2,595 research outputs found

    The First CO Map of a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy

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    Using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter-Wavelength Array (OVRO) we have obtained the first CO map of a low surface brightness (LSB) galaxy. The studied galaxy, UGC 01922, was chosen for these observations because both of its previous CO detection with the IRAM 30m telescope and its classification as a Malin 1 `cousin' - an LSB galaxy with M_HI > 10^10 Msol. The OVRO map detected approximately 65% of the CO(1-0) flux found earlier with the single dish measurements, giving a detected gas mass equivalent to M_H2 = 1.1X10^9 Msol. The integrated gas peak lies at the center of the galaxy and coincides with both the optical and 1.4 GHz continuum emission peaks. The molecular gas extends well beyond the OVRO beam size (~4'' or 3 kpc), covering ~25% of the optical bulge. In all, perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this map is its unexceptional appearance. Given that it took over ten years to successfully detect molecular gas in any low surface brightness system, it is surprising that the appearance and distribution of UGC 01922's CO is similar to what would be expected for a high surface brightness galaxy in the same morphological class.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figures and 3 tables. also available online at http://www.gb.nrao.edu/~koneil. Accepted by ApJ

    Mass Density Profiles of LSB Galaxies

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    We derive the mass density profiles of dark matter halos that are implied by high spatial resolution rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies. We find that at small radii, the mass density distribution is dominated by a nearly constant density core with a core radius of a few kpc. For rho(r) ~ r^a, the distribution of inner slopes a is strongly peaked around a = -0.2. This is significantly shallower than the cuspy a < -1 halos found in CDM simulations. While the observed distribution of alpha does have a tail towards such extreme values, the derived value of alpha is found to depend on the spatial resolution of the rotation curves: a ~ -1 is found only for the least well resolved galaxies. Even for these galaxies, our data are also consistent with constant density cores (a = 0) of modest (~ 1 kpc) core radius, which can give the illusion of steep cusps when insufficiently resolved. Consequently, there is no clear evidence for a cuspy halo in any of the low surface brightness galaxies observed.Comment: To be published in ApJ Letters. 6 pages. Uses aastex and emulateapj5.sty Typo in Eq 1 fixe

    До питання про легітимацію влади Рад в період становлення більшовицької диктатури в УСРР

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    Проаналізувавши документальні джерела, автор статті дійшов висновку, що ради, під прикриттям яких було встановлено диктатуру більшовицької партії в Україні, мали надати їй легітимного статусу. Ключові слова: більшовики, переворот, диктатура, ради, влада. легітимація, державність.Проанализировав документальные источники, автор статьи приходит к выводу, что советы, под прикрытием которых была установлена диктатура большевистской партии в Украине, были призваны придать ей легитимный статус. Ключевые слова: большевики, переворот, диктатура, советы, власть, легитимация, государственность.On the basis of the documentary sources, the author of the article proves that the Soviets under the lee of which the dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party in Ukraine was established aimed at making it legitimate. Key words: bolsheviks, coup d'état, dictatorship, soviets, power, legitimization, statehood

    Saving energy: bringing down Europe's enery prices

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    In June 2011 the European Commission proposed a new Directive on Energy Efficiency. Its purpose is to put forward a framework to deliver the EU’s target of reducing its energy consumption by 20% by 2020. Currently, the EU is only on track to achieve half of those savings. Apart from the environmental benefits -notably, reducing greenhouse gas emissions- energy savings have significant economic benefits for European economies: (1) they reduce the amount of money businesses and consumers need to spend on energy, (2) they have positive effects on employment and (3) they decrease dependency on fossil fuel imports. But the actual scale of the benefits is often underestimated. In this paper, we show that energy savings do not only bring direct cost savings; they also indirectly reduce energy prices. Real cost savings resulting from meeting the 20% savings target are likely to be considerably higher than figures commonly cited. In other words, consumers would use fewer units of energy, and the price of the units they do use would be lower than they would otherwise be. Energy savings can reduce energy prices in the following ways: 1. Decreasing fossil fuel prices: international fossil fuel markets are under pressure because there is little reserve production capacity. This means prices are very sensitive to changes in energy demand. Because energy savings in Europe and the spillover effects of this action in other world regions will reduce global demand, we expect significant reductions in future energy prices. 2. Decreasing electricity prices: cheaper fossil fuel prices will reduce electricity prices (because roughly 50% of the EU’s electricity is produced from fossil fuels). In addition, a lower demand will impact the fuel mix in electricity production: it will occur more often that lower-priced fuels determine the marginal costs.This will have an additional reduction effect on electricity prices. 3. Decreasing energy prices in the longer term: meeting the EU’s 20% by 2020 energy saving target is expected to save tens of billions of Euros per year due to avoided investments in energy infrastructure (power generation and transmission, fuel import and storage facilities). Since it is usual practice to pass on investment costs to energy consumers, a reduction in these investments will lead to an additional cost saving. On the basis of the evidence examined in this report, we estimate that the indirect impact on energy prices will be of the same order as the direct impact of the energy savings. Put simply, for every €1 of energy cost saving, an additional €1 could be saved due to lower energy prices

