6 research outputs found

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    Effects of learning design patterns in service learning courses

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    Students participate during service learning courses in a service project, which fits to a community need and has a link to curricular content. Students have a chance while engaged in the service project to apply curricular content in community practice, where they gain insights into civic engagement activities. Empirical studies revealed the effects of service learning, such as its influence on the self-concept, self-efficacy or attitudes to be engaged. However, a lack of research regarding the link between learning design patterns and the effectiveness of service learning can be found. Learning design patterns are teaching or methodical interventions to support the learning and service process of the students. This article presents a study on the experiences of students and charitable organizations in a service learning course concerning the learning design patterns. A mixed-methods design including questionnaires and interviews has been used. Significant effects regarding students’ development of their self-efficacy, self-concept and attitude to being engaged were found. The qualitative results provide a deeper understanding of these changes, including the different perspectives from students and from charitable organizations. The results show differences in the learning design patterns perceived and its support for the service and learning process

    Structuring the teaching and learning processes for a Service-Learning course – Results of an Design-Based-Research Approach

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    Die Einf\ufchrung einer Service-Learning-Lehrveranstaltung im Rahmen des Masterstudiums Wirtschaftsp\ue4dagogik stellt den Ausgangspunkt der hier vorgestellten Untersuchung dar. Obwohl bereits einige Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Service-Learning-Veranstaltungen bestehen, sind die Fragen der didaktischen Modellierung einer solchen sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Wirkungen noch wenig beachtet. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das Lehrveranstaltungskonzept Service-Learning im Rahmen des Studiums der Wirtschaftsp\ue4dagogik zu evaluieren und in seiner didaktischen Modellierung weiterentwickeln. Als Methode wurde ein Design-Based-Research-Ansatz gew\ue4hlt. Die Studierenden (N\u202f=\u200982) wurden dabei \ufcber vier Semester mit Hilfe einer quantitativen Pre-Post-Fragebogenerhebung (inklusive einer Kontrollgruppe aus dem Masterstudium Betriebswirtschaft, N\u202f=\u2009105) sowie unterschiedlichen qualitativen Erhebungsformaten befragt. Es konnten einerseits die Wirksamkeit dieser Service-Learning-Veranstaltung belegt und andererseits f\ufcr die didaktische Modellierung f\ufcnf Gestaltungselemente identifiziert werden. Zentral f\ufcr die Wirksamkeit ist eine offene Problemstellung, welche die Lernenden in einer Situation der Unsicherheit bel\ue4sst, sowie die Lernenden in Kontakt mit den KlientInnen der sozialen Organisationen zu bringen.The starting point of the presented study was the implementation of a service-learning course in the master program business education and development. Although several studies proof the effectiveness of service-learning, aspects regarding the instructional design are less emphasized in past research. The focus of this study is to evaluate the concept of service-learning und develop the instructional design. The chosen method was a design-based-research approach including a quantitative pre-post questionnaire survey (with a control group from the Master of Business Administration) and several qualitative surveys. The study was undertaken over a period of four semesters. The collected and analyzed data prove the effectiveness of the investigated service-learning course. Additionally five design variables for didactic modeling were identified. It appears to be central for effectiveness to confront the students with an undefined problem, which leaves them in a situation of uncertainty. Secondly it is important to establish contact between the students and the clients of the social organizations