phase difference of π\pi between adjacent S layers. This behavior can be understood from simple arguments. The density of states and the local magnetic moment reflect also this periodicity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 Figure

    Theoretical study of the thermal behavior of free and alumina-supported Fe-C nanoparticles

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    The thermal behavior of free and alumina-supported iron-carbon nanoparticles is investigated via molecular dynamics simulations, in which the effect of the substrate is treated with a simple Morse potential fitted to ab initio data. We observe that the presence of the substrate raises the melting temperature of medium and large Fe1xCxFe_{1-x}C_x nanoparticles (xx = 0-0.16, NN = 80-1000, non- magic numbers) by 40-60 K; it also plays an important role in defining the ground state of smaller Fe nanoparticles (NN = 50-80). The main focus of our study is the investigation of Fe-C phase diagrams as a function of the nanoparticle size. We find that as the cluster size decreases in the 1.1-1.6-nm-diameter range the eutectic point shifts significantly not only toward lower temperatures, as expected from the Gibbs-Thomson law, but also toward lower concentrations of C. The strong dependence of the maximum C solubility on the Fe-C cluster size may have important implications for the catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, higher quality figures can be seen in article 9 at http://alpha.mems.duke.edu/wahyu

    Feasibility of study magnetic proximity effects in bilayer "superconductor/ferromagnet" using waveguide-enhanced Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

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    A resonant enhancement of the neutron standing waves is proposed to use in order to increase the magnetic neutron scattering from a "superconductor/ferromagnet"(S/F) bilayer. The model calculations show that usage of this effect allows to increase the magnetic scattering intensity by factor of hundreds. Aspects related to the growth procedure (order of deposition, roughness of the layers etc) as well as experimental conditions (resolution, polarization of the neutron beam, background etc) are also discussed. Collected experimental data for the S/F heterostructure Cu(32nm)/V(40nm)/Fe(1nm)/MgO confirmed the presence of a resonant 60-fold amplification of the magnetic scattering.Comment: The manuscript of the article submitted to Crysstalography Reports. 23 pages, 5 figure

    Manifestation of triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures

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    We study proximity effects in a multilayered superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) structure with arbitrary relative directions of the magnetization M{\bf M}. If the magnetizations of different layers are collinear the superconducting condensate function induced in the F layers has only a singlet component and a triplet one with a zero projection of the total magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs on the M{\bf M} direction. In this case the condensate penetrates the F layers over a short length ξJ\xi_J determined by the exchange energy JJ. If the magnetizations M{\bf M} are not collinear the triplet component has, in addition to the zero projection, the projections ±1\pm1. The latter component is even in the momentum, odd in the Matsubara frequency and penetrates the F layers over a long distance that increases with decreasing temperature and does not depend on JJ (spin-orbit interaction limits this length). If the thickness of the F layers is much larger than ξJ\xi_J, the Josephson coupling between neighboring S layers is provided only by the triplet component, so that a new type of superconductivity arises in the transverse direction of the structure. The Josephson critical current is positive (negative) for the case of a positive (negative) chirality of the vector M{\bf M}. We demonstrate that this type of the triplet condensate can be detected also by measuring the density of states in F/S/F structures.Comment: 14 pages; 9 figures. Final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Proximity and Josephson effects in superconductor - antiferromagnetic Nb / \gamma-Fe50Mn50 heterostructures

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    We study the proximity effect in superconductor (S), antiferromagnetic (AF) bilayers, and report the fabrication and measurement of the first trilayer S/AF/S Josephson junctions. The disordered f.c.c. alloy \gamma-Fe50Mn50 was used as the AF, and the S is Nb. Micron and sub-micron scale junctions were measured, and the scaling of JC(dAF)J_C (d_AF) gives a coherence length in the AF of 2.4 nm, which correlates with the coherence length due to suppression of TCT_C in the bilayer samples. The diffusion constant for FeMn was found to be 1.7 \times 104^{-4} m2^2 s1^-1, and the density of states at the Fermi level was also obtained. An exchange biased FeMn/Co bilayer confirms the AF nature of the FeMn in this thickness regime.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Josephson effect in double-barrier superconductor-ferromagnet junctions

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    We study the Josephson effect in ballistic double-barrier SIFIS planar junctions, consisting of bulk superconductors (S), a clean metallic ferromagnet (F), and insulating interfaces (I). We solve the scattering problem based on the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equations and derive a general expression for the dc Josephson current, valid for arbitrary interfacial transparency and Fermi wave vectors mismatch (FWVM). We consider the coherent regime in which quasiparticle transmission resonances contribute significantly to the Andreev process. The Josephson current is calculated for various parameters of the junction, and the influence of both interfacial transparency and FWVM is analyzed. For thin layers of strong ferromagnet and finite interfacial transparency, we find that coherent (geometrical) oscillations of the maximum Josephson current are superimposed on the oscillations related to the crossover between 0 and π\pi states. For the same case we find that the temperature-induced 0π0-\pi transition occurs if the junction is very close to the crossovers at zero temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure