77 research outputs found

    Using the Teamlet Model to Improve Chronic Care in an Academic Primary Care Practice

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    Team care can improve management of chronic conditions, but implementing a team approach in an academic primary care clinic presents unique challenges. To implement and evaluate the Teamlet Model, which uses health coaches working with primary care physicians to improve care for patients with diabetes and/or hypertension in an academic practice. Process and outcome measures were compared before and during the intervention in patients seen with the Teamlet Model and in a comparison patient group. First year family medicine residents, medical assistants, health workers, and adult patients with either type 2 diabetes or hypertension in a large public health clinic. Health coaches, in coordination with resident primary care physicians, met with patients before and after clinic visits and called patients between visits. Measurement of body mass index, assessment of smoking status, and formulation of a self-management plan prior to and during the intervention period for patients in the Teamlet Model group. Testing for LDL and HbA1C and the proportion of patients at goal for blood pressure, LDL, and HbA1C in the Teamlet Model and comparison groups in the year prior to and during implementation. Teamlet patients showed improvement in all measures, though improvement was significant only for smoking, BMI, and self-management plan documentation and testing for LDL (p = 0.02), with a trend towards significance for LDL at goal (p = 0.07). Teamlet patients showed a greater, but non-significant, increase in the proportion of patients tested for HbA1C and proportion reaching goal for blood pressure, HgbA1C, and LDL compared to the comparison group patients. The difference for blood pressure was marginally significant (p = 0.06). In contrast, patients in the comparison group were significantly more likely to have had testing for LDL (P = 0.001). The Teamlet Model may improve chronic care in academic primary care practices

    Wealth Effects and the New Economy

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    This paper investigates if there is a different impact from changes in "new" and "old" economy stock valuations on private consumption. Estimating a reduced-form VAR for seven OECD countries for the 1990s, it is found that the impact from changes in old economy stock valuations on consumption is in general larger in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom than in continental Europe. Furthermore, the impact from changes in new economy valuations to consumption is roughly the same in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom and in continental Europe. Finally, the results suggest that in continental Europe the impact on consumption from changes in the valuation of new economy stocks is bigger than from the old economy stocks, whereas for the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom the impact is more or less the same between the two sectors.

    New Economy Stock Valuations and Investmen in the 1990's

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    This paper investigates whether there is a different impact from changes in "new" and "old" economy stock valuations on private investment for seven OECD economies. A vector autoregressive model is estimated for each individual country, using quarterly data over the period 1990-2000. We find that the impact from changes in valuations of new economy stocks to investment is roughly the same in North America and United Kingdom as in continental Europe. By contrast, the impact from changes in old economy stock valuations on investment is, in general, larger in North America and United Kingdom than in continental Europe. Finally, the results suggest that in continental Europe the impact on investment from changes in the valuation of new economy stocks is bigger than for old economy stocks, whereas for North America and United Kingdom the impact is more similar.Stock markets;stock market, stock market capitalization, stock valuations, stock prices, capital formation, international financial statistics, stock price, financial system, stock market volatility, stock valuation, consumer price index, financial systems, stock market index, bond, call money, bond markets, money market, financial markets, equity market, access to bond markets, stock price index, financial economics, capital stock, stock market developments, capital theory, asset markets, stock market prices

    International Financial Integration and Economic Growth

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    This paper uses new data and new econometric techniques to investigate the impact of international financial integration on economic growth and also to assess whether this relationship depends on the level of economic development, financial development, legal system development, government corruption, and macroeconomic policies. Using a wide array of measures of international financial integration on 57 countries and an assortment of statistical methodologies, we are unable to reject the hypothesis that international financial integration does not accelerate economic growth even when controlling for particular economic, financial, institutional, and policy characteristics.Economic growth;Foreign direct investment;capital flows, capital inflows, international financial, international financial integration, financial integration, capital account liberalization, stock market, capital account restrictions, international capital flows, flows of capital, inflation rate, consumer price index, international financial statistics, international capital, capital outflows, international financial transactions, capital controls, foreign assets, financial markets, capital outflow, foreign capital, capital flow, capital account transactions, capital restrictions, international finance, capital mobility, foreign liabilities, domestic equity, financial intermediation, capital control, capital-abundant countries, stock exchanges, capital stock, gross domestic product, current account deficits, stock transactions, international financial liberalization, equity prices, capital accounts, international financial system

    Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Performance

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    This paper reviews and discusses issues involved in assessing the relationship between capital account liberalization and economic performance. First, it discusses the different measures of restrictions used in the literature. Second, it reviews the literature on the relationship between growth and capital account liberalization. Finally, it identifies and explains some of the differences in the results of the various studies and provides some support for a positive effect of capital account liberalization on growth, especially for developing countries.Capital account liberalization;Capital flows;Capital controls;capital account, capital accounts, capital account openness, capital mobility, stock market, capital account restrictions, capital movements, capital inflows, capital markets, international capital flows, open capital accounts, current account, capital account transactions, international capital, liberalization of capital, private capital flows, capital account restriction, closed capital accounts, open capital account, open capital markets, capital account liberalizations, capital control, equity prices, capital market, private capital, net capital flows, border capital flows, unregulated capital flows, net capital, openness to capital flows, balance of payments, balance of payments statistics

    Capital Controls in Malaysia: Effectiveness and Side Effects

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    In 1998 and 1999, following the East Asian financial crisis, Malaysia imposed a set of constraints and taxes on the movement of capital out of the country. Using a quantitative equilibrium model, we attempt to construct estimates of the effects of these controls on Malaysia's recovery from the crisis. The analysis relies on a model of a dependent economy with taxation on capital movements. We focus on the aftermath of a financial panic (the East Asian crisis) in which effective international interest rates rise. Capital taxation implicitly ameliorates the brunt of such a rise in the interest rate and substantially limits its real effects. This amelioration is shown to be especially significant under fixed exchange rates. Copyright (c) 2002 Center for International Development and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Exchange Rates and Capital Flows

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    This paper explores the ability of portfolio and foreign direct investment flows to track movements in the euro and the yen against the dollar. Net portfolio flows from the euro area into U.S. stocks—possibly reflecting differences in expected productivity growth—track movements in the euro against the dollar closely. Net FDI flows, which capture the recent burst in cross-border M&A activity, appear less important in tracking movements in the euro-dollar rate, possibly because many M&A transactions consist of share swaps. Movements in the yen versus the dollar remain more closely tied to such conventional variables as the current account and interest differential.Capital flows;exchange rate, exchange rates, bonds, bond, exchange rate movements, bond flows, bilateral exchange rate, government bonds, dollar exchange rate, corporate bonds, multilateral exchange rate, bilateral exchange rates, stock returns, stock prices, government bond, net bond, current accounts, currency markets, foreign exchange, stock markets, current account balance, currency exchange, bond yields, foreign bond, corporate bond, home currency, financial markets, currency exchange rates, stock market, international finance, exchange rate economics, exchange rate determination, equity markets, financial institutions, effective exchange rate, international capital, multilateral exchange rates, exchange rate dynamics, exchange rate instability, stock ownership, hedge, exchange rate developments, effective exchange rates, government bond yields, stock adjustment, financial sector, foreign investment, exchange rate behavior, stock valuations, currency areas, financial system, foreign equity, international currency