4 research outputs found

    Shell trade networks.

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    <p>Protected marine molluscs shell trade networks in Java and Bali, Indonesia. Size of circles are proportional to the volume of trade: small = 10s, medium-100s, large-1000s and very large = 10,000s. Kendari is situated in south-central Sulawesi 800 km northeast of Bali.</p

    Price-size relationships for shells in trade.

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    <p>Prices of horned helmet <i>Cassis cornuta</i>, Triton’s trumpet <i>Charonia tritonis</i> and chambered nautilus <i>Nautilus pompilius</i> shells in relation to size, in Pangandaran, Indonesia, June 2013. Prices were given in Indonesian rupiah and are here converted to the US dollar at an exchange rate of 10,000 rupiah to the dollar. Small-sized symbols indicate single shells, medium-sized indicate two shells and large-sized symbols three shells; regression lines are for horned helmet and Triton’s trumpet only.</p

    Legally protected shells for sale.

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    <p>Protected marine mollusc shells for sale in Pangandaran, Indonesia, June 2013. Top: Horned helmet <i>Cassis cornuta</i> and chambered nautilus <i>Nautilus pompilius</i>. Bottom: Chambered nautilus</p

    Size classes of shells in trade.

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    <p>Distribution of sizes of three commonly traded protected marine mollusc shells in Pangandaran, Indonesia.</p