20,634 research outputs found

    Critical behavior of the Random-Field Ising model at and beyond the Upper Critical Dimension

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    The disorder-driven phase transition of the RFIM is observed using exact ground-state computer simulations for hyper cubic lattices in d=5,6,7 dimensions. Finite-size scaling analyses are used to calculate the critical point and the critical exponents of the specific heat, magnetization, susceptibility and of the correlation length. For dimensions d=6,7 which are larger or equal to the assumed upper critical dimension, d_u=6, mean-field behaviour is found, i.e. alpha=0, beta=1/2, gamma=1, nu=1/2. For the analysis of the numerical data, it appears to be necessary to include recently proposed corrections to scaling at and beyond the upper critical dimension.Comment: 8 pages and 13 figures; A consise summary of this work can be found in the papercore database at http://www.papercore.org/Ahrens201

    Large-deviation properties of the extended Moran model

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    The distributions of the times to the first common ancestor t_mrca is numerically studied for an ecological population model, the extended Moran model. This model has a fixed population size N. The number of descendants is drawn from a beta distribution Beta(alpha, 2-alpha) for various choices of alpha. This includes also the classical Moran model (alpha->0) as well as the uniform distribution (alpha=1). Using a statistical mechanics-based large-deviation approach, the distributions can be studied over an extended range of the support, down to probabilities like 10^{-70}, which allowed us to study the change of the tails of the distribution when varying the value of alpha in [0,2]. We find exponential distributions p(t_mrca)~ delta^{t_mrca} in all cases, with systematically varying values for the base delta. Only for the cases alpha=0 and alpha=1, analytical results are known, i.e., delta=\exp(-2/N^2) and delta=2/3, respectively. We recover these values, confirming the validity of our approach. Finally, we also study the correlations between t_mrca and the number of descendants.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Direct sampling of complex landscapes at low temperatures: the three-dimensional +/-J Ising spin glass

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    A method is presented, which allows to sample directly low-temperature configurations of glassy systems, like spin glasses. The basic idea is to generate ground states and low lying excited configurations using a heuristic algorithm. Then, with the help of microcanonical Monte Carlo simulations, more configurations are found, clusters of configurations are determined and entropies evaluated. Finally equilibrium configuration are randomly sampled with proper Gibbs-Boltzmann weights. The method is applied to three-dimensional Ising spin glasses with +- J interactions and temperatures T<=0.5. The low-temperature behavior of this model is characterized by evaluating different overlap quantities, exhibiting a complex low-energy landscape for T>0, while the T=0 behavior appears to be less complex.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, revtex (one sentence changed compared to v2

    RNA secondary structure design

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    We consider the inverse-folding problem for RNA secondary structures: for a given (pseudo-knot-free) secondary structure find a sequence that has that structure as its ground state. If such a sequence exists, the structure is called designable. We implemented a branch-and-bound algorithm that is able to do an exhaustive search within the sequence space, i.e., gives an exact answer whether such a sequence exists. The bound required by the branch-and-bound algorithm are calculated by a dynamic programming algorithm. We consider different alphabet sizes and an ensemble of random structures, which we want to design. We find that for two letters almost none of these structures are designable. The designability improves for the three-letter case, but still a significant fraction of structures is undesignable. This changes when we look at the natural four-letter case with two pairs of complementary bases: undesignable structures are the exception, although they still exist. Finally, we also study the relation between designability and the algorithmic complexity of the branch-and-bound algorithm. Within the ensemble of structures, a high average degree of undesignability is correlated to a long time to prove that a given structure is (un-)designable. In the four-letter case, where the designability is high everywhere, the algorithmic complexity is highest in the region of naturally occurring RNA.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Reduction of Two-Dimensional Dilute Ising Spin Glasses

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    The recently proposed reduction method is applied to the Edwards-Anderson model on bond-diluted square lattices. This allows, in combination with a graph-theoretical matching algorithm, to calculate numerically exact ground states of large systems. Low-temperature domain-wall excitations are studied to determine the stiffness exponent y_2. A value of y_2=-0.281(3) is found, consistent with previous results obtained on undiluted lattices. This comparison demonstrates the validity of the reduction method for bond-diluted spin systems and provides strong support for similar studies proclaiming accurate results for stiffness exponents in dimensions d=3,...,7.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex4, 6 ps-figures included, for related information, see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Optimal Vertex Cover for the Small-World Hanoi Networks

