15,455 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Non-Abelian Orbifolds and Model Building

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    The rules for the free fermionic string model construction are extended to include general non-abelian orbifold constructions that go beyond the real fermionic approach. This generalization is also applied to the asymmetric orbifold rules recently introduced. These non-abelian orbifold rules are quite easy to use. Examples are given to illustrate their applications.Comment: 30 pages, Revtex 3.

    Social cost considerations and legal constraints in implementing modular integrated utility systems

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    Social costs associated with the design, demonstration, and implementation of the Modular Integrated Utility System are considered including the social climate of communities, leadership patterns, conflicts and cleavages, specific developmental values, MIUS utility goal assessment, and the suitability of certian alternative options for use in a program of implementation. General considerations are discussed in the field of socio-technological planning. These include guidelines for understanding the conflict and diversity; some relevant goal choices and ideas useful to planners of the MIUS facility

    Localized Tachyons and the g_cl conjecture

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    We consider C/Z_N and C^2/Z_N orbifolds of heterotic string theories and Z_N orbifolds of AdS_3. We study theories with N=2 worldsheet superconformal invariance and construct RG flows. Following Harvey, Kutasov, Martinec and Moore, we compute g_cl and show that it decreases monotonically along RG flows- as conjectured by them. For the heterotic string theories, the gauge degrees of freedom do not contribute to the computation of g_cl.Comment: Corrections and clarifications made, 19 page

    Speckle-visibility spectroscopy: A tool to study time-varying dynamics

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    We describe a multispeckle dynamic light scattering technique capable of resolving the motion of scattering sites in cases that this motion changes systematically with time. The method is based on the visibility of the speckle pattern formed by the scattered light as detected by a single exposure of a digital camera. Whereas previous multispeckle methods rely on correlations between images, here the connection with scattering site dynamics is made more simply in terms of the variance of intensity among the pixels of the camera for the specified exposure duration. The essence is that the speckle pattern is more visible, i.e. the variance of detected intensity levels is greater, when the dynamics of the scattering site motion is slow compared to the exposure time of the camera. The theory for analyzing the moments of the spatial intensity distribution in terms of the electric field autocorrelation is presented. It is demonstrated for two well-understood samples, a colloidal suspension of Brownian particles and a coarsening foam, where the dynamics can be treated as stationary. However, the method is particularly appropriate for samples in which the dynamics vary with time, either slowly or rapidly, limited only by the exposure time fidelity of the camera. Potential applications range from soft-glassy materials, to granular avalanches, to flowmetry of living tissue.Comment: review - theory and experimen

    Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We study the behaviour of spinning test particles in the Schwarzschild spacetime. Using Mathisson-Papapetrou equations of motion we confine our attention to spatially circular orbits and search for observable effects which could eventually discriminate among the standard supplementary conditions namely the Corinaldesi-Papapetrou, Pirani and Tulczyjew. We find that if the world line chosen for the multipole reduction and whose unit tangent we denote as UU is a circular orbit then also the generalized momentum PP of the spinning test particle is tangent to a circular orbit even though PP and UU are not parallel four-vectors. These orbits are shown to exist because the spin induced tidal forces provide the required acceleration no matter what supplementary condition we select. Of course, in the limit of a small spin the particle's orbit is close of being a circular geodesic and the (small) deviation of the angular velocities from the geodesic values can be of an arbitrary sign, corresponding to the possible spin-up and spin-down alignment to the z-axis. When two spinning particles orbit around a gravitating source in opposite directions, they make one loop with respect to a given static observer with different arrival times. This difference is termed clock effect. We find that a nonzero gravitomagnetic clock effect appears for oppositely orbiting both spin-up or spin-down particles even in the Schwarzschild spacetime. This allows us to establish a formal analogy with the case of (spin-less) geodesics on the equatorial plane of the Kerr spacetime. This result can be verified experimentally.Comment: IOP macros, eps figures n. 2, to appear on Classical and Quantum gravity, 200

    Characterizing Triviality of the Exponent Lattice of A Polynomial through Galois and Galois-Like Groups

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    The problem of computing \emph{the exponent lattice} which consists of all the multiplicative relations between the roots of a univariate polynomial has drawn much attention in the field of computer algebra. As is known, almost all irreducible polynomials with integer coefficients have only trivial exponent lattices. However, the algorithms in the literature have difficulty in proving such triviality for a generic polynomial. In this paper, the relations between the Galois group (respectively, \emph{the Galois-like groups}) and the triviality of the exponent lattice of a polynomial are investigated. The \bbbq\emph{-trivial} pairs, which are at the heart of the relations between the Galois group and the triviality of the exponent lattice of a polynomial, are characterized. An effective algorithm is developed to recognize these pairs. Based on this, a new algorithm is designed to prove the triviality of the exponent lattice of a generic irreducible polynomial, which considerably improves a state-of-the-art algorithm of the same type when the polynomial degree becomes larger. In addition, the concept of the Galois-like groups of a polynomial is introduced. Some properties of the Galois-like groups are proved and, more importantly, a sufficient and necessary condition is given for a polynomial (which is not necessarily irreducible) to have trivial exponent lattice.Comment: 19 pages,2 figure

    Magnetic Energy and Helicity Budgets in the Active-Region Solar Corona. I. Linear Force-Free Approximation

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    We self-consistently derive the magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets of a three-dimensional linear force-free magnetic structure rooted in a lower boundary plane. For the potential magnetic energy we derive a general expression that gives results practically equivalent to those of the magnetic Virial theorem. All magnetic energy and helicity budgets are formulated in terms of surface integrals applied to the lower boundary, thus avoiding computationally intensive three-dimensional magnetic field extrapolations. We analytically and numerically connect our derivations with classical expressions for the magnetic energy and helicity, thus presenting a so-far lacking unified treatment of the energy/helicity budgets in the constant-alpha approximation. Applying our derivations to photospheric vector magnetograms of an eruptive and a noneruptive solar active regions, we find that the most profound quantitative difference between these regions lies in the estimated free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets. If this result is verified with a large number of active regions, it will advance our understanding of solar eruptive phenomena. We also find that the constant-alpha approximation gives rise to large uncertainties in the calculation of the free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity. Therefore, care must be exercised when this approximation is applied to photospheric magnetic field observations. Despite its shortcomings, the constant-alpha approximation is adopted here because this study will form the basis of a comprehensive nonlinear force-free description of the energetics and helicity in the active-region solar corona, which is our ultimate objective.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    High multiplicity W+jets predictions at NLO

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    In these proceedings we present results from a recent calculation for the production of a W boson in conjunction with five jets at next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. We also use results at lower multiplicities to extrapolate the cross section to the same process with six jets.Comment: 5 pages, Proceedings for the DIS2013 conferenc

    The BlackHat Library for One-Loop Amplitudes

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    We present recent next-to-leading order (NLO) results in perturbative QCD obtained using the BlackHat software library. We discuss the use of n-tuples to separate the lengthy matrix-element computations from the analysis process. The use of n-tuples allows many analyses to be carried out on the same phase-space samples, and also allows experimenters to conduct their own analyses using the original NLO computation.Comment: Talk given at ACAT 2013, Beijing, China, May 16--21, 2013; 6 pages, 2 figures; added reference

    Refined kinematics of the Eastern California shear zone from GPS observations, 1993-1998

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    Global Positioning System (GPS) results from networks spanning the Eastern California shear zone and adjacent Sierra Nevada block, occupied annually between 1993 and 1998, constrain plate margin kinematics. We use an elastic block model to relate GPS station velocities to long‐term fault slip rate estimates. The model accounts for elastic strain accumulation on the San Andreas fault, as well as faults of the Eastern California shear zone. South of the Garlock fault, 14 mm/yr of dextral shear is distributed across the Eastern California shear zone. Some of this slip penetrates eastward into the Basin and Range, and a collective budget of 13 mm/yr is observed to the north at the latitude of Owens Lake. Model slip rates for two important faults, the Garlock and Owens Valley faults, significantly misfit geologic estimates. By referencing station velocities to stable North America we observe northward‐increasing deformation east of our regional GPS network. At the latitude of Mojave Desert, however, some of this deformation is ascribed to elastic strain accumulation due to a locked San Andreas fault and thus does not represent additional fault‐related, permanent deformation