30 research outputs found

    Ice core evidence for a 20th century increase in surface mass balance in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

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    Ice cores provide temporal records of surface mass balance (SMB). Coastal areas of Antarctica have relatively high and variable SMB, but are under-represented in records spanning more than 100 years. Here we present SMB reconstruction from a 120 m-long ice core drilled in 2012 on the Derwael Ice Rise, coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Water stable isotope (δ18O and δD) stratigraphy is supplemented by discontinuous major ion profiles and continuous electrical conductivity measurements. The base of the ice core is dated to AD 1759 ± 16, providing a climate proxy for the past  ∼ 250 years. The core's annual layer thickness history is combined with its gravimetric density profile to reconstruct the site's SMB history, corrected for the influence of ice deformation. The mean SMB for the core's entire history is 0.47 ± 0.02 m water equivalent (w.e.) a−1. The time series of reconstructed annual SMB shows high variability, but a general increase beginning in the 20th century. This increase is particularly marked during the last 50 years (1962–2011), which yields mean SMB of 0.61 ± 0.01 m w.e. a−1. This trend is compared with other reported SMB data in Antarctica, generally showing a high spatial variability. Output of the fully coupled Community Earth System Model (CESM) suggests that, although atmospheric circulation is the main factor influencing SMB, variability in sea surface temperatures and sea ice cover in the precipitation source region also explain part of the variability in SMB. Local snow redistribution can also influence interannual variability but is unlikely to influence long-term trends significantly. This is the first record from a coastal ice core in East Antarctica to show an increase in SMB beginning in the early 20th century and particularly marked during the last 50 years

    Aerosol growth in CO2 absorption with MEA, modelling and comparison with experimental results

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    A new and improved aerosol model has been developed and tested against experimental data. An e-NRTL equilibrium model for MEA was extended to cover sulphuric acid containing droplets and validated against new eboulliometer data in this work. The droplet model predicts emissions without demister installed in the absorber, within ± 20% and with demister, 30-80% of the measured emissions. The model predicts well the change in emissions from NG-based to coal-based exhaust. Under conditions reported in this work, the droplet number concentration was found to have a small effect on predicted emissions because of more MEA gas-phase depletion with high droplet concentrations and slower growth. The effects counteract each other. With significant MEA depletion in the gas phase, the emissions are largely determined by the mass transfer rate from the bulk liquid. The initial droplet sulphuric acid concentration had a minor effect on the outlet droplet size distribution. The effect on MEA emissions was significant: the emissions went up with increased initial sulphuric acid concentration. The effect of sulphuric acid was stronger for low inlet gas CO2 concentration (NG) than for coal-based exhaust. The increase in emissions is believed to be caused by the increase in overall driving force for MEA between bulk liquid phase and droplets. The log-normal model does not catch small inlet droplet sizes in the range below 20-30nm. These droplet sizes hardly grow in the absorber and water wash and in the total emissions, these droplets have a negligible impact on emissions.publishedVersio

    Applicability of enhancement factor models for CO2 absorption into aqueous MEA solutions

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    In many chemical industrial processes, mass transfer across gas-liquid interfaces accompanied by chemical reaction is the governing phenomena. In case of mass transfer accompanied by a chemical reaction in the liquid phase, the reaction will enhance mass transfer and generally the mass transfer enhancement is quantified in terms of an enhancement factor. Large number of enhancement factor models have been developed in literature and used without critical analysis for analyzing pilot data for CO2 absorption into aqueous amines. In order to perform such a critical analysis, 24 models are tested using lab-scale experimental data from four independent apparatuses for CO2 absorption into MEA solutions covering a range of different conditions such as short and long contact times, with and without gas phase resistance, high and low CO2 loadings and temperatures. Of the 24 enhancement factor models tested only six models were found to satisfactorily predict the experimental CO2 fluxes. These were the models based on the simple pseudo-first order reaction assumption, Emodels 1, 2 and 3 by Hatta [2] and Dankwerts [4] respectively, Emodel 20, the deCoursey and Thring [44] model based on Danckwert’s surface renewal theory with unequal diffusivities, Emodel 24, the recently published generalized model by Gaspar and Fosbøl [51] and Emodel 21, the Tufano et al. [67] model based surface renewal theory. All these models were found to work equally well to the discretized penetration model. No significant difference was found between Emodels 1, 2 and 3, indicating that whether one uses as basis a film, penetration or surface renewal model, is of insignificant importance. The success of the simple models is attributed to the short contact times in the experiments used as basis and the accuracy of the kinetic model. Contact times of the same magnitude between mixing points is also encountered in industrial packings and it is believed that the simple enhancement factor models may work well also in these cases if an accurate kinetic model is used.submittedVersio

    Study of the effect of condensation and evaporation of water on heat and mass transfer in CO2 absorption column

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    A rate-based combined heat and mass transfer model developed based on penetration theory is used to study the effect of water evaporation and condensation on the CO2 absorption process using six different cases with real pilot-scale plants flue gas conditions. The effect of water evaporation and condensation on the concentrations, temperature profiles and reaction rates are studied in detail. The model predicted reasonable profiles as one would expect for water condensation and evaporation. The degree of liquid temperature rise depends mainly on the gas water saturation level and the temperature difference between the gas and liquid. Temperature profiles are flat in the liquid, whereas the transferring components create steep concentration gradients close to the interface making the interface concentrations change rapidly with position in absorber. This is in line with the thermal and mass diffusivities. Concentration build-up or depletion of species takes place in the liquid phase close to the gas-liquid interface up to 10 μm distance from the interface. For the case with absorber bottom pinch conditions, it was found that the CO2 flux sign changes and desorption occurred when taking the evaporation and condensation effects into account, whereas, without these effects, only absorption was predicted. For most of the cases, absorption rate of CO2 was not affected significantly even though concentration gradients and temperature changes were found. However, for the extreme case of warm unsaturated exhaust from an NG fired plant, case C1, and for the near pinch situation, case C6, significant changes to the CO2 absorption rates were found

    CO2 absorption into loaded aqueous MEA solutions: Impact of different model parameter correlations and thermodynamic models on the absorption rate model predictions

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    A two-dimensional discretized rate-based model was used for assessing the impact of correlations and/or models for VLE (thermodynamics), solubility (CO2 henry’s law constant), reaction rate kinetic models and diffusivity of CO2 in aqueous MEA solutions on the absorber model predictions for CO2 capture. Experimental data from four different set-ups covering a wide range of conditions were utilized for the assessment. Four different thermodynamic models and eight different Henry’s constant correlations/models including the Aspen Plus V8.6 e-NRTL-RK model was used in the study. Even though the individual sub-models, e.g. solubility, physical properties, were validated with independent experimental data, the use of a random selection of these models will give different predictions when used in a rate-based simulation. It was seen that using different Henry’s law constant correlations had a huge effect on model predictions. Seven different reaction rate kinetic models were used and it was found that no single kinetic model was able to predict the experimental data from all the sources better than the chosen base case kinetic model. It was also seen that transport property (CO2 diffusivity in MEA) correlations could have a large impact on the outcome of model predictions and correlations based on the N2O analogy were better than the ones based on a modified Stokes-Einstein correlation. As a special case, frequently used kinetic models were used with the thermodynamic model and transport properties taken from Aspen Plus V8.6. It was found that two of the kinetic models predicted the experimental data with acceptable accuracy

