4,631 research outputs found

    Coherent Destruction of Coulomb Blockade Peaks in Molecular Junctions

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    Coherent electronic transport in single-molecule junctions is investigated in the Coulomb blockade regime. Both the transmission phase and probability are calculated for junctions with various contact symmetries. A dramatic suppression of the Coulomb blockade peaks is predicted for junctions where multiple atomic orbitals of the molecule couple to a single electrode although the charging steps are unaffected.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities

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    We develop a generalized grand canonical potential for the ballistic nonequilibrium electron distribution in a metal nanowire with a finite applied bias voltage. Coulomb interactions are treated in the self-consistent Hartree approximation, in order to ensure gauge invariance. Using this formalism, we investigate the stability and cohesive properties of metallic nanocylinders at ultrahigh current densities. A linear stability analysis shows that metal nanowires with certain {\em magic conductance values} can support current densities up to 10^11 A/cm^2, which would vaporize a macroscopic piece of metal. This finding is consistent with experimental studies of gold nanowires. Interestingly, our analysis also reveals the existence of reentrant stability zones--geometries that are stable only under an applied bias.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, version published in PR

    Multiple long-term conditions within households and use of health and social care: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: The daily management of long-term conditions falls primarily on individuals and informal carers, but the impact of household context on health and social care activity among people with multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs) is understudied. Aim: To test whether co-residence with a person with MLTCs (compared with a co-resident without MLTCs) is associated with utilisation and cost of primary, community, secondary health care, and formal social care. Design & setting: Linked data from health providers and local government in Barking and Dagenham for a retrospective cohort of people aged ≥50 years in two-person households in 2016–2018. Method: Two-part regression models were applied to estimate annualised use and cost of hospital, primary, community, mental health, and social care by MLTC status of individuals and co-residents, adjusted for age, sex, and deprivation. Applicability at the national level was tested using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). Results: Forty-eight per cent of people with MLTCs in two-person households were co-resident with another person with MLTCs. They were 1.14 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.00 to 1.30) times as likely to have community care activity and 1.24 (95% CI = 0.99 to 1.54) times as likely to have mental health care activity compared with those co-resident with a healthy person. They had more primary care visits (8.5 [95% CI = 8.2 to 8.8] versus 7.9 [95% CI = 7.7 to 8.2]) and higher primary care costs. Outpatient care and elective admissions did not differ. Findings in national data were similar. Conclusion: Care utilisation for people with MLTCs varies by household context. There may be potential for connecting health and community service input across household members

    Simple model for decay of superdeformed nuclei

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    Recent theoretical investigations of the decay mechanism out of a superdeformed nuclear band have yielded qualitatively different results, depending on the relative values of the relevant decay widths. We present a simple two-level model for the dynamics of the tunneling between the superdeformed and normal-deformed bands, which treats decay and tunneling processes on an equal footing. The previous theoretical results are shown to correspond to coherent and incoherent limits of the full tunneling dynamics. Our model accounts for experimental data in both the A~150 mass region, where the tunneling dynamics is coherent, and in the A~190 mass region, where the tunneling dynamics is incoherent.Comment: 4 page

    Review Article Acute castration and/or tailing distress and its alleviation in lambs

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    Abstract Purposes and approach: Acute castration and/or tailing distress in lambs has been examined extensively during the last decade. At least 59 different approaches to assessing and alleviating this distress have been reported so that the literature is quite complex. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the literature on castration and/or tailing distress, where the distress was assessed using acute changes in plasma cortisol concentrations. A method of analysis involving the integrated cortisol response (i.e. the areas under the cortisol curves while the plasma concentration is above pretreatment values) to each treatment and using treatments which were common to different studies as reference points, allowed meaningful comparison within and between studies. A 6-point ranking scale emerged, where rank 1 represented the least distress and rank 6 the most distress

    The Order of Phase Transitions in Barrier Crossing

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    A spatially extended classical system with metastable states subject to weak spatiotemporal noise can exhibit a transition in its activation behavior when one or more external parameters are varied. Depending on the potential, the transition can be first or second-order, but there exists no systematic theory of the relation between the order of the transition and the shape of the potential barrier. In this paper, we address that question in detail for a general class of systems whose order parameter is describable by a classical field that can vary both in space and time, and whose zero-noise dynamics are governed by a smooth polynomial potential. We show that a quartic potential barrier can only have second-order transitions, confirming an earlier conjecture [1]. We then derive, through a combination of analytical and numerical arguments, both necessary conditions and sufficient conditions to have a first-order vs. a second-order transition in noise-induced activation behavior, for a large class of systems with smooth polynomial potentials of arbitrary order. We find in particular that the order of the transition is especially sensitive to the potential behavior near the top of the barrier.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures with extended introduction and discussion; version accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.
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