372 research outputs found

    De IJzer: inventaris van de waterverontreiniging in het stroomgebied van de IJzer

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    The study of the pollution of the Yzer (West Flanders, Belgium) was created in the frame of the national programme for the physical and biological environment of the Interministrial Commission for Scientific Policy

    Evolutie van de waterkwaliteit van de Schelde in de periode 1977-1985

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    The quality of Belgian surface waters is monitored through a widespread monitoring network. All stations in this network are sampled 4 times a year, while the border stations are sampled each month. This study compiles the results of all stations along the Schelde river. 40 parameters per station are measured. Of these, 10 parameters have been chosen that are representative for the Schelde water quality. The data of these 10 parameters are analysed, compiled and interpreted graphically in this report

    Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in environmental samples: a multi-analyte approach

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    Pharmaceuticals and their residues in the environment have been recently recognized as one of the emerging research areas in the environmental chemistry and toxicology and caused them to be viewed as a new class of priority substances. It has been reportedthat they are introduced continuously in the environment via household use, effluents from Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and animal excreta. Up to date, the potential human, animal and ecological risk associated with the occurrence of these compounds in the environment is not well documented. There is an increased attention due to the fact that they are designed to have specific effects at low doses and to be resistant to Moreover, the science of mixture toxicity is complex and to date quite unknown (Bound et al., 2006; Hernando et al., 2006).Despite the increased research and regulatory interest in the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in STPs effluents and freshwater ecosystems (Hernando et al., 2006), the occurrence, the distribution between the different environmental compartments (i.e. water, sediments, suspended solids and aqueous organisms), the trophic transfer and their potential toxicity is to date far less documented (Emblidge and DeLorenze, 2006).In this sense, this study will present a detection method for the determination of a large group of pharmaceuticals (i.e. antibiotics, beta-agonists, painkillers, tranquilizers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) used both in human and veterinary practice in environmental samples using Liquid Chromatography coupled to multiple Mass Spectrometry

    The testosterone metabolism of <i>Neomysis integer</i>: the quest continues… (poster)

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    Both vertebrate and invertebrate species use enzymatic biotransformations for detoxication and elimination of xenobiotics. Testosterone has been used as a substrate to study the multiplicity of these enzymes. Since many of these enzymes are under hormone control, disruption of the hormone function can lead to potential effects on enzyme function and subsequently steroid homeostasis. The testosterone metabolism has therefore been proposed as a biomarker of exposure to endocrine disruptive compounds.In a previous study, the estuarine crustacean Neomysis integer (Crustacea, Mysidacea) was exposed to both testosterone and [14C]-testosterone. Identification and quantification of testosterone metabolites and endogenous steroids was done using TLC and LC-MSn (Verslycke et al., Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., accepted). The use of liquid chromatography coupled with multiple mass spectrometry allows a unique quantification of both endogenously produced steroids and in vivo produced metabolites in single mysid. Recent research has focused on the potential use of these biotransformations as a predictive biomarker for exposure to known endocrine disruptors. In this context, quantitative changes in the biotransformation profile of testosterone were evaluated after exposure to tributyltin (TBT), a compound used in antifouling paint, which has been suspected to interfere with steroid metabolism. The resulting protocol allows a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the effect of TBT on the testosterone metabolism of N. integer. The results of these exposures will be presented and a possible mechanism of disruption through interaction with the P450 enzyme system is proposed.Future research on the steroid metabolism of N. integer could result in the development of predictive biomarkers for detection of endocrine disruption in estuarine environments

    ENDIS-RISKS: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary - a field study

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    ENDIS-RISKS, a multidisciplinary research project with five institutes, evaluates the distribution, exposure and effects of endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt Estuary. This estuary is known to be one of the most polluted estuaries in the world. Untreated domestic wastewater and effluents of the industrial areas of Ghent and Antwerp are to a large extent responsible for this pollution. During an intensive field study of four years, eight sampling campaigns were executed on seven sampling points along the Scheldt Estuary. A detailed analysis of the distribution of endocrine disrupting substances in the Scheldt Estuary was executed. Water, sediment, suspended solids and biota were analysed for seven groups of chemicals: estrogens, pesticides, organotins, polyaromatic components, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and phenols. Special attention was given to the estuarine mysid shrimp Neomysis integer. Its ecotoxicology and population characteristics were studied in detail. A selection of results of this field study is put forward. Water samples, tested in vitro for their potential to bind with estrogen, revealed more estrogenic activity in the more upstream stations. Concentrations of chlorotriazine herbicides in water samples, were higher in the upstream reaches compared to the downstream sites. Analyses of TBT in mysid shrimps revealed high concentrations (>2mg.kg-1 dry weight) which suggests a high bioaccumulation capacity. Population characteristics results of N. integer show that it has a broader distribution range, with a shift more upstream, in comparison with historical data (Mees et al., 1995). On the other hand, length distribution of developmental stages of N. integer along the estuary indicates some environmental stress, caused by the estuarine gradient or by pollutants. Some hypotheses will be put forward to explain these patterns

    Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary distribution, exposure and effects (ENDIS-RISKS). Final report

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    ENDIS-RISKS is a multidisciplinary, research project conducted by five institutes. This project aimed to assess the distribution, exposure and effects of endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary, with specific attention to invertebrates. The Scheldt estuary is known to be one of the most polluted estuaries in the world. The industrial areas of Ghent and Antwerp are to a large extent responsible for this pollution. To achieve these goals detailed knowledge of the distribution and long-term effects of these substances is needed. This information is crucial for the development of future-oriented policy measures at the national and European level. The project can be divided into four different research phases. In Phase I the occurance and distribution of endocrine disrupting substances in the Scheldt estuary was studied. Water, sediment, suspended solids and biota were sampled 3 times a year for a period of 4 years (2002-2006). In all these matrices, 7 groups of chemicals were analysed: estrogens, pesticides, phthalates, organotins, polyaromatic components (PCBs, PBDEs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phenols. All the analyzed chemicals are on the OSPAR list of priority chemicals or are indicated as endocrine disruptors on this list. The different water samples were also tested using in vitro assays to assess their potential to bind to the (human) estrogen and androgen receptor. Phase II evaluated the exposure of biota occuring in the Scheldt estuary to endocrine disrupting substances. Based on the results of the chemical analysis, priority substances were selected. Phase III studied the effects of endocrine disrupting substances occurring in the Scheldt estuary on resident mysid shrimp populations (laboratory and field studies). Substances of concern were selected and tested in the laboratory to evaluate their effects on the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer. In the context of this project, three new assays using invertebrate-specific endpoints were developed to examine the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on molting, embryogenesis and vitellogenesis of N. integer. Finally, in Phase IV laboratory and field results were used to perform a preliminary environmental risk assessment of endocrine disruptors in the Scheldt estuary. Samples were collected along the salinity gradiënt of the Scheldt estuary with the RV Belgica. Water samples were taken with Teflon-coated Go-Flo bottles (10L), sediment samples with Van Veen Grab, biota with a hyperbentic sledge, and suspended particulate matter (SPM) was continuously sampled with an Alfa Laval flow-through centrifuge. For the chemical analysis, protocols were developed to analyse estrogens, organotriazine herbicides, organochlorine pesticides, phtalates, organotins, PAHs, PCBs, and PBDEs in the different matrices: i.e. water, sediment, SPM and biota.Experimental studies were performed to analyse growth, molting, embryogenesis and vitellogenesis of N. integer. These studies were needed to develop ecotoxicological assays to evaluate EDCs on these physiological processes. To study growth of N. integer, organisms were individually transferrred in exposure solutions and molts were collected to measure the growth after each molting. To study embryogenesis, embryos were taking out of the marsupium and placed in multiwell plates. Each day survival, developmental stages and hatching was analysed. To study vitellogenesis, vitellin was isolated from eggs with gelfitration and polyclonal antibodies were developed (in rabbits). With the isolated vitellin and the antibodies an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed. Vitellin was quatified in ovigerous females exposed to test compound in the laboratory and in females collected from the different sampling sites of the Scheldt estuary. In addition to vitellin levels, energy allocation and testosterone metabolism was examined in field collected mysids. Finally, results from population stu

    Lateral diffusion and retrograde movements of individual cell surface components on single motile cells observed with Nanovid microscopy

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    A recently introduced extension of video-enhanced light microscopy, called Nanovid microscopy, documents the dynamic reorganization of individual cell surface components on living cells. 40-microns colloidal gold probes coupled to different types of poly-L-lysine label negative cell surface components of PTK2 cells. Evidence is provided that they bind to negative sialic acid residues of glycoproteins, probably through nonspecific electrostatic interactions. The gold probes, coupled to short poly-L-lysine molecules (4 kD) displayed Brownian motion, with a diffusion coefficient in the range 0.1-0.2 micron2/s. A diffusion coefficient in the 0.1 micron2/s range was also observed with 40-nm gold probes coupled to an antibody against the lipid-linked Thy-1 antigen on 3T3 fibroblasts. Diffusion of these probes is largely confined to apparent microdomains of 1-2 microns in size. On the other hand, the gold probes, coupled to long poly-L-lysine molecules (240 kD) molecules and bound to the leading lamella, were driven rearward, toward the boundary between lamelloplasm and perinuclear cytoplasm at a velocity of 0.5-1 micron/min by a directed ATP-dependent mechanism. This uniform motion was inhibited by cytochalasin, suggesting actin microfilament involvement. A similar behavior on MO cells was observed when the antibody-labeled gold served as a marker for the PGP-1 (GP-80) antigen. These results show that Nanovid microscopy, offering the possibility to observe the motion of individual specific cell surface components, provides a new and powerful tool to study the dynamic reorganization of the cell membrane during locomotion and in other biological contexts as well
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