3,106 research outputs found

    Neutron Diffuse Scattering from Polar Nanoregions in the Relaxor Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3

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    We have studied the neutron diffuse scattering in the relaxor PMN. The diffuse scattering appears around the Burns temperature (~620K), indicating its origin from the polar nanoregions (PNR). While the relative diffuse intensities are consistent with previous reports, they are entirely different from those of the lowest-energy TO phonon. Because of that, it has been considered that this TO mode could not be the ferroelectric soft mode. Recently, a neutron scattering study has unambiguously shown that the TO mode does soften on cooling. If the diffuse scattering in PMN originates from the soft mode condensation, then the atomic displacements must satisfy the center of mass condition. But, the atomic displacements determined from diffuse scattering intensities do not fulfill this condition. To resolve this contradiction, we propose a simple model in which the total atomic displacement consists of two components: δCM\delta_{CM} is created by the soft mode condensation, satisfying the center of mass condition, and, δshift\delta_{shift} represents a uniform displacement of the PNR along their polar direction relative to the surrounding (unpolarized) cubic matrix. Within this framework, we can successfully describe the neutron diffuse scattering intensities observed in PMN.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures (Revised: 11-16-2001

    A Potts model for the distortion transition in LaMnO3_3

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    The Jahn-Teller distortive transition of \lmo is described by a modified 3-state Potts model. The interactions between the three possible orbits depends both on the orbits and their relative orientation on the lattice. Values of the two exchange parameters which are chosen to give the correct low temperature phase and the correct value for the transition temperature are shown to be consistent with microscopy theory. The model predicts a first order transitions and also a value for the entropy above the transition in good agreement with experiment. The theory with the same parameters also predicts the temperature dependence of the order parameter of orbital ordering agreeing well with published experimental results. Finally, the type of the transition is shown to be close to one of the most disordered phases of the generalised Potts model. The short range order found experimentally above the transition is investigated by this model.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures and no tables. Re-submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Impurities in the Two-Dimensional Spin One-Half Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    The study of randomness in low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets is at the forefront of research in the field of strongly correlated electron systems, yet there have been relatively few experimental model systems. Complementary neutron scattering and numerical experiments demonstrate that the spin-diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La2Cu(1-z)(Zn,Mg)zO4 is an excellent model material for square-lattice site percolation in the extreme quantum limit of spin one-half. Measurements of the ordered moment and spin correlations provide important quantitative information for tests of theories for this complex quantum-impurity problem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. NOTE: possible errors in PDF version of Fig. 1. View postscript version of figure if possibl

    Density matrix renormalisation group study of the correlation function of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain

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    Using the recently developed density matrix renormalization group approach, we study the correlation function of the spin-1 chain with quadratic and biquadratic interactions. This allows us to define and calculate the periodicity of the ground state which differs markedly from that in the classical analogue. Combining our results with other studies, we predict three phases in the region where the quadratic and biquadratic terms are both positive.Comment: 13 pages, Standard Latex File + 5 PostScript figures in separate (New version with SUBSTANTIAL REVISIONS to appear in J Phys A

    Magnetism of Superconducting UPt3

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    The phase diagram of superconducting U ⁣Pt3U\!Pt_{3} in pressure-temperature plane, together with the neutron scattering data is studied within a two component superconducting order parameter scenario. In order to give a qualitative explanation to the experimental data a set of two linearly independent antiferromagnetic moments which emerge appropriately at the temperature \mbox{TN10TcT_{N}\sim 10\cdot T_{c}} and \mbox{TmTcT_{m}\sim T_{c}} and couple to superconductivity is proposed. Several constraints on the fourth order coefficients in the Ginzburg-Landau free energy are obtained.Comment: 17 pages, figures available on request to [email protected]

    Static magnetic correlations near the insulating-superconducting phase boundary in La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4}

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    An elastic neutron scattering study has been performed on several single crystals of La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} for {\it x} near the lower critical concentration {\it xc_{c}} for superconductivity. % In the insulating spin-glass phase ({\it x} = 0.04 and 0.053), the previously reported one-dimensional spin modulation along the orthorhombic {\it b}-axis is confirmed. % Just inside the superconducting phase ({\it x} = 0.06), however, two pairs of incommensurate magnetic peaks are additionally observed corresponding to the spin modulation parallel to the tetragonal axes. % These two types of spin modulations with similar incommensurabilities coexist near the boundary. % The peak-width κ\kappa along spin-modulation direction exhibits an anomalous maximum in the superconducting phase near {\it xc_{c}}, where the incommensurability δ\delta monotonically increases upon doping across the phase boundary. % These results are discussed in connection with the doping-induced superconducting phase transition.Comment: 9pages, 9figure

    The Persistence and Memory of Polar Nano-Regions in a Ferroelectric Relaxor Under an Electric Field

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    The response of polar nanoregions (PNR) in the relaxor compound Pb[(Zn1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})0.92_{0.92}Ti0.08_{0.08}]O3_3 subject to a [111]-oriented electric field has been studied by neutron diffuse scattering. Contrary to classical expectations, the diffuse scattering associated with the PNR persists, and is even partially enhanced by field cooling. The effect of the external electric field is retained by the PNR after the field is removed. The ``memory'' of the applied field reappears even after heating the system above TCT_C, and cooling in zero field

    Elastic anomaly of heavy fermion systems in a crystalline field

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    An elastic anomaly, observed in the heavy fermi liquid state of Ce alloys (for example, CeCu6_6 and CeTe), is analyzed by using the infinite-UU Anderson lattice model. The four atomic energy levels are assumed for f-electrons. Two of them are mutually degenerate. A small crystalline splitting 2Δ2\Delta is assumed between two energy levels. The fourfold degenerate conduction bands are also considered in the model. We solve the model using the mean field approximation to slave bosons, changing the Fermi energy in order to keep the total electron number constant. The nonzero value of the mean field of the slave bosons persists over the temperatures much higher than the Kondo temperature. This is the effect of the constant electron number. Next, the linear susceptibility with respect to Δ\Delta is calculated in order to obtain the renomalized elastic constant. The resulting temperature dependence of the constant shows the downward dip. We point out the relation of our finding with the experimental data.Comment: submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, please request figure copies to [email protected]