35 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study was to assess the infection of tumor tissues with herpesviruses and human papillomavirus (HPV) in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (SCCL) and to reveal the impact of viral infections of tumor tissues on the effectiveness of neoadjuvant therapy. DNAs of HSV1,2, CMV, EBV and HPV were studied by PCR in 26 samples of tumor tissues. We revealed a high level of herpesvirus infection in SCCL tumor tissues (up to 92.3 %), while HPV infection was less frequent – 19.2 %, including low-risk HPV (LR HPV, 11.5 %) and high-risk HPV (HR HPV, 7.7 %). Significant differences in the detection rates of the studied pathogens were found (p<0.05). EBV was more frequent (73.1 %), and HSV1,2 detection rate was the lowest (7.7 %). The prevalence of herpesvirus presence in tumor tissue in the absence of HPV was detected (p<0.05). The effectiveness of therapy was higher in patients without viral infections, compared to infected patients (100.0 vs. 80.0 %), but the difference was nonsignificant (p>0.05). There was no significant dependence of the chemotherapy effectiveness on the type of infection (p>0.05). However, the presence of LR HPV, HSV1,2 and especially combinations of herpesviruses with HPV in tumor tissues reduced the number of cases of tumor stabilization and regression which is notewor thy and requires fur ther research.Целью исследования стала оценка инфицированности опухолевой ткани вирусами группы герпеса и папилломы человека (ВПЧ) у больных плоскоклеточным раком гортани (ПРГ), а также изучение влияния инфицирования ткани опухоли на результаты неоадъювантной противоопухолевой терапии (ХТ). Протестировано 26 образцов тканей опухоли больных ПРГ на наличие ДНК ВПГ-1, 2, ЦМВ, ВЭБ и ВПЧ методом ПЦР. Был установлен высокий уровень инфицирования опухолевой ткани герпесвирусами при ПРГ, достигающий 92,3 %. Для ВПЧ, напротив, была отмечена невысокая распространенность (19,2 %), в том числе 11,5 % случаев с ВПЧ низкого канцерогенного риска (НКР), 7,7 % – высокого риска (ВКР). Показаны достоверные различия в частоте выявления исследуемых возбудителей (p<0,05). В большей степени был распространен ВЭБ (73,1 %), реже остальных регистрировался ВПГ-1, 2 (7,7 %). Выявлено достоверное преобладание случаев наличия герпесвирусов в ткани опухоли при отсутствии ВПЧ (p<0,05). У больных с отсутствием вирусной контаминации опухолевой ткани эффективность терапии была выше, чем у инфицированных больных (100,0 % против 80,0 %), однако данная разница не была статистически значимой (p>0,05). Достоверной зависимости эффективности ХТ от вида инфицирования также не было выявлено (p>0,05). Тем не менее наличие в опухолевой ткани ВПЧ НКР, ВПГ-1, 2 и в особенности сочетания герпесвирусов с ВПЧ все же заметно снижало процент случаев стабилизации и регрессии опухоли, что заслуживает внимания и требует дальнейшего исследования


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    For the last decades modern and highly efficient methods of determining the quality and safety of food products, based on the application of the latest scientific achievements were developed in the world. A special place is given to the methods based on achievements of molecular biology and genetics. At the present stage of development in the field of assessing the quality of raw materials and processed food products much attention is given to highly accurate, sensitive and specific research methods, the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) occupying a leading place among them. PCR is a sophisticated method that simulates the natural DNA replication and allows to detect a single specific DNA molecule in the presence of millions of other molecules. The key point in the preparation of material for PCR is the extraction of nucleic acids. The low content of DNA in plant material and the high concentration of secondary metabolites complicate the process of extraction. The key solution to this problem is highly effective method of extraction, which allows to obtain the DNA of adequate quality and purity. Comparative analysis of methods for the extraction of nucleic acids from fruit raw materials and products based on them was carried out in the study. General analysis of the experimental data allowed us to determine the most efficient method for DNA extracting. In the comparative analysis it was found out that to extract DNA from plant raw materials and food products prepared on their basis it is the most suitable to use "Sorb-GMO-A" reactants kit (set). The approach described gives us a brilliant opportunity to obtain deoxyribonucleic acid proper quality and purity

    Use of fresh squeezed juices in the feeding of infants during the first year of life

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    The paper comparatively analyzes the nutritive value of fresh squeezed and reconstituted juices intended for infant feeding during the first year of fife. It presents laboratory data on the content of the trace elements copper and chromium in the fresh squeezed juices under the brand name of FrutoNyanya. Requirements for their raw materials, manufacture and technology, as well as a quality control system for baby juices and nectars are provided. Practical recommendations are given for the use of juices in the feeding of infants during the first year of fife


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    Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to develop a process for the utilization of secondary products of triticale grain processing into starch and protein concentrate with production of fodder microbial-vegetative concentrate (FMVC) for pond fish. Methods. Standard and special methods for the analysis of chemical, biochemical composition (amino acid, mineral, fatty acid, carbohydrate), microbiological parameters of triticale grain, secondary products of its processing and FMVC were used in this work. Results. It is shown that considering the peculiarities of the chemical composition of whey water, insoluble residue and pulp, it is expedient to produce FMVC by bioconversion method using the producer-yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The feed value of FMVC in terms of protein, lipids, minerals, and fiber met the normative parameters for fodder for pond fish of the Cyprinidae family. FMVC contained digestible carbohydrates, a high-quality protein with essential amino acids and lipids, which included saturated, unsaturated fatty acids, including ω-6, ω-3 families and phosphatides. Conclusion. A process of bioconversion has been developed for the utilization of secondary products of triticale grain processing into starch A and protein concentrate, with the production of FMVC for pond fish based on whey waters. The concentrate was characterized by high values of essential amino acids score, the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids, the presence of biologically active phospholipids, sterols, micro-, macroelements. The use of a concentrate as an additive will ensure the survivability of fish, increase growth, reduce the cost of feed and improve the ecological situation of the starch factory