977 research outputs found

    Primordial Black Hole Formation from Inflaton

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    Measurements of the distances to SNe Ia have produced strong evidence that the Universe is really accelarating, implying the existence of a nearly uniform component of dark energy with the simplest explanation as a cosmological constant. In this paper a small changing cosmological term is proposed, which is a function of a slow-rolling scalar field, by which the de Sitter primordial black holes' properties, for both charged and uncharged cases, are carefully examined and the relationship between the black hole formation and the energy transfer of the inflaton within this cosmological term is eluciatedComment: 6 pages, Late

    Observational constraints on low redshift evolution of dark energy: How consistent are different observations?

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    The dark energy component of the universe is often interpreted either in terms of a cosmological constant or as a scalar field. A generic feature of the scalar field models is that the equation of state parameter w= P/rho for the dark energy need not satisfy w=-1 and, in general, it can be a function of time. Using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method we perform a critical analysis of the cosmological parameter space, allowing for a varying w. We use constraints on w(z) from the observations of high redshift supernovae (SN), the WMAP observations of CMB anisotropies and abundance of rich clusters of galaxies. For models with a constant w, the LCDM model is allowed with a probability of about 6% by the SN observations while it is allowed with a probability of 98.9% by WMAP observations. The LCDM model is allowed even within the context of models with variable w: WMAP observations allow it with a probability of 99.1% whereas SN data allows it with 23% probability. The SN data, on its own, favors phantom like equation of state (w<-1) and high values for Omega_NR. It does not distinguish between constant w (with w<-1) models and those with varying w(z) in a statistically significant manner. The SN data allows a very wide range for variation of dark energy density, e.g., a variation by factor ten in the dark energy density between z=0 and z=1 is allowed at 95% confidence level. WMAP observations provide a better constraint and the corresponding allowed variation is less than a factor of three. Allowing for variation in w has an impact on the values for other cosmological parameters in that the allowed range often becomes larger. (Abridged)Comment: 21 pages, PRD format (Revtex 4), postscript figures. minor corrections to improve clarity; references, acknowledgement adde

    The Evolution of Universe with th B-I Type Phantom Scalar Field

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    We considered the phantom cosmology with a lagrangian L=1η[11+ηgμνϕ,μϕ,ν]u(ϕ)\displaystyle L=\frac{1}{\eta}[1-\sqrt{1+\eta g^{\mu\nu}\phi_{, \mu}\phi_{, \nu}}]-u(\phi), which is original from the nonlinear Born-Infeld type scalar field with the lagrangian L=1η[11ηgμνϕ,μϕ,ν]u(ϕ)\displaystyle L=\frac{1}{\eta}[1-\sqrt{1-\eta g^{\mu\nu}\phi_{, \mu}\phi_{, \nu}}]-u(\phi). This cosmological model can explain the accelerated expansion of the universe with the equation of state parameter w1w\leq-1. We get a sufficient condition for a arbitrary potential to admit a late time attractor solution: the value of potential u(Xc)u(X_c) at the critical point (Xc,0)(X_c,0) should be maximum and large than zero. We study a specific potential with the form of u(ϕ)=V0(1+ϕϕ0)e(ϕϕ0)u(\phi)=V_0(1+\frac{\phi}{\phi_0})e^{(-\frac{\phi}{\phi_0})} via phase plane analysis and compute the cosmological evolution by numerical analysis in detail. The result shows that the phantom field survive till today (to account for the observed late time accelerated expansion) without interfering with the nucleosynthesis of the standard model(the density parameter Ωϕ1012\Omega_{\phi}\simeq10^{-12} at the equipartition epoch), and also avoid the future collapse of the universe.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures,typos corrected, references added,figures added and enriched, title changed, main result remaine

    Interacting New Agegraphic Dark Energy in a Cyclic Universe

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    The main goal of this work is investigation of NADE in the cyclic universe scenario. Since, cyclic universe is explained by a phantom phase (ω<1\omega<-1), it is shown when there is no interaction between matter and dark energy, ADE and NADE do not produce a phantom phase, then can not describe cyclic universe. Therefore, we study interacting models of ADE and NADE in the modified Friedmann equation. We find out that, in the high energy regime, which it is a necessary part of cyclic universe evolution, only NADE can describe this phantom phase era for cyclic universe. Considering deceleration parameter tells us that the universe has a deceleration phase after an acceleration phase, and NADE is able to produce a cyclic universe. Also it is found valuable to study generalized second law of thermodynamics. Since the loop quantum correction is taken account in high energy regime, it may not be suitable to use standard treatment of thermodynamics, so we turn our attention to the result of \citep{29}, which the authors have studied thermodynamics in loop quantum gravity, and we show that which condition can satisfy generalized second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Kasner and Mixmaster behavior in universes with equation of state w \ge 1

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    We consider cosmological models with a scalar field with equation of state w1w\ge 1 that contract towards a big crunch singularity, as in recent cyclic and ekpyrotic scenarios. We show that chaotic mixmaster oscillations due to anisotropy and curvature are suppressed, and the contraction is described by a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann equation if w>1w>1. We generalize the results to theories where the scalar field couples to p-forms and show that there exists a finite value of ww, depending on the p-forms, such that chaotic oscillations are suppressed. We show that Z2Z_2 orbifold compactification also contributes to suppressing chaotic behavior. In particular, chaos is avoided in contracting heterotic M-theory models if w>1w>1 at the crunch.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Large Scale Inhomogeneities from the QCD Phase Transition

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    We examine the first-order cosmological QCD phase transition for a large class of parameter values, previously considered unlikely. We find that the hadron bubbles can nucleate at very large distance scales, they can grow as detonations as well as deflagrations, and that the phase transition may be completed without reheating to the critical temperature. For a subset of the parameter values studied, the inhomogeneities generated at the QCD phase transition might have a noticeable effect on nucleosynthesis.Comment: 15 LaTeX pages + 6 PostScript figures appended at the end of the file, HU-TFT-94-1

    Bubble Growth as a Detonation

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    Bubble growth as a detonation is studied in the context of cosmological phase transitions. It is proved that the so called Chapman-Jouguet hypothesis, which restricts the types of detonations that can occur in spherically symmetric chemical burning, does not hold in the case of phase transitions. Therefore a much larger class of detonation solutions exists in phase transitions than in chemical burning.Comment: 15 LaTeX-pages with 5 ps-figures appended at the end, preprint HU-TFT-93-4

    The Vacuum in Light-Cone Field Theory

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    This is an overview of the problem of the vacuum in light-cone field theory, stressing its close connection to other puzzles regarding light-cone quantization. I explain the sense in which the light-cone vacuum is ``trivial,'' and describe a way of setting up a quantum field theory on null planes so that it is equivalent to the usual equal-time formulation. This construction is quite helpful in resolving the puzzling aspects of the light-cone formalism. It furthermore allows the extraction of effective Hamiltonians that incorporate vacuum physics, but that act in a Hilbert space in which the vacuum state is simple. The discussion is fairly informal, and focuses mainly on the conceptual issues. [Talk presented at {\sc Orbis Scientiae 1996}, Miami Beach, FL, January 25--28, 1996. To appear in the proceedings.]Comment: 20 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures. Minor typos correcte

    Eternal inflation and the initial singularity

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    It is shown that a physically reasonable spacetime that is eternally inflating to the future must possess an initial singularity.Comment: 11 pages, Tufts University cosmology preprin


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    We have carried out a study of the hydrodynamics of disconnected quark regions during the final stages of the cosmological quark-hadron transition. A set of relativistic Lagrangian equations is presented for following the evaporation of a single quark drop and results from the numerical solution of this are discussed. A self-similar solution is shown to exist and the formation of baryon number density inhomogeneities at the end of the drop contraction is discussed.Comment: 12 pages Phys. Rev. format, uuencoded postscript file including 12 figure