    Gas phase amine depletaion created by aerosol formation and growth

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    Aerosols are systems of droplets or wet particles suspended in gases. In post combustion CO2 absorption systems aerosols can be formed by spontaneous phase transitions in supersaturated gas phases or by droplets or particles entering the absorber with the gas to be treated. Micron and sub-micron mist droplets and fog formed in these processes cannot be removed by conventional demisting devices and because amine may be absorbed in the droplets this may increase dramatically the amine emissions from absorption columns as reported previously (Khakharia et al., 2015; Schaber et al., 2002). Thus, it is important to understand the mechanisms governing droplet growth and amine uptake through absorber as well as the effect large numbers of aerosol droplets can have on the bulk gas phase composition. A model developed and implemented in Matlab, predicts how the gas phase composition and temperature change along the absorber taking into account mass and heat transfer to and from both the bulk liquid and the droplet phase. The objective of this work, compared to earlier work, Majeed et al. (2017), is to study the possible effect of gas phase component depletion on the droplet growth and droplet internal variable profiles and how this varies with initial droplet size and composition, droplet number concentration and amine volatility. For MEA, as a relatively volatile solvent it is seen that gas phase depletion already takes place at number concentrations above 105 droplets/cm3 with an initial droplet radius of 1.5 μ and 5 M MEA initial concentration. For initial droplet radius 0.15 μ and 0.0001 M MEA initial concentration, which may be a more realistic case, hardly any depletion effect is seen up to 107 droplets/cm3. With change in amine volatility it is seen that the gas phase depletion effect is significantly stronger in the case of low volatility than for MEA at high droplet number concentrations. It is found that gas phase amine depletion has a strong effect on droplet growth

    Predicting aerosol size distribution development in absorption columns

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    There are two main mechanisms for amine emissions from absorption columns. The first is connected to the volatility of amine, determining the gaseous concentration. The second mechanism is via aerosol droplets containing amine. Recently, aerosol based emissions in g/Nm3 were identified from typical PCCC plants (Khakharia et al., 2013). Mechanisms for aerosol formation, aerosol growth, emissions related to aerosol formation and in particular the development and testing of aerosol emission reducing systems for amine based post-combustion, are presently under study. However, there is still limited information available in the open literature. In some recent studies, the effect of water wash and demisting equipment was studied and results indicate that aerosol droplets still pass through these equipment sections. On the other hand, water wash systems help in increasing the droplet size as well as reducing both gas phase and aerosol based emission. However, this does not completely solve the problem (da Silva et al., 2013). Recently, modeling studies for mono-disperse droplet swarms are published (Majeed et al., 2017a, 2017b; Majeed and Svendsen, 2018a, 2018b). However, results for multi-sized droplet swarms and for droplet size distributions are missing. Droplets can be described by their size, temperature and composition. All droplet populations will have a size distribution, being just as important as any other parameter. Performing a distribution analysis is the best way to determine the sizes of droplets in a particular stream at any point in an absorber. In this work, both a multi-droplet size model and a size distribution model are implemented. The multi-droplet size model is used for validation and results are in line with findings from the mono-disperse model by (Majeed et al., 2017b; Majeed and Svendsen, 2018a). Droplet distribution model results are compared with experimental data from Toshiba (Fujita, 2017) and reasonable agreement is found. The development of inlet droplet distributions through an absorber and water-wash system is modelled for several flue gas sources. It is found that the outlet distribution mean size increases with inlet gas CO2 concentration. Similarly, the outlet mean droplet size decreases and the size distribution width increases with incoming droplet number concentration

    Quantitative determination of amines used in post-combustion CO2 capture process by ion chromatography

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    In post-combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) with amine-based solvents, determining the amount of amine components present in the liquid phase is essential. The quantification of the solvent should be fast, accurate and simple. Toward this direction, suppressed cation exchange chromatography can be a powerful tool for the determination of the amines and their degradation products. In this paper, validated methods for 12 commercial amines and 2 degradation products were developed. The amines included primary, secondary and tertiary alkanolamines, polyamines as well as cyclic amines. Amines were determined with the chromatographic system Dionex Thermo Scientific ICS-5000 with CS19 as column and CG19 as guard column. A thermoscientific conductivity detector was used for identifying the various analytes. The validated methods were used for quantitative analysis and the coefficient of determination was greater than 0.99. Moreover, applications for determination of amines from pilot plant studies, trace analysis of cationic species and analysis of degraded samples are presented. Finally, it was shown that amine concentrations can be determined fast and accurate with CS19 without any special sample preparation