21 research outputs found

    Changes in ruminal volatile fatty acid production and absorption rate during the dry period and early lactation as affected by rate of increase of concentrate allowance

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    The aim of the present experiment was to study changes in volatile fatty acid (VFA) production using an isotope dilution technique, and changes in VFA fractional absorption rate (k aVFA) using a buffer incubation technique (BIT) during the dry period and early lactation, as affected by the postpartum (pp) rate of increase of concentrate allowance. The current results are complementary to previously reported changes on rumen papillae morphology from the same experiment. From 50 d antepartum to 80 d pp, VFA production rate was measured 5 times and k aVFA was measured 10 times in 12 rumen-cannulated Holstein Friesian cows. Cows had free access to a mixed ration, consisting of grass and corn silage, soybean meal, and (dry period only) chopped straw. Treatment consisted of either a rapid (RAP; 1.0 kg of DM/d; n = 6) or gradual (GRAD; 0.25 kg of DM/d; n = 6) increase of concentrate allowance (up to 10.9 kg of DM/d), starting at 4 d pp, aimed at creating a contrast in rumen-fermentable organic matter intake. For the BIT, rumen contents were evacuated, the rumen washed, and a standardized buffer fluid introduced [120 mM VFA, 60% acetic (Ac), 25% propionic (Pr), and 15% butyric (Bu) acid; pH 5.9 and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker]. For the isotope dilution technique, a pulse-dose of 13C-labeled Ac, Pr, and Bu and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker was infused. The rate of total VFA production was similar between treatments and was 2 times higher during the lactation (114 mol/d) than the dry period (53 mol/d). Although papillae surface area at 16, 30, and 44 d pp was greater in RAP than GRAD, Bu and Ac production at these days did not differ between RAP and GRAD, whereas at 16 d pp RAP produced more Pr than GRAD. These results provide little support for the particular proliferative effects of Bu on papillae surface area. Similar to developments in papillae surface area in the dry period and early lactation, the k aVFA (per hour), measured using the BIT, decreased from 0.45 (Ac), 0.53 (Pr) and 0.56 (Bu) at 50 d antepartum to 0.28 (Ac), 0.34 (Pr) and 0.38 (Bu) at 3 d pp. Thereafter, k aVFA (/h) rapidly increased up to 0.67 (Ac), 0.79 (Pr), and 0.79 (Bu) at 80 d pp. Although papillae surface area was greater at 16, 30, and 44 d pp in RAP than GRAD, no differences in k aVFA between RAP and GRAD were observed during these days showing papillae surface area is not the limiting factor for k aVFA during early pp adaptation

    Notitie resultaten experiment 1

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    Review: Rumen sensors: Data and interpretation for key rumen metabolic processes

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    Rumen sensors provide specific information to help understand rumen functioning in relation to health disorders and to assist in decision-making for farm management. This review focuses on the use of rumen sensors to measure ruminal pH and discusses variation in pH in both time and location, pH-associated disorders and data analysis methods to summarize and interpret rumen pH data. Discussion on the use of rumen sensors to measure redox potential as an indication of the fermentation processes is also included. Acids may accumulate and reduce ruminal pH if acid removal from the rumen and rumen buffering cannot keep pace with their production. The complexity of the factors involved, combined with the interactions between the rumen and the host that ultimately determine ruminal pH, results in large variation among animals in their pH response to dietary or other changes. Although ruminal pH and pH dynamics only partially explain the typical symptoms of acidosis, it remains a main indicator and may assist to optimize rumen function. Rumen pH sensors allow continuous monitoring of pH and of diurnal variation in pH in individual animals. Substantial drift of non-retrievable rumen pH sensors, and the difficulty to calibrate these sensors, limits their application. Significant within-day variation in ruminal pH is frequently observed, and large distinct differences in pH between locations in the rumen occur. The magnitude of pH differences between locations appears to be diet dependent. Universal application of fixed conversion factors to correct for absolute pH differences between locations should be avoided. Rumen sensors provide high-resolution kinetics of pH and a vast amount of data. Commonly reported pH characteristics include mean and minimum pH, but these do not properly reflect severity of pH depression. The area under the pH × time curve integrates both duration and extent of pH depression. The use of this characteristic, as well as summarizing parameters obtained from fitting equations to cumulative pH data, is recommended to identify pH variation in relation to acidosis. Some rumen sensors can also measure the redox potential. This measurement helps to understand rumen functioning, as the redox potential of rumen fluid directly reflects the microbial intracellular redox balance status and impacts fermentative activity of rumen microorganisms. Taken together, proper assessment and interpretation of data generated by rumen sensors requires consideration of their limitations under various conditions.</p

    Enteric methane production in lactating dairy cows with continuous feeding of essential oils or rotational feeding of essential oils and lauric acid

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    The rumen microbes can adapt to feed additives, which may make the decrease in enteric CH4 production upon feeding an additive a transient response only. This study investigated alternate feeding of 2 CH4 mitigating feed additives with a different mode of action on persistency of lowering CH4 production compared with feeding a single additive over a period of 10 wk. Four pairs of cows were selected, and within pairs, cows were randomly assigned to either the control (AR-AR) or the alternating (AR-LA) concentrate treatment. The AR concentrate contained a blend of essential oils (Agolin Ruminant, AGOLIN SA, Bière, Switzerland; 0.17 g/kg of dry matter) and the LA concentrate contained lauric acid (C12:0; 65 g/kg of dry matter). A basal concentrate without Agolin Ruminant and lauric acid was fed during the pretreatment period (2 wk). Thereafter, the cows assigned to the AR-AR treatment received the AR concentrate during all 10 treatment weeks (5 periods of 2 wk each), whereas cows assigned to the AR-LA treatment received AR and LA concentrates rotated on a weekly basis. Methane emission was measured in climate respiration chambers during periods 1, 3, and 5. From period 3 onward, dry matter intake and milk protein concentration were reduced with the AR-LA treatment. Milk fat concentration was not affected, but the proportion of C12:0 in milk fat increased upon feeding C12:0. Molar proportions of acetate and propionate in rumen fluid were lower and higher, respectively, with the AR-LA than with the AR-AR treatment. Methane yield (g/kg of dry matter intake) and intensity (g/kg of fat- and protein-corrected milk yield) were not affected by treatment. Methane yield and intensity were significantly lower (12 and 11%, respectively) in period 1 compared with the pretreatment period, but no significant difference relative to pretreatment period was observed in period 3 (numerically 9 and 7% lower, respectively) and in period 5 (numerically 8 and 4% lower, respectively). Results indicate a transient decrease in CH4 yield and intensity in time, but no improvement in extent or persistency of the decline in CH4 due to rotational feeding of essential oils and C12:0 in lactating dairy cows

    Short communication: Using diurnal patterns of 13C enrichment of CO2 to evaluate the effects of nitrate and docosahexaenoic acid on fiber degradation in the rumen of lactating dairy cows

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    Nitrate decreases enteric CH4 production in ruminants, but may also negatively affect fiber degradation. In this experiment, 28 lactating Holstein dairy cows were grouped into 7 blocks. Within blocks, cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 isonitrogenous treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: control (CON); NO3 [21 g of nitrate/kg of dry matter (DM)]; DHA [3 g of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)/kg of DM]; or NO3+DHA (21 g of nitrate/kg of DM and 3 g of DHA/kg of DM). Cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 21% grass silage, 49% corn silage, and 30% concentrates on a DM basis. Based on the difference in natural 13C enrichment and neutral detergent fiber and starch content between grass silage and corn silage, we investigated whether a negative effect on rumen fiber degradation could be detected by evaluating diurnal patterns of 13C enrichment of exhaled carbon dioxide. A significant nitrate × DHA interaction was found for neutral detergent fiber digestibility, which was reduced on the NO3 treatment to an average of 55%, as compared with 61, 64, and 65% on treatments CON, DHA, and NO3+DHA, respectively. Feeding nitrate, but not DHA, resulted in a pronounced increase in 13C enrichment of CO2 in the first 3 to 4 h after feeding only. Results support the hypothesis that effects of a feed additive on the rate of fiber degradation in the rumen can be detected by evaluating diurnal patterns of 13C enrichment of CO2. To be able to detect this, the main ration components have to differ considerably in fiber and nonfiber carbohydrate content as well as in natural 13C enrichment.</p

    Changes in ruminal volatile fatty acid production and absorption rate during the dry period and early lactation as affected by rate of increase of concentrate allowance

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    The aim of the present experiment was to study changes in volatile fatty acid (VFA) production using an isotope dilution technique, and changes in VFA fractional absorption rate (k aVFA) using a buffer incubation technique (BIT) during the dry period and early lactation, as affected by the postpartum (pp) rate of increase of concentrate allowance. The current results are complementary to previously reported changes on rumen papillae morphology from the same experiment. From 50 d antepartum to 80 d pp, VFA production rate was measured 5 times and k aVFA was measured 10 times in 12 rumen-cannulated Holstein Friesian cows. Cows had free access to a mixed ration, consisting of grass and corn silage, soybean meal, and (dry period only) chopped straw. Treatment consisted of either a rapid (RAP; 1.0 kg of DM/d; n = 6) or gradual (GRAD; 0.25 kg of DM/d; n = 6) increase of concentrate allowance (up to 10.9 kg of DM/d), starting at 4 d pp, aimed at creating a contrast in rumen-fermentable organic matter intake. For the BIT, rumen contents were evacuated, the rumen washed, and a standardized buffer fluid introduced [120 mM VFA, 60% acetic (Ac), 25% propionic (Pr), and 15% butyric (Bu) acid; pH 5.9 and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker]. For the isotope dilution technique, a pulse-dose of 13C-labeled Ac, Pr, and Bu and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker was infused. The rate of total VFA production was similar between treatments and was 2 times higher during the lactation (114 mol/d) than the dry period (53 mol/d). Although papillae surface area at 16, 30, and 44 d pp was greater in RAP than GRAD, Bu and Ac production at these days did not differ between RAP and GRAD, whereas at 16 d pp RAP produced more Pr than GRAD. These results provide little support for the particular proliferative effects of Bu on papillae surface area. Similar to developments in papillae surface area in the dry period and early lactation, the k aVFA (per hour), measured using the BIT, decreased from 0.45 (Ac), 0.53 (Pr) and 0.56 (Bu) at 50 d antepartum to 0.28 (Ac), 0.34 (Pr) and 0.38 (Bu) at 3 d pp. Thereafter, k aVFA (/h) rapidly increased up to 0.67 (Ac), 0.79 (Pr), and 0.79 (Bu) at 80 d pp. Although papillae surface area was greater at 16, 30, and 44 d pp in RAP than GRAD, no differences in k aVFA between RAP and GRAD were observed during these days showing papillae surface area is not the limiting factor for k aVFA during early pp adaptation

    The effect of supplemental concentrate fed during the dry period on morphological and functional aspects of rumen adaptation in dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation

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    Ten rumen-cannulated Holstein-Friesian cows were used to examine the effect of feeding supplemental concentrate during the dry period on rumen papillae morphology and fractional absorption rate (ka) of volatile fatty acids (VFA) during the dry period and subsequent lactation. Treatment consisted of supplemental concentrate [3.0 kg of dry matter (DM)/d] from 28 d antepartum (ap) until the day of calving, whereas control did not receive supplemental concentrate. Cows were fed for ad libitum intake and had free access to the dry period ration (27% grass silage, 28% corn silage, 35% wheat straw, and 11% soybean meal on a DM basis) and, from calving onward, to a basal lactation ration (42% grass silage, 42% corn silage, and 16% soybean meal on a DM basis). From 1 to 3 d postpartum (pp), all cows were fed 0.9 kg DM/d of concentrate, which increased linearly thereafter to 8.9 kg of DM/d on d 11 pp. At 28, 18, and 8 d ap, and 3, 17, 31, and 45 d pp, rumen papillae were collected and kaVFA was measured in all cows. On average, 13.8 (standard deviation: 3.8) papillae were collected each from the ventral, caudodorsal, and caudoventral rumen sacs per cow per day. The kaVFA was measured by incubating a standardized buffer fluid (45 L), containing 120 mM VFA (60% acetic, 25% propionic, and 15% butyric acid) and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker, in the evacuated and washed rumen. Treatment did not affect ap or pp DM and energy intakes or milk yield and composition. Treatment increased papillae surface area, which was 19 and 29% larger at 18 and 8 d ap compared with 28 d ap, respectively. Surface area increased, mainly due to an increase in papillae width. However, treatment did not increase kaVFA at 18 and 8 d ap compared with 28 d ap. In the control group, no changes in papillae surface area or kaVFA were observed during the dry period. In the treatment group, papillae surface area decreased between 8 d ap and 3 d pp, whereas no decrease was observed for control. From 3 to 45 d pp, papillae surface area and kaVFA increased for all cows by approximately 50%, but the ap concentrate treatment did not affect kaVFA pp. In conclusion, the efficacy of supplemental concentrate during the dry period to increase papillae surface area and kaVFA in preparation for subsequent lactation is not supported by the present study. Current observations underline the importance of functional measurements in lieu of morphological measurements to assess changes in the adapting rumen wall

    The effect of supplemental concentrate fed during the dry period on morphological and functional aspects of rumen adaptation in dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation

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    Ten rumen-cannulated Holstein-Friesian cows were used to examine the effect of feeding supplemental concentrate during the dry period on rumen papillae morphology and fractional absorption rate (ka) of volatile fatty acids (VFA) during the dry period and subsequent lactation. Treatment consisted of supplemental concentrate [3.0kg of dry matter (DM)/d] from 28d antepartum (ap) until the day of calving, whereas control did not receive supplemental concentrate. Cows were fed for ad libitum intake and had free access to the dry period ration (27% grass silage, 28% corn silage, 35% wheat straw, and 11% soybean meal on a DM basis) and, from calving onward, to a basal lactation ration (42% grass silage, 42% corn silage, and 16% soybean meal on a DM basis). From 1 to 3d postpartum (pp), all cows were fed 0.9kg DM/d of concentrate, which increased linearly thereafter to 8.9kg of DM/d on d 11 pp. At 28, 18, and 8d ap, and 3, 17, 31, and 45d pp, rumen papillae were collected and kaVFA was measured in all cows. On average, 13.8 (standard deviation: 3.8) papillae were collected each from the ventral, caudodorsal, and caudoventral rumen sacs per cow per day. The kaVFA was measured by incubating a standardized buffer fluid (45 L), containing 120mM VFA (60% acetic, 25% propionic, and 15% butyric acid) and Co-EDTA as fluid passage marker, in the evacuated and washed rumen. Treatment did not affect ap or pp DM and energy intakes or milk yield and composition. Treatment increased papillae surface area, which was 19 and 29% larger at 18 and 8d ap compared with 28d ap, respectively. Surface area increased, mainly due to an increase in papillae width. However, treatment did not increase kaVFA at 18 and 8d ap compared with 28d ap. In the control group, no changes in papillae surface area or kaVFA were observed during the dry period. In the treatment group, papillae surface area decreased between 8d ap and 3d pp, whereas no decrease was observed for control. From 3 to 45d pp, papillae surface area and kaVFA increased for all cows by approximately 50%, but the ap concentrate treatment did not affect kaVFA pp. In conclusion, the efficacy of supplemental concentrate during the dry period to increase papillae surface area and kaVFA in preparation for subsequent lactation is not supported by the present study. Current observations underline the importance of functional measurements in lieu of morphological measurements to assess changes in the adapting rumen wall