44 research outputs found


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    Senyawa triterpenoid, 3-epicabraleahydroxylactone (1) telah diisolasi dari ekstrak n-heksana kulit batang Aglaia argentea. Struktur kimia senyawa 1 diidentifikasikan berdasarkan data-data spektroskopi dan perbandingan data spektra yang diperoleh sebelumnya. Senyawa triterpenoid, 3-epikabrraleahidroksilakton (1) dilaporkan pada tumbuhan ini untuk pertama kali

    Tensile And Impact Properties Of Pulverized Oil Palm Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites : A Comparison Study With Wood Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites

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    The comparison of tensile and impact properties between the fiber extracted from Malaysia’s oil palm plantation wastes and residues and wood fiber that are going to be used as reinforcing agent in polymer composite materials is the main focus of this study.For that purpose,10 wt.% and 25 wt.% of Malaysian oil palm fiber (OPF) extracted from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) was incorporated with polypropylene (PP) and maleated polypropylene (MAPP) to produce injection-molded composite materials.For comparison purposes,virgin PP and wood fiber reinforced polymer composites (WPC)were also fabricated as benchmark samples.Firstly,tensile test was performed for all three samples;virgin PP,OPF/PP and WPC in order to investigate the effect of fiber loading on composite materials.From the tensile test result,25 wt.% of fiber loading produced higher tensile properties than 10 wt.% of fiber loading.Moreover,the obtained OPF/PP composites showed comparable properties with the WPC material.Furthermore,the effect of fiber size on tensile and impact properties of both OPF/PP and WPC composite was investigated.As the results,the utilization of OPF into PP matrix demonstrated almost similar tensile and impact strength as WPC material.The equality of properties between OPF/PP composites and WPC indicates the potential of wastes and residual materials such as OPF to be broadly utilized in the production of composite materials


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    Abstrak: Hirschsprung’s Disease: Metode Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana. Penyakit Hirschsprung (HSCR) atau megakolon kongenital adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kemampuan dilatasi dan peristaltik usus akibat tidak adanya sel ganglion pada pleksus Myentericus (Aurbach’s) dan pleksus submukosa (Meissner). HSCR 80% didiagnosis pada tahun pertama kehidupan atau pada neonatus, dan jarang terlihat pada masa remaja dan dewasa. Diagnosis penyakit Hirschsprung harus ditegakkan sedini mungkin mengingat berbagai komplikasi yang dapat terjadi dan sangat berbahaya bagi nyawa pasien seperti konstipasi, enterokolitis, perforasi usus, dan sepsis yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penyakit Hirschsprung yang tidak segera ditangani atau diobati dapat menyebabkan kematian sebesar 80%, terutama karena enterokolitis dan perforasi usus. Penanganan dini penyakit Hirschsprung efektif dalam mengurangi kejadian enterokolitis hingga 30%

    The fetal thymus has a unique genomic copy number profile resulting from physiological T cell receptor gene rearrangement

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    Somatic mosaicism, the presence of genetically distinct cells within an organism, has been increasingly associated with human morbidity, ranging from being a cause of rare syndromes to a risk factor for common disorders such as malignancy and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies interrogating the normal prevalence of somatic mosaicism have focused on adults. We here present an estimate of the baseline frequency of somatic mosaic copy number variation (CNV) at the time around birth, by sampling eight different organs from a total of five fetuses and newborns. Overall we find a significantly lower frequency of organ specific (i.e. mosaic) CNVs as compared to adults (p = 0.003; Mann-Whitney U-test). The rate of somatic CNV in adults has been estimated to around 2.2 CNV per organ assayed. In contrast, after stringent filtering, we found no organ-private CNVs in fetuses or newborns with exception of the thymus. This organ exhibited a specific genome profile in the form of deletions resulting from polyclonal T-cell receptor rearrangements. This implies that somatic non-immune related CNVs, if present at birth, are typically confined to very small cell populations within organs