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    The vertex-cover problem on the Hanoi networks HN3 and HN5 is analyzed with an exact renormalization group and parallel-tempering Monte Carlo simulations. The grand canonical partition function of the equivalent hard-core repulsive lattice-gas problem is recast first as an Ising-like canonical partition function, which allows for a closed set of renormalization group equations. The flow of these equations is analyzed for the limit of infinite chemical potential, at which the vertex-cover problem is attained. The relevant fixed point and its neighborhood are analyzed, and non-trivial results are obtained both, for the coverage as well as for the ground state entropy density, which indicates the complex structure of the solution space. Using special hierarchy-dependent operators in the renormalization group and Monte-Carlo simulations, structural details of optimal configurations are revealed. These studies indicate that the optimal coverages (or packings) are not related by a simple symmetry. Using a clustering analysis of the solutions obtained in the Monte Carlo simulations, a complex solution space structure is revealed for each system size. Nevertheless, in the thermodynamic limit, the solution landscape is dominated by one huge set of very similar solutions.Comment: RevTex, 24 pages; many corrections in text and figures; final version; for related information, see http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Spin Domains Generate Hierarchical Ground State Structure in J=+/-1 Spin Glasses

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    Unbiased samples of ground states were generated for the short-range Ising spin glass with Jij=+/-1, in three dimensions. Clustering the ground states revealed their hierarchical structure, which is explained by correlated spin domains, serving as cores for macroscopic zero energy "excitations".Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    A new method for analyzing ground-state landscapes: ballistic search

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    A ``ballistic-search'' algorithm is presented which allows the identification of clusters (or funnels) of ground states in Ising spin glasses even for moderate system sizes. The clusters are defined to be sets of states, which are connected in state-space by chains of zero-energy flips of spins. The technique can also be used to estimate the sizes of such clusters. The performance of the method is tested with respect to different system sizes and choices of parameters. As an application the ground-state funnel structure of two-dimensional +or- J spin glasses of systems up to size L=20 is analyzed by calculating a huge number of ground states per realization. A T=0 entropy per spin of s_0=0.086(4)k_B is obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 35 references, revte

    Universality-class dependence of energy distributions in spin glasses

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    We study the probability distribution function of the ground-state energies of the disordered one-dimensional Ising spin chain with power-law interactions using a combination of parallel tempering Monte Carlo and branch, cut, and price algorithms. By tuning the exponent of the power-law interactions we are able to scan several universality classes. Our results suggest that mean-field models have a non-Gaussian limiting distribution of the ground-state energies, whereas non-mean-field models have a Gaussian limiting distribution. We compare the results of the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain to results for a disordered two-leg ladder, for which large system sizes can be studied, and find a qualitative agreement between the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain in the short-range universality class and the disordered two-leg ladder. We show that the mean and the standard deviation of the ground-state energy distributions scale with a power of the system size. In the mean-field universality class the skewness does not follow a power-law behavior and converges to a nonzero constant value. The data for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model seem to be acceptably well fitted by a modified Gumbel distribution. Finally, we discuss the distribution of the internal energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model at finite temperatures and show that it behaves similar to the ground-state energy of the system if the temperature is smaller than the critical temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, 1 tabl

    On Which Length Scales Can Temperature Exist in Quantum Systems?

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    We consider a regular chain of elementary quantum systems with nearest neighbor interactions and assume that the total system is in a canonical state with temperature TT. We analyze under what condition the state factors into a product of canonical density matrices with respect to groups of nn subsystems each, and when these groups have the same temperature TT. While in classical mechanics the validity of this procedure only depends on the size of the groups nn, in quantum mechanics the minimum group size nminn_{\text{min}} also depends on the temperature TT ! As examples, we apply our analysis to different types of Heisenberg spin chains.Comment: To appear in: Proceedings of the SPQS conference, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) Supp