1,431 research outputs found

    Electron-muon correlation as a new probe to strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma

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    As a new and clean probe to the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma (sQGP), we propose an azimuthal correlation of an electron and a muon which originate from the semileptonic decay of charm and bottom quarks. By solving the Langevin equation for the heavy quarks under the hydrodynamic evolution of the hot plasma, we show that substantial quenching of the away-side peak in the electron-muon correlation can be seen if the sQGP drag force acting on heavy quarks is large enough as suggested from the gauge/gravity correspondence. The effect could be detected in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    X-Ray Study of the Outer Region of Abell 2142 with Suzaku

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    We observed outer regions of a bright cluster of galaxies A2142 with Suzaku. Temperature and brightness structures were measured out to the virial radius (r200r_{200}) with good sensitivity. We confirmed the temperature drop from 9 keV around the cluster center to about 3.5 keV at r200r_{200}, with the density profile well approximated by the β\beta model with β=0.85\beta = 0.85. Within 0.4\r_{200}, the entropy profile agrees with r1.1r^{1.1}, as predicted by the accretion shock model. The entropy slope becomes flatter in the outer region and negative around r200r_{200}. These features suggest that the intracluster medium in the outer region is out of thermal equilibrium. Since the relaxation timescale of electron-ion Coulomb collision is expected to be longer than the elapsed time after shock heating at r200r_{200}, one plausible reason of the low entropy is the low electron temperature compared to that of ions. Other possible explanations would be gas clumpiness, turbulence and bulk motions of ICM\@. We also searched for a warm-hot intergalactic medium around r200r_{200} and set an upper limit on the oxygen line intensity. Assuming a line-of-sight depth of 2 Mpc and oxygen abundance of 0.1 solar, the upper limit of an overdensity is calculated to be 280 or 380, depending on the foreground assumption.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Properties of the cosmological filament between two clusters: A possible detection of a large-scale accretion shock by SuzakuSuzaku

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    We report on the results of a SuzakuSuzaku observation of the plasma in the filament located between the two massive clusters of galaxies Abell 399 and Abell 401. Abell 399 (zz=0.0724) and Abell 401 (zz=0.0737) are expected to be in the initial phase of a cluster merger. In the region between the two clusters, we find a clear enhancement in the temperature of the filament plasma from 4 keV (expected value from a typical cluster temperature profile) to kT∼kT\sim6.5 keV. Our analysis also shows that filament plasma is present out to a radial distance of 15' (1.3 Mpc) from a line connecting the two clusters. The temperature profile is characterized by an almost flat radial shape with kT∼kT\sim6-7 keV within 10' or ∼\sim0.8 Mpc. Across rr=8'~from the axis, the temperature of the filament plasma shows a drop from 6.3 keV to 5.1 keV, indicating the presence of a shock front. The Mach number based on the temperature drop is estimated to be M∼{\cal M}\sim1.3. We also successfully determined the abundance profile up to 15' (1.3 Mpc), showing an almost constant value (ZZ=0.3 solar) at the cluster outskirt. We estimated the Compton yy-parameter to be ∼\sim14.5±1.3×10−6\pm1.3\times10^{-6}, which is in agreement with PlanckPlanck's results (14-17×10−6\times10^{-6} on the filament). The line of sight depth of the filament is l∼l\sim1.1 Mpc, indicating that the geometry of filament is likely a pancake shape rather than cylindrical. The total mass of the filamentary structure is ∼\sim7.7×1013 M⊙\times10^{13}~\rm M_{\odot}. We discuss a possible interpretation of the drop of X-ray emission at the rim of the filament, which was pushed out by the merging activity and formed by the accretion flow induced by the gravitational force of the filament.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Coherent transfer of photoassociated molecules into the rovibrational ground state

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    We report on the direct conversion of laser-cooled 41K and 87Rb atoms into ultracold 41K87Rb molecules in the rovibrational ground state via photoassociation followed by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. High-resolution spectroscopy based on the coherent transfer revealed the hyperfine structure of weakly bound molecules in an unexplored region. Our results show that a rovibrationally pure sample of ultracold ground-state molecules is achieved via the all-optical association of laser-cooled atoms, opening possibilities to coherently manipulate a wide variety of molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Predicting and verifying transition strengths from weakly bound molecules

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    We investigated transition strengths from ultracold weakly bound 41K87Rb molecules produced via the photoassociation of laser-cooled atoms. An accurate potential energy curve of the excited state (3)1Sigma+ was constructed by carrying out direct potential fit analysis of rotational spectra obtained via depletion spectroscopy. Vibrational energies and rotational constants extracted from the depletion spectra of v'=41-50 levels were combined with the results of the previous spectroscopic study, and they were used for modifying an ab initio potential. An accuracy of 0.14% in vibrational level spacing and 0.3% in rotational constants was sufficient to predict the large observed variation in transition strengths among the vibrational levels. Our results show that transition strengths from weakly bound molecules are a good measure of the accuracy of an excited state potential.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Pattern Stability and Trijunction Motion in Eutectic Solidification

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    We demonstrate by both experiments and phase-field simulations that lamellar eutectic growth can be stable for a wide range of spacings below the point of minimum undercooling at low velocity, contrary to what is predicted by existing stability analyses. This overstabilization can be explained by relaxing Cahn's assumption that lamellae grow locally normal to the eutectic interface.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    Quasiperiodic Tip Splitting in Directional Solidification

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    We report experimental results on the tip splitting dynamics of seaweed growth in directional solidification of succinonitrile alloys with poly(ethylene oxide) or acetone as solutes. The seaweed or dense branching morphology was selected by solidifying grains which are oriented close to the {111} plane. Despite the random appearance of the growth, a quasiperiodic tip splitting morphology was observed in which the tip alternately splits to the left and to the right. The tip splitting frequency f was found to be related to the growth velocity V as a power law f V^{1.5}. This finding is consistent with the predictions of a tip splitting model that is also presented. Small anisotropies are shown to lead to different kinds of seaweed morphologies.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter
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