1,510 research outputs found

    Magnetization plateaus in antiferromagnetic-(ferromagnetic)_{n} polymerized S=1/2 XXZ chains

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    The plateau-non-plateau transition in the antiferromagnetic-(ferromagnetic)n_{n} polymerized S=1/2S=1/2 XXZ chains under the magnetic field is investigated. The universality class of this transition belongs to the Brezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type. The critical points are determined by level spectroscopy analysis of the numerical diagonalization data for 4p134 \leq p \leq 13 where p(n+1)p(\equiv n+1) is the size of a unit cell. It is found that the critical strength of ferromagnetic coupling decreases with pp for small pp but increases for larger enough pp. It is also found that the plateau for large pp is wide enough for moderate values of exchange coupling so that it should be easily observed experimentally. This is in contrast to the plateaus for p=3p = 3 chains which are narrow for a wide range of exchange coupling even away from the critical point

    Critical Properties of the transition between the Haldane phase and the large-D phase of the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy"

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    We analytically study the ground-state quantum phase transition between the Haldane phase and the large-DD (LD) phase of the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy. We transform this model into a generalized version of the alternating antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with anisotropy. In the transformed model, the competition between the transverse and longitudinal bond alternations yields the Haldane-LD transition. Using the bosonization method, we show that the critical exponents vary continuously on the Haldane-LD boundary. Our scaling relations between critical exponents very well explains the numerical results by Hida.Comment: text 12 pages (Plain TeX), LaTeX sourse files of a table and a figure on reques

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the Haldane Phase in Random One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

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    It is conjectured that the Haldane phase of the S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain and the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain is stable against any strength of randomness, because of imposed breakdown of translational symmetry. This conjecture is confirmed by the density matrix renormalization group calculation of the string order parameter and the energy gap distribution.Comment: 4 Pages, 7 figures; Considerable revisions are made in abstract and main text. Final accepted versio

    Quasiperiodic Hubbard chains

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    Low energy properties of half-filled Fibonacci Hubbard models are studied by weak coupling renormalization group and density matrix renormalization group method. In the case of diagonal modulation, weak Coulomb repulsion is irrelevant and the system behaves as a free Fibonacci chain, while for strong Coulomb repulsion, the charge sector is a Mott insulator and the spin sector behaves as a uniform Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain. The off-diagonal modulation always drives the charge sector to a Mott insulator and the spin sector to a Fibonacci antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    EXAFS Study on Local Structure of Iron Crystal by the Use of Asymmetrical Monochromator and PSPC

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    The EXAFS spectroscopy equipment constructed from an asymmetrical cut flat monochromator and PSPC is applied to the structural determination of pure α-iron which has small difference (0.038nm) in the first and second nearest neighbour distance. The efficiency of the curve fitting method for the two shell model of known structure material (α-iron) is discussed, in addition to describing the details of the experimental procedure of our new type of spectrometer and of the EXAFS data analysis

    The antiferromagnetic order in an F-AF random alternating quantum spin chain : (CH_3)_2 CHNH_3 Cu(Cl_x Br_{1-x})_3

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    A possibility of the uniform antiferromagnetic order is pointed out in an S=1/2 ferromagnetic (F) - antiferromagnetic (AF) random alternating Heisenberg quantum spin chain compound: (CH_3)_2 CHNH_3 Cu(Cl_x Br_{1-x})_3. The system possesses the bond alternation of strong random bonds that take +/- 2J and weak uniform AF bonds of -J. In the pure concentration limits, the model reduces to the AF-AF alternation chain at x=0 and to the F-AF alternation chain at x=1. The nonequilibrium relaxation of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations exhibits critical behaviors of the uniform AF order in the intermediate concentration region, which explains the experimental observation of the magnetic phase transition. The present results suggest that the uniform AF order may survive even in the presence of the randomly located ferromagnetic bonds.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of Single-site Anisotropy on Mixed Diamond Chains with Spins 1 and 1/2

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    Effects of single-site anisotropy on mixed diamond chains with spins 1 and 1/2 are investigated in the ground states and at finite temperatures. There are phases where the ground state is a spin cluster solid, i.e., an array of uncorrelated spin-1 clusters separated by singlet dimers. The ground state is nonmagnetic for the easy-plane anisotropy, while it is paramagnetic for the easy-axis anisotropy. Also, there are the N\'eel, Haldane, and large-DD phases, where the ground state is a single spin cluster of infinite size and the system is equivalent to the spin-1 Heisenberg chain with alternating anisotropy. The longitudinal and transverse susceptibilities and entropy are calculated at finite temperatures in the spin-cluster-solid phases. Their low-temperature behaviors are sensitive to anisotropy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Exotic vs. conventional scaling and universality in a disordered bilayer quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We present large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of a two-dimensional (2d) bilayer quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with random dimer dilution. In contrast to the exotic scaling scenarios found in many other random quantum systems, the quantum phase transition in this system is characterized by a finite-disorder fixed point with power-law scaling. After accounting for strong corrections to scaling, characterized by a leading irrelevant exponent of \omega = 0.48, we find universal, i.e., disorder-independent, critical exponents z=1.310(6) and \nu=1.16(3). We discuss the consequences of these findings and suggest new experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5eps figures included, final version as publishe

    Excitation Spectrum of the Spin-1/2 Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Alternating Heisenberg Chain:

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    The natural explanation of the excitation spectrum of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain is given from the viewpoint of the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain. The energy spectrum of the latter is calculated with fixed momentum kk by numerical diagonalization of finite size systems. It consists of a branch of propagating triplet pair (triplet wave) and the continuum of multiple triplet waves for weak ferromagnetic coupling. As the ferromagnetic coupling increases, the triplet wave branch is absorbed in the continuum for small kk, reproducing the characteristics of the spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain.Comment: 12 Pages REVTEX, Postscript file for the figures included. SKPH-94-C00

    Interacting Boson Theory of the Magnetization Process of the Spin-1/2 Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Alternating Heisenberg Chain

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    The low temperature magnetization process of the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain is studied using the interacting boson approximation. In the low field regime and near the saturation field, the spin wave excitations are approximated by the δ\delta function boson gas for which the Bethe ansatz solution is available. The finite temperature properties are calculated by solving the integral equation numerically. The comparison is made with Monte Carlo calculation and the limit of the applicability of the present approximation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure