36 research outputs found

    On Computing Enterprise IT Risk Metrics

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    Part 8: Risk Analysis and Security MetricsInternational audienceAssessing the vulnerability of large heterogeneous systems is crucial to IT operational decisions such as prioritizing the deployment of security patches and enhanced monitoring. These assessments are based on various criteria, including (i) the NIST National Vulnerability Database which reports tens of thousands of vulnerabilities on individual components, with several thousand added every year, and (ii) the specifics of the enterprise IT infrastructure which includes many components.Defining and computing appropriate vulnerability metrics to support decision making remains a challenge. Currently, several IT organizations make use of the CVSS metrics that score vulnerabilities on individual components. CVSS does allow for environmental metrics, which are meant to capture the connectivity among the components; unfortunately, within Section 2.3 of [1] there are no guidelines for how these should be defined and, consequently, environmental metrics are rarely defined and used.We present a systematic approach to quantify and automatically compute the risk profile of an enterprise from information about individual vulnerabilities contained in CVSS scores. The metric we propose can be used as the CVSS environmental score. Our metric can be applied to the problem of prioritizing patches, customized to the connectivity of an enterprise. It can also be used to prioritize vulnerable components for purposes of enhanced monitoring

    Evaluating and Strengthening Enterprise Network Security Using Attack Graphs

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    Assessing the security of large enterprise networks is complex and labor intensive. Current security analysis tools typically examine only individual firewalls, routers, or hosts separately and do not comprehensively analyze overall network security. We present a new approach that uses configuration information on firewalls and vulnerability information on all network devices to build attack graphs that show how far inside and outside attackers can progress through a network by successively compromising exposed and vulnerable hosts. In addition, attack graphs are automatically analyzed to produce a small set of prioritized recommendations to enhance network security. Field trials on networks with up to 3,400 hosts demonstrate the ability to accurately identify a small number of critical stepping-stone hosts that need to be patched to protect against external attackers. Simulation studies on complex networks with more than 40,000 hosts demonstrate good scaling. This analysis can be used for many purposes, including identifying critical stepping-stone hosts to patch or protect with a firewall, comparing the security of alternative network designs, determining the security risk caused by proposed changes in firewall rules o

    Creating Integrated Evidence Graphs for Network Forensics

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    Part 5: NETWORK FORENSICSInternational audienceProbabilistic evidence graphs can be used to model network intrusion evidence and the underlying dependencies to support network forensic analysis. The graphs provide a means for linking the probabilities associated with different attack paths with the available evidence. However, current work focused on evidence graphs assumes that all the available evidence can be expressed using a single, small evidence graph. This paper presents an algorithm for merging evidence graphs with or without a corresponding attack graph. The application of the algorithm to a file server and database server attack scenario yields an integrated evidence graph that shows the global scope of the attack. The global graph provides a broader context and better understandability than multiple local evidence graphs

    k-zero day safety: Measuring the security risk of networks against unknown attacks

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    Abstract. The security risk of a network against unknown zero day attacks has been considered as something unmeasurable since software flaws are less predictable than hardware faults and the process of finding such flaws and developing exploits seems to be chaotic. In this paper, we propose a novel security metric, k-zero day safety, based on the number of unknown zero day vulnerabilities. That is, the metric simply counts how many unknown vulnerabilities would be required for compromising a network asset, regardless of what vulnerabilities those might be. We formally define the metric based on an abstract model of networks and attacks. We then devise algorithms for computing the metric. Finally, we show the metric can quantify many existing practices in hardening a network.

    Die Bestimmung von Chlordioxyd im Wasser

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    Creating a Cyber Moving Target for Critical Infrastructure Applications

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    Part 3: INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITYInternational audienceDespite the significant amount of effort that often goes into securing critical infrastructure assets, many systems remain vulnerable to advanced, targeted cyber attacks. This paper describes the design and implementation of the Trusted Dynamic Logical Heterogeneity System (TALENT), a framework for live-migrating critical infrastructure applications across heterogeneous platforms. TALENT permits a running critical application to change its hardware platform and operating system, thus providing cyber survivability through platform diversity. TALENT uses containers (operating-system-level virtualization) and a portable checkpoint compiler to create a virtual execution environment and to migrate a running application across different platforms while preserving the state of the application (execution state, open files and network connections). TALENT is designed to support general applications written in the C programming language. By changing the platform on-the-fly, TALENT creates a cyber moving target and significantly raises the bar for a successful attack against a critical application. Experiments demonstrate that a complete migration can be completed within about one second