    First Detection of CO in a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy

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    We report on the first attempts at searching for CO in red low surface brightness galaxies, and the first detection of molecular gas in a low surface brightness (mu_B(0)_{obs} > 23 mag arcsec^{-2}) galaxy. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines were searched for in four galaxies -- P06-1, P05-5, C05-3, & C04-2. In three of the galaxies no CO was detected, to T_{MB} ~ 1.8mK (at the 3 sigma level). In the fourth galaxy, P06-1, both lines were detected. Comparing our findings with previous studies shows P06-1 to have a molecular-to-atomic mass ratio considerably lower than is predicted using theoretical models based on high surface brightness galaxy studies. This indicates the N(H_2)/(int{T(CO)dv}) conversion factor for low surface brightness galaxies may currently be consistently underestimated by a factor of 3 - 20.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted by the ApJ

    Star Formation and Tidal Encounters with the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 12695 and Companions

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    We present VLA H I observations of the low surface brightness galaxy UGC 12695 and its two companions, UGC 12687 and a newly discovered dwarf galaxy 2333+1234. UGC 12695 shows solid body rotation but has a very lopsided morphology of the H I disk, with the majority of the H I lying in the southern arm of the galaxy. The H I column density distribution of this very blue, LSB galaxy coincides in detail with its light distribution. Comparing the H I column density of UGC 12695 with the empirical (but not well understood) value of Sigma_c = 10E21 atoms/cm^2 found in, i.e., Skillman's 1986 paper shows the star formation to be a local affair, occurring only in those regions where the column density is above this star formation threshold. The low surface brightness nature of this galaxy could thus be attributed to an insufficient gas surface density, inhibiting star formation on a more global scale. Significantly, though, the Toomre criterion places a much lower critical density on the galaxy (+/-10E20 atoms/cm^2), which is shown by the galaxy's low SFR to not be applicable. Within a projected distance of 300kpc/30kms of UGC 12695 lie two companion galaxies - UGC 12687, a high surface brightness barred spiral galaxy, and 2333+1234, a dwarf galaxy discovered during this investigation. The close proximity of the three galaxies, combined with UGC 12695's extremely blue color and regions of localized starburst and UGC 12687's UV excess bring to mind mutually induced star formation through tidal activity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (2 color), To be published in A.J., May 2000

    Further Discoveries of 12CO in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    Using the IRAM 30m telescope we have obtained seven new, deep CO J(1-0) and J(2-1) observations of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies. Five of the galaxies have no CO detected to extremely low limits (0.1-0.4 K km/s at J(1-0)), while two of the galaxies, UGC 01922 and UGC 12289, have clear detections in both line transitions. When these observations are combined with all previous CO observations taken of LSB systems, we compile a total of 34 observations, in which only 3 galaxies have had detections of their molecular gas. Comparing the LSB galaxies with and without CO detections to a sample of high surface brightness (HSB) galaxies with CO observations indicates that it is primarily the low density of baryonic matter within LSB galaxies which is causing their low CO fluxes. Finally, we note that one of the massive LSB galaxies studied in this project, UGC 06968 (a Malin-1 `cousin'), has upper limits placed on both M_H2 and M_H2/M_HI which are 10-20 times lower than the lowest values found for any galaxy (LSB or HSB) with similar global properties. This may be due to an extremely low temperature and metallicity within UGC 06968, or simply due to the CO distribution within the galaxy being too diffuse to be detected by the IRAM beam.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by Ap

    Integrable hierarchy underlying topological Landau-Ginzburg models of D-type

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    A universal integrable hierarchy underlying topological Landau-Ginzburg models of D-tye is presented. Like the dispersionless Toda hierarchy, the new hierarchy has two distinct (``positive" and ``negative") set of flows. Special solutions corresponding to topological Landau-Ginzburg models of D-type are characterized by a Riemann-Hilbert problem, which can be converted into a generalized hodograph transformation. This construction gives an embedding of the finite dimensional small phase space of these models into the full space of flows of this hierarchy. One of flat coordinates in the small phase space turns out to be identical to the first ``negative" time variable of the hierarchy, whereas the others belong to the ``positive" flows.Comment: 14 pages, Kyoto University KUCP-0061/9

    On the Neutral Gas Content and Environment of NGC 3109 and the Antlia Dwarf Galaxy

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    As part of a continuing survey of nearby galaxies, we have mapped the neutral gas content of the low surface brightness, Magellanic-type galaxy NGC 3109 --- and its environment, including the Antlia dwarf galaxy --- at unprecedented velocity resolution and brightness sensitivity. The HI mass of NGC 3109 is measured to be (3.8 +/- 0.5) x 10^8 Msun. A substantial warp in the disk of NGC 3109 is detected in the HI emission image in the form of an extended low surface brightness feature. We report a positive detection in HI of the nearby Antlia dwarf galaxy, and measure its total neutral gas mass to be (6.8 +/- 1.4) x 10^5 Msun. We show the warp in NGC 3109 to lie at exactly the same radial velocity as the gas in the Antlia dwarf galaxy and speculate that Antlia disturbed the disk of NGC 3109 during a mild encounter ~1 Gyr in the past. HI data for a further eight galaxies detected in the background are presented.Comment: Accepted for publication in A