3,785 research outputs found

    Bounds for extreme zeros of some classical orthogonal polynomials

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    We derive upper bounds for the smallest zero and lower bounds for the largest zero of Laguerre, Jacobi and Gegenbauer polynomials. Our approach uses mixed three term recurrence relations satisfied by polynomials corresponding to different parameter(s) within the same classical family. We prove that interlacing properties of the zeros impose restrictions on the possible location of common zeros of the polynomials involved and deduce strict bounds for the extreme zeros of polynomials belonging to each of these three classical families. We show numerically that the bounds generated by our method improve known lower (upper) bounds for the largest (smallest) zeros of polynomials in these families, notably in the case of Jacobi and Gegenbauer polynomials

    Understanding Equitable Assessment: How Preservice Teachers Make Meaning of DisAbility

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    Disproportionality of historically marginalized populations in special education continues to be a critical concern. The identification of students with disabilities is reliant on valid and reliable assessment that is free of bias. The extent to which this is possible given measurement constraints and an increasingly diverse student population is unclear. How teachers are trained to design, select, administer, score, and interpret assessment data related to the identification of students with disabilities is vastly under-researched considering the significant implications of assessment practices. In this study, six special education preservice teachers engaged in an assessment methods course during their second semester of an initial certification program. This study focuses on shifts in preservice teacher understanding and the associated learning experiences in the course. Findings from this study have the potential to inform general and special education teacher preparation coursework

    Finite dimensional approximations to Wiener measure and path integral formulas on manifolds

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    Certain natural geometric approximation schemes are developed for Wiener measure on a compact Riemannian manifold. These approximations closely mimic the informal path integral formulas used in the physics literature for representing the heat semi-group on Riemannian manifolds. The path space is approximated by finite dimensional manifolds consisting of piecewise geodesic paths adapted to partitions PP of [0,1][0,1]. The finite dimensional manifolds of piecewise geodesics carry both an H1H^{1} and a L2L^{2} type Riemannian structures GPiG^i_P. It is proved that as the mesh of the partition tends to 00, 1/ZPieβˆ’1/2E(Οƒ)VolGPi(Οƒ)→ρi(Οƒ)Ξ½(Οƒ) 1/Z_P^i e^{- 1/2 E(\sigma)} Vol_{G^i_P}(\sigma) \to \rho_i(\sigma)\nu(\sigma) where E(Οƒ)E(\sigma ) is the energy of the piecewise geodesic path Οƒ\sigma, and for i=0i=0 and 11, ZPiZ_P^i is a ``normalization'' constant, VolGPiVol_{G^i_P} is the Riemannian volume form relative GPiG^i_P, and Ξ½\nu is Wiener measure on paths on MM. Here ρ1=1\rho_1 = 1 and ρ0(Οƒ)=exp⁑(βˆ’1/6∫01Scal(Οƒ(s))ds) \rho_0 (\sigma) = \exp( -1/6 \int_0^1 Scal(\sigma(s))ds ) where ScalScal is the scalar curvature of MM. These results are also shown to imply the well know integration by parts formula for the Wiener measure.Comment: 48 pages, latex2e using amsart and amssym
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