276 research outputs found

    Work Performance of The Family Planning Field Workers in The Reduction of Total Fertility Rate in Sibolga, North Sumatera

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    Background: Over the past 40 years, family planning has reduced fertility rates in developing countries, from six births per woman to about three per woman. Lower birth rates contribute to slower population growth, which enables economic development and environmental sustainability. Despite these successes, the family planning agenda remains unfinished. This study aimed to asses the work performance of the family planning field workers in the reduction of total fertility rate in Sibolga, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Sibolga, North Sumatera. The study subjects were family planning field workers. The variable under study was work performance. The data were colected by indepth interview, direct observation, and document review. Results: The work performance of family planning field workers remained suboptimal. Work performance was monitored indirectly by social media such as group chat. There was no direct monitoring. There was discrepancy between data reported and the actual conditions. For examples, the number of family planning participants in the field was different from those reported at the family planning office. There was often a lag time of reporting. The TFR target was not achieved despite the sufficient number of personnel. The family planning field workers had low skill in family planning promotion and had a lack of discipline. They often violated the order and came late at the office. Conclusion: The work performance of the family planning field workers is still sub¬optimal. There is a need to implement regular monitoring, provide skill training especially in family planning promotion, provide reward to subdistricts that achieve low TFR, and schedule family planning promotion, in order to reduce TFR. Keywords: job performance, family planning, field worker, Total Fertility Rate

    Kajian Ekologi Populasi Rusa Sambar (Cervus Unicolor) Dalam Pengusahaan Taman Buru Gunung Masigit Kareumbi (Study on Ecology of Cervus Unicolor Population in the Development of Gunung Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park)

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    Theresult of Citra Landsat TM in June 2001 showed that the coverage of land in Gunung Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park area was changed. The area of protected are production forest have respectively decreased by 29.85% and 5.51%. Meanwhile, the result of vegetation analysis showed that there has been found 87 kinds of vegetation, consisting of 44 kinds of plantation and 43 kinds of the forage. Most (63,64%) of the forage which is food resource of rusa sambar is categorized as Poacea family. Notably, the total biomass productivity of forage is 20.790.6 kg/ha/year.The effective width of area is 6.900.1 ha, while the total of potential grassing of all sp-ecies of forage in Gunung Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park is 47.394.028.5 kg/year. Carrying capacity of this area is 22.780 individuals. Hunting season is after 4 years of population introduced. The number of individuals introduced to fulfil hunting target is 4.280 of adult, consis of 713 males and 3.567 females

    Effect of Tree Litter Application on Lowland Rice Yield in Bangladesh

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    The effect of tree litters on rice yield (cv. BR11) was evaluated in the study. Four kinds of tree litter, i.e., ipil-ipil or lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk) De Witt), sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), akashmoni (Acacia auriculiformis) and mander (Erythrina orientalis) were incorporated into the soil 15 days before transplanting at rate of 5 ton/ha supplemented with inorganic fertilizers (83 kg N, 48 kg P205­, 42 kg K20, 10 kg S and 3.6 kg Zn/ha). In the control plots only recommended inorganic fertilizer were applied. Results showed that tree litter application had a significantly positive effect on the yield parameters such as plant height, panicle length, tillers per hill, filled grain and index of 1000-grain weight. Grain yield of plots treated with ipil-ipil, sissoo, akashmoni and mander was 5.61, 4.49, 4.95 and 5.36 ton/ha, and the yield increased over control plots 39.6, 11.7, 23.1 and 33.3%, respectively. It is worthy to note that addition of tree litter to inorganic fertilizer produced significantly higher yield than inorganic fertilizers solely. Among the tree litter, ipil-ipil and mander had the greatest increase in rice yield, while akashmoni was intermediate and sissoo was the least

    Lawet Dance and Ebleg Dance: the Term Analysis Towards Its Movement Qualities

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    This study offers an insight of a research activity which focuses on art analysis, but lies its concern from the perspective of linguistics. This study is aiming at analyzing linguistic data that are related to traditional art activity to obtain further understanding beyond the existence of the art itself. Example of the activity is the linguistic analysis of terms used to label the kinds or qualities of dance movement from Central Java province, in this case are Lawet dance and Ebleg dance. Kebumen, as one of regency in Central Java, is chosen as the research location since it owns rich of typical traditional arts (local), both from the perspective of the art forms as well as the linguistic aspects. This research is analyzed by employing linguistic theory, especially the analysis of morphology and semantic. Implication of linguistic analysis done to the terms is a deep understanding towards the traditional dances being analyzed. It is further resulted in the form of identity affirmation to the traditional arts exist in the society\u27s environment

    Analisis Prevalensi Dan Faktor Risiko Pasien Dengan Isolated Hypospadias Di Laboratorium Cebior

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    Background: Hypospadias is a common congenital anomaly characterized by the location of orificium urethra external between perineum and its normal position at the tip of the glans. It occurs in 17 per 10.000 male births. The risk factors of hypospadias are still unclear, so hypospadias is still difficult to prevent.Aims: To analyze prevalence and risk factors isolated hypospadias in patients referred to the Center for Biomedical Research (CEBIOR).Methods: Two hundred and forty nine patients were registered during the period January 2005-April 2015. Prevalence and risk factors were analyzed descriptively using secondary data and risk factors were also analyzed with Chi-Square test.Results: The declining number of patients with isolated hypospadias in CEBIOR was found because of the movement process of laboratory and alteration system of assurance. All of patients with isolated hypospadias had male karyotype 46, XY (100%). Based on the anatomic position of orificium urethra external, most of isolated hypospadias cases were penile hypospadias (60.69%). An increased risk of severe isolated hypospadias was found in mother aged older than 35 years old (PR: 1.976, 95% CI: 1.048-3.726). Parity, low birth weight, smoking father, pesticide exposure, mosquito repellant incense exposure, hormonal contraceptive use, and taking certain medication were not associated with increased severity of isolated hypospadias (p>0.05).Conclusions: The number of patients with isolated hypospadias in CEBIOR was decreased recently. The advanced maternal age was the risk factor of severe isolated hypospadias

    Proses Strategi Branding yang Dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Magelang melalui Pesan Kota Sejuta Bunga

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    Sebuah kota dituntut terlibat dalam kegiatan pemasaran dan branding untukmeningkatkan citra kota. Sehingga diharapkan mampu memposisikan dan menjadiimage kota. Menyambut hal ini beberapa Kepala Daerah mulai menawarkan potensidaerah termasuk Pemerintah Kota Magelang.Pemerintah Kota Magelang membranding Magelang dengan “Kota SejutaBