1,805 research outputs found

    Paralegals and Sublegals: Aids to the Legal Profession

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    Role-similarity based functional prediction in networked systems: Application to the yeast proteome

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    We propose a general method to predict functions of vertices where: 1. The wiring of the network is somehow related to the vertex functionality. 2. A fraction of the vertices are functionally classified. The method is influenced by role-similarity measures of social network analysis. The two versions of our prediction scheme is tested on model networks were the functions of the vertices are designed to match their network surroundings. We also apply these methods to the proteome of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and find the results compatible with more specialized methods

    Are Opinions Based on Science: Modelling Social Response to Scientific Facts

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    As scientists we like to think that modern societies and their members base their views, opinions and behaviour on scientific facts. This is not necessarily the case, even though we are all (over-) exposed to information flow through various channels of media, i.e. newspapers, television, radio, internet, and web. It is thought that this is mainly due to the conflicting information on the mass media and to the individual attitude (formed by cultural, educational and environmental factors), that is, one external factor and another personal factor. In this paper we will investigate the dynamical development of opinion in a small population of agents by means of a computational model of opinion formation in a co-evolving network of socially linked agents. The personal and external factors are taken into account by assigning an individual attitude parameter to each agent, and by subjecting all to an external but homogeneous field to simulate the effect of the media. We then adjust the field strength in the model by using actual data on scientific perception surveys carried out in two different populations, which allow us to compare two different societies. We interpret the model findings with the aid of simple mean field calculations. Our results suggest that scientifically sound concepts are more difficult to acquire than concepts not validated by science, since opposing individuals organize themselves in close communities that prevent opinion consensus.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to PLoS ON

    The diplomat's dilemma: Maximal power for minimal effort in social networks

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    Closeness is a global measure of centrality in networks, and a proxy for how influential actors are in social networks. In most network models, and many empirical networks, closeness is strongly correlated with degree. However, in social networks there is a cost of maintaining social ties. This leads to a situation (that can occur in the professional social networks of executives, lobbyists, diplomats and so on) where agents have the conflicting objectives of aiming for centrality while simultaneously keeping the degree low. We investigate this situation in an adaptive network-evolution model where agents optimize their positions in the network following individual strategies, and using only local information. The strategies are also optimized, based on the success of the agent and its neighbors. We measure and describe the time evolution of the network and the agents' strategies.Comment: Submitted to Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and Applications, to be published from Springe

    Nonlocal evolution of weighted scale-free networks

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    We introduce the notion of globally updating evolution for a class of weighted networks, in which the weight of a link is characterized by the amount of data packet transport flowing through it. By noting that the packet transport over the network is determined nonlocally, this approach can explain the generic nonlinear scaling between the strength and the degree of a node. We demonstrate by a simple model that the strength-driven evolution scheme recently introduced can be generalized to a nonlinear preferential attachment rule, generating the power-law behaviors in degree and in strength simultaneously.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version published in PR

    The networked seceder model: Group formation in social and economic systems

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    The seceder model illustrates how the desire to be different than the average can lead to formation of groups in a population. We turn the original, agent based, seceder model into a model of network evolution. We find that the structural characteristics our model closely matches empirical social networks. Statistics for the dynamics of group formation are also given. Extensions of the model to networks of companies are also discussed

    The dependence of strange hadron multiplicities on the speed of hadronization

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    Hadron multiplicities are calculated in the ALCOR model for the Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS energy. Considering the newest experimental results, we display our prediction obtained from the ALCOR model for stable hadrons including strange baryons and anti-baryons.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX in IOP style, appeared in the Proceedings of Strangeness'97 Conference, Santorini, April 14-18 1997, J. of Physics G23 (1997) 194

    Strangeness counting in high energy collisions

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    The estimates of overall strange quark production in high energy e+e-, pp and ppbar collisions by using the statistical-thermal model of hadronisation are presented and compared with previous works. The parametrization of strangeness suppression within the model is discussed. Interesting regularities emerge in the strange/non-strange produced quark ratio which turns out to be fairly constant in elementary collisions while it is twice as large in SPS heavy ion collision.Comment: talk given at Strangeness in Quark Matter 98, submitted to J. Phys.

    Zero Temperature Glass Transition in the Two-Dimensional Gauge Glass Model

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    We investigate dynamic scaling properties of the two-dimensional gauge glass model for the vortex glass phase in superconductors with quenched disorder. From extensive Monte Carlo simulations we obtain static and dynamic finite size scaling behavior, where the static simulations use a temperature exchange method to ensure convergence at low temperatures. Both static and dynamic scaling of Monte Carlo data is consistent with a glass transition at zero temperature. We study a dynamic correlation function for the superconducting order parameter, as well as the phase slip resistance. From the scaling of these two functions, we find evidence for two distinct diverging correlation times at the zero temperature glass transition. The longer of these time scales is associated with phase slip fluctuations across the system that lead to finite resistance at any finite temperature, while the shorter time scale is associated with local phase fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; v2: some minor correction

    Dynamic scaling regimes of collective decision making

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    We investigate a social system of agents faced with a binary choice. We assume there is a correct, or beneficial, outcome of this choice. Furthermore, we assume agents are influenced by others in making their decision, and that the agents can obtain information that may guide them towards making a correct decision. The dynamic model we propose is of nonequilibrium type, converging to a final decision. We run it on random graphs and scale-free networks. On random graphs, we find two distinct regions in terms of the "finalizing time" -- the time until all agents have finalized their decisions. On scale-free networks on the other hand, there does not seem to be any such distinct scaling regions
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