7,930 research outputs found
Scaling Analysis of Domain-Wall Free-Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass in a Magnetic Field
The stability of the spin-glass phase against a magnetic field is studied in
the three and four dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glasses. Effective
couplings and effective fields associated with length scale L are measured by a
numerical domain-wall renormalization group method. The results obtained by
scaling analysis of the data strongly indicate the existence of a crossover
length beyond which the spin-glass order is destroyed by field H. The crossover
length well obeys a power law of H which diverges as H goes to zero but remains
finite for any non-zero H, implying that the spin-glass phase is absent even in
an infinitesimal field. These results are well consistent with the droplet
theory for short-range spin glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; The text is slightly changed, the figures 3, 4
and 5 are changed, and a few references are adde
Dynamics of Ordering of Heisenberg Spins with Torque --- Nonconserved Case. I
We study the dynamics of ordering of a nonconserved Heisenberg magnet. The
dynamics consists of two parts --- an irreversible dissipation into a heat bath
and a reversible precession induced by a torque due to the local molecular
field. For quenches to zero temperature, we provide convincing arguments, both
numerically (Langevin simulation) and analytically (approximate closure scheme
due to Mazenko), that the torque is irrelevant at late times. We subject the
Mazenko closure scheme to systematic numerical tests. Such an analysis, carried
out for the first time on a vector order parameter, shows that the closure
scheme performs respectably well. For quenches to , we show, to , that the torque is irrelevant at the Wilson-Fisher fixed
point.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, and 19 .eps figures, compressed, Submitted to Phys.
A counter-example to a recent version of the Penrose conjecture
By considering suitable axially symmetric slices on the Kruskal spacetime, we
construct counterexamples to a recent version of the Penrose inequality in
terms of so-called generalized apparent horizons.Comment: 12 pages. Appendix added with technical details. To appear in
Classical and Quantum Gravit
Phase Ordering Kinetics of One-Dimensional Non-Conserved Scalar Systems
We consider the phase-ordering kinetics of one-dimensional scalar systems.
For attractive long-range () interactions with ,
``Energy-Scaling'' arguments predict a growth-law of the average domain size for all . Numerical results for ,
, and demonstrate both scaling and the predicted growth laws. For
purely short-range interactions, an approach of Nagai and Kawasaki is
asymptotically exact. For this case, the equal-time correlations scale, but the
time-derivative correlations break scaling. The short-range solution also
applies to systems with long-range interactions when , and in that limit the amplitude of the growth law is exactly
calculated.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex 3.0, 8 FIGURES UPON REQUEST, 1549
Domain-Wall Energies and Magnetization of the Two-Dimensional Random-Bond Ising Model
We study ground-state properties of the two-dimensional random-bond Ising
model with couplings having a concentration of antiferromagnetic
and of ferromagnetic bonds. We apply an exact matching algorithm which
enables us the study of systems with linear dimension up to 700. We study
the behavior of the domain-wall energies and of the magnetization. We find that
the paramagnet-ferromagnet transition occurs at compared to
the concentration at the Nishimory point, which means that the
phase diagram of the model exhibits a reentrance. Furthermore, we find no
indications for an (intermediate) spin-glass ordering at finite temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, revTe
Persistence of Manifolds in Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics
We study the persistence P(t) of the magnetization of a d' dimensional
manifold (i.e., the probability that the manifold magnetization does not flip
up to time t, starting from a random initial condition) in a d-dimensional spin
system at its critical point. We show analytically that there are three
distinct late time decay forms for P(t) : exponential, stretched exponential
and power law, depending on a single parameter \zeta=(D-2+\eta)/z where D=d-d'
and \eta, z are standard critical exponents. In particular, our theory predicts
that the persistence of a line magnetization decays as a power law in the d=2
Ising model at its critical point. For the d=3 critical Ising model, the
persistence of the plane magnetization decays as a power law, while that of a
line magnetization decays as a stretched exponential. Numerical results are
consistent with these analytical predictions.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 1 eps figure include
Quantum and thermal fluctuations in the SU(N) Heisenberg spin-glass model near the quantum critical point
We solve for the SU(N) Heisenberg spin-glass in the limit of large N focusing
on small S and T. We study the effect of quantum and thermal fluctuations in
the frequency dependent response function and observed interesting transfers of
spectral weight. We compute the T-dependence of the order parameter and the
specific heat and find an unusual T^2 behavior for the latter at low
temperatures in the spin-glass phase. We find a remarkable qualitative
agreement with various experiments on the quantum frustrated magnet
SrCr_{9p}Ga_{12-9p}O_{19}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
Lifshitz-Slyozov Scaling For Late-Stage Coarsening With An Order-Parameter-Dependent Mobility
The coarsening dynamics of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with order-parameter
dependent mobility, , is addressed at
zero temperature in the Lifshitz-Slyozov limit where the minority phase
occupies a vanishingly small volume fraction. Despite the absence of bulk
diffusion for , the mean domain size is found to grow as , due to subdiffusive transport of the order parameter
through the majority phase. The domain-size distribution is determined
explicitly for the physically relevant case .Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, no figure
Electron Impact Excitation Cross Sections for Hydrogen-Like Ions
We present cross sections for electron-impact-induced transitions n --> n' in
hydrogen-like ions C 5+, Ne 9+, Al 12+, and Ar 17+. The cross sections are
computed by Coulomb-Born with exchange and normalization (CBE) method for all
transitions with n < n' < 7 and by convergent close-coupling (CCC) method for
transitions with n 2s and 1s
--> 2p are presented as well. The CCC and CBE cross sections agree to better
than 10% with each other and with earlier close-coupling results (available for
transition 1 --> 2 only). Analytical expression for n --> n' cross sections and
semiempirical formulae are discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 13 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Mean-field theory for a spin-glass model of neural networks: TAP free energy and paramagnetic to spin-glass transition
An approach is proposed to the Hopfield model where the mean-field treatment
is made for a given set of stored patterns (sample) and then the statistical
average over samples is taken. This corresponds to the approach made by
Thouless, Anderson and Palmer (TAP) to the infinite-range model of spin
glasses. Taking into account the fact that in the Hopfield model there exist
correlations between different elements of the interaction matrix, we obtain
its TAP free energy explicitly, which consists of a series of terms exhibiting
the cluster effect. Nature of the spin-glass transition in the model is also
examined and compared with those given by the replica method as well as the
cavity method.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, 1 PostScript figur
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