237 research outputs found

    The Los Seis de Boulder Sculpture Project: A Case Study of Socially Engaged Archivist/Artist Collaboration at the University of Colorado Boulder

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    As academic institutions and archivists around the nation grapple with the question of how to address existing monuments to racist histories at their institutions, how can archivists support the creation of new monuments on college and university campuses that reflect suppressed or oppressed histories of people of color? This case study explores the Los Seis de Boulder Sculpture Project, a socially engaged art project at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder), in which archivists in the CU Boulder Libraries\u27 Archives supported and collaborated with a student artist and community members to create a public monument commemorating the deaths of six Chicano Movement activists and students in car bombs in May 1974. This study explores how such archivist/artist collaborations can be rooted in the social justice responsibilities of archivists and outlines the practical steps that the collaborators followed to create and sustain their work together and, ultimately, the long-term placement of the monument on campus. It also discusses the mutual, positive benefits that both the Archives and the artist received by working with one another and offers considerations and lessons learned for other archivist/artist collaborators who wish to work together on similar projects at public institutions

    Fine-tuning acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity through localization: functional genomics reveals a role for the lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 and sphingolipid metabolism in regulating Acc1 activity and localization

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    Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase 1 catalyzes the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, the committed step of de novo fatty acid synthesis. As a master regulator of lipid synthesis, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 has been proposed to be a therapeutic target for numerous metabolic diseases. We have shown that acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity is reduced in the absence of the lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This change in acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity is correlated with a change in localization. In wild-type cells, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 is localized throughout the cytoplasm in small punctate and rod-like structures. However, in NuA4 mutants, acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 localization becomes diffuse. To uncover mechanisms regulating acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 localization, we performed a microscopy screen to identify other deletion mutants that impact acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 localization and then measured acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity in these mutants through chemical genetics and biochemical assays. Three phenotypes were identified. Mutants with hyper-active acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 form 1 or 2 rod-like structures centrally within the cytoplasm, mutants with mid-low acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity displayed diffuse acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, while the mutants with the lowest acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity (hypomorphs) formed thick rod-like acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 structures at the periphery of the cell. All the acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 hypomorphic mutants were implicated in sphingolipid metabolism or very long-chain fatty acid elongation and in common, their deletion causes an accumulation of palmitoyl-CoA. Through exogenous lipid treatments, enzyme inhibitors, and genetics, we determined that increasing palmitoyl-CoA levels inhibits acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 activity and remodels acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 localization. Together this study suggests yeast cells have developed a dynamic feed-back mechanism in which downstream products of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 can fine-tune the rate of fatty acid synthesis

    Ybp2 Associates with the Central Kinetochore of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Mediates Proper Mitotic Progression

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    The spindle checkpoint ensures the accurate segregation of chromosomes by monitoring the status of kinetochore attachment to microtubules. Simultaneous mutations in one of several kinetochore and cohesion genes and a spindle checkpoint gene cause a synthetic-lethal or synthetic-sick phenotype. A synthetic genetic array (SGA) analysis using a mad2Ξ” query mutant strain of yeast identified YBP2, a gene whose product shares sequence similarity with the product of YBP1, which is required for H2O2-induced oxidation of the transcription factor Yap1. ybp2Ξ” was sensitive to benomyl and accumulated at the mitotic stage of the cell cycle. Ybp2 physically associates with proteins of the COMA complex (Ctf19, Okp1, Mcm21, and Ame1) and 3 components of the Ndc80 complex (Ndc80, Nuf2, and Spc25 but not Spc24) in the central kinetochore and with Cse4 (the centromeric histone and CENP-A homolog). Chromatin-immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that Ybp2 associates specifically with CEN DNA. Furthermore, ybp2Ξ” showed synthetic-sick interactions with mutants of the genes that encode the COMA complex components. Ybp2 seems to be part of a macromolecular kinetochore complex and appears to contribute to the proper associations among the central kinetochore subcomplexes and the kinetochore-specific nucleosome

    A Chemical Genetic Screen for Modulators of Asymmetrical 2,2β€²-Dimeric Naphthoquinones Cytotoxicity in Yeast

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    BACKGROUND: Dimeric naphthoquinones (BiQ) were originally synthesized as a new class of HIV integrase inhibitors but have shown integrase-independent cytotoxicity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines suggesting their use as potential anti-neoplastic agents. The mechanism of this cytotoxicity is unknown. In order to gain insight into the mode of action of binaphthoquinones we performed a systematic high-throughput screen in a yeast isogenic deletion mutant array for enhanced or suppressed growth in the presence of binaphthoquinones. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Exposure of wild type yeast strains to various BiQs demonstrated inhibition of yeast growth with IC(50)s in the microM range. Drug sensitivity and resistance screens were performed by exposing arrays of a haploid yeast deletion mutant library to BiQs at concentrations near their IC(50). Sensitivity screens identified yeast with deletions affecting mitochondrial function and cellular respiration as having increased sensitivity to BiQs. Corresponding to this, wild type yeast grown in the absence of a fermentable carbon source were particularly sensitive to BiQs, and treatment with BiQs was shown to disrupt the mitochondrial membrane potential and lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Furthermore, baseline ROS production in BiQ sensitive mutant strains was increased compared to wild type and could be further augmented by the presence of BiQ. Screens for resistance to BiQ action identified the mitochondrial external NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, NDE1, as critical to BiQ toxicity and over-expression of this gene resulted in increased ROS production and increased sensitivity of wild type yeast to BiQ. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In yeast, binaphthoquinone cytotoxicity is likely mediated through NAD(P)H:quonine oxidoreductases leading to ROS production and dysfunctional mitochondria. Further studies are required to validate this mechanism in mammalian cells

    NF-kappaB Mediated Transcriptional Repression of Acid Modifying Hormone Gastrin

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    Helicobacter pylori is a major pathogen associated with the development of gastroduodenal diseases. It has been reported that H. pylori induced pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1B is one of the various modulators of acid secretion in the gut. Earlier we reported that IL1B-activated NFkB down-regulates gastrin, the major hormonal regulator of acid secretion. In this study, the probable pathway by which IL1B induces NFkB and affects gastrin expression has been elucidated. IL1B-treated AGS cells showed nine-fold activation of MyD88 followed by phosphorylation of TAK1 within 15 min of IL1B treatment. Furthermore, it was observed that activated TAK1 significantly up-regulates the NFkB subunits p50 and p65. Ectopic expression of NFkB p65 in AGS cells resulted in about nine-fold transcriptional repression of gastrin both in the presence and absence of IL1B. The S536A mutant of NFkB p65 is significantly less effective in repressing gastrin. These observations show that a functional NFkB p65 is important for IL1B-mediated repression of gastrin. ChIP assays revealed the presence of HDAC1 and NFkB p65 along with NCoR on the gastrin promoter. Thus, the study provides mechanistic insight into the IL1B-mediated gastrin repression via NFk

    Regulation of Septin Dynamics by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lysine Acetyltransferase NuA4

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    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 has been linked to a host of cellular processes through the acetylation of histone and non-histone targets. To discover proteins regulated by NuA4-dependent acetylation, we performed genome-wide synthetic dosage lethal screens to identify genes whose overexpression is toxic to non-essential NuA4 deletion mutants. The resulting genetic network identified a novel link between NuA4 and septin proteins, a group of highly conserved GTP-binding proteins that function in cytokinesis. We show that acetyltransferase-deficient NuA4 mutants have defects in septin collar formation resulting in the development of elongated buds through the Swe1-dependent morphogenesis checkpoint. We have discovered multiple sites of acetylation on four of the five yeast mitotic septins, Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc12 and Shs1, and determined that NuA4 can acetylate three of the four in vitro. In vivo we find that acetylation levels of both Shs1 and Cdc10 are reduced in a catalytically inactive esa1 mutant. Finally, we determine that cells expressing a Shs1 protein with decreased acetylation in vivo have defects in septin localization that are similar to those observed in NuA4 mutants. These findings provide the first evidence that yeast septin proteins are acetylated and that NuA4 impacts septin dynamics
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