831 research outputs found

    One-loop Effective Potential for a Fixed Charged Self-interacting Bosonic Model at Finite Temperature with its Related Multiplicative Anomaly

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    The one-loop partition function for a charged self-interacting Bose gas at finite temperature in D-dimensional spacetime is evaluated within a path integral approach making use of zeta-function regularization. For D even, a new additional vacuum term ---overlooked in all previous treatments and coming from the multiplicative anomaly related to functional determinants-- is found and its dependence on the mass and chemical potential is obtained. The presence of the new term is shown to be crucial for having the factorization invariance of the regularized partition function. In the non interacting case, the relativistic Bose-Einstein condensation is revisited. By means of a suitable charge renormalization, for D=4 the symmetry breaking phase is shown to be unaffected by the new term, which, however, gives actually rise to a non vanishing new contribution in the unbroken phase.Comment: 25 pages, RevTex, a new Section and several explanations added concering the non-commutative residue and the physical discussio

    Metric gravity theories and cosmology:II. Stability of a ground state in f(R) theories

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    A fundamental criterion of viability of any gravity theory is existence of a stable ground-state solution being either Minkowski, dS or AdS space. Stability of the ground state is independent of which frame is physical. In general, a given theory has multiple ground states and splits into independent physical sectors. All metric gravity theories with the Lagrangian being a function of Ricci tensor are dynamically equivalent to Einstein gravity with a source and this allows us to study the stability problem using methods developed in GR. We apply these methods to f(R) theories. As is shown in 13 cases of Lagrangians the stability criterion works simply and effectively whenever the curvature of the ground state is determined. An infinite number of gravity theories have a stable ground state and further viability criteria are necessary.Comment: A modified and expanded version of a second part of the paper which previously appeared as gr-qc/0702097v1. The first, modified part is now published as gr-qc/0702097v2 and as a separate paper in Class. Qu. Grav. The present paper matches the published versio

    Equilibrium hydrostatic equation and Newtonian limit of the singular f(R) gravity

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    We derive the equilibrium hydrostatic equation of a spherical star for any gravitational Lagrangian density of the form L=gf(R)L=\sqrt{-g}f(R). The Palatini variational principle for the Helmholtz Lagrangian in the Einstein gauge is used to obtain the field equations in this gauge. The equilibrium hydrostatic equation is obtained and is used to study the Newtonian limit for f(R)=Ra23Rf(R)=R-\frac{a^{2}}{3R}. The same procedure is carried out for the more generally case f(R)=R1n+2an+1Rnf(R)=R-\frac{1}{n+2}\frac{a^{n+1}}{R^{n}} giving a good Newtonian limit.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity

    One-loop f(R) gravity in de Sitter universe

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    Motivated by the dark energy issue, the one-loop quantization approach for a family of relativistic cosmological theories is discussed in some detail. Specifically, general f(R)f(R) gravity at the one-loop level in a de Sitter universe is investigated, extending a similar program developed for the case of pure Einstein gravity. Using generalized zeta regularization, the one-loop effective action is explicitly obtained off-shell, what allows to study in detail the possibility of (de)stabilization of the de Sitter background by quantum effects. The one-loop effective action maybe useful also for the study of constant curvature black hole nucleation rate and it provides the plausible way of resolving the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file. Discussion enlarged, new references added. Version accepted in JCA

    On thermodynamics second law in the modified Gauss Bonnet gravity

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    The second law and the generalized second law of thermodynamics in cosmology in the framework of the modified Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravity are investigated. The conditions upon which these laws hold are derived and discussed.Comment: 9pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Tunnelling Methods and Hawking's radiation: achievements and prospects

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    The aim of this work is to review the tunnelling method as an alternative description of the quantum radiation from black holes and cosmological horizons. The method is first formulated and discussed for the case of stationary black holes, then a foundation is provided in terms of analytic continuation throughout complex space-time. The two principal implementations of the tunnelling approach, which are the null geodesic method and the Hamilton-Jacobi method, are shown to be equivalent in the stationary case. The Hamilton-Jacobi method is then extended to cover spherically symmetric dynamical black holes, cosmological horizons and naked singularities. Prospects and achievements are discussed in the conclusions.Comment: Topical Review commissioned and accepted for publication by "Classical and Quantum Gravity". 101 pages; 6 figure

    Oscillations of the F(R) dark energy in the accelerating universe

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    Oscillations of the F(R)F(R) dark energy around the phantom divide line, ωDE=1\omega_{DE}=-1, both during the matter era and also in the de Sitter epoch are investigated. The analysis during the de Sitter epoch is revisited by expanding the modified equations of motion around the de Sitter solution. Then, during the matter epoch, the time dependence of the dark energy perturbations is discussed by using two different local expansions. For high values of the red shift, the matter epoch is a stable point of the theory, giving the possibility to expand the F(R)F(R)-functions in terms of the dark energy perturbations. In the late-time matter era, the realistic case is considered where dark energy tends to a constant. The results obtained are confirmed by precise numerical computation on a specific model of exponential gravity. A novel and very detailed discussion is provided on the critical points in the matter era and on the relation of the oscillations with possible singularities.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, version to appear in EPJ

    Spectral analysis and zeta determinant on the deformed spheres

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    We consider a class of singular Riemannian manifolds, the deformed spheres SkNS^N_k, defined as the classical spheres with a one parameter family g[k]g[k] of singular Riemannian structures, that reduces for k=1k=1 to the classical metric. After giving explicit formulas for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the metric Laplacian ΔSkN\Delta_{S^N_k}, we study the associated zeta functions ζ(s,ΔSkN)\zeta(s,\Delta_{S^N_k}). We introduce a general method to deal with some classes of simple and double abstract zeta functions, generalizing the ones appearing in ζ(s,ΔSkN)\zeta(s,\Delta_{S^N_k}). An application of this method allows to obtain the main zeta invariants for these zeta functions in all dimensions, and in particular ζ(0,ΔSkN)\zeta(0,\Delta_{S^N_k}) and ζ(0,ΔSkN)\zeta'(0,\Delta_{S^N_k}). We give explicit formulas for the zeta regularized determinant in the low dimensional cases, N=2,3N=2,3, thus generalizing a result of Dowker \cite{Dow1}, and we compute the first coefficients in the expansion of these determinants in powers of the deformation parameter kk.Comment: 1 figur

    Compactifying the state space for alternative theories of gravity

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    In this paper we address important issues surrounding the choice of variables when performing a dynamical systems analysis of alternative theories of gravity. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compactifying the state space, and illustrate this using two examples. We first show how to define a compact state space for the class of LRS Bianchi type I models in RnR^n-gravity and compare to a non--compact expansion--normalised approach. In the second example we consider the flat Friedmann matter subspace of the previous example, and compare the compact analysis to studies where non-compact non--expansion--normalised variables were used. In both examples we comment on the existence of bouncing or recollapsing orbits as well as the existence of static models.Comment: 18 pages, revised to match published versio

    Applications of the Mellin-Barnes integral representation

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    We apply the Mellin-Barnes integral representation to several situations of interest in mathematical-physics. At the purely mathematical level, we derive useful asymptotic expansions of different zeta-functions and partition functions. These results are then employed in different topics of quantum field theory, which include the high-temperature expansion of the free energy of a scalar field in ultrastatic curved spacetime, the asymptotics of the pp-brane density of states, and an explicit approach to the asymptotics of the determinants that appear in string theory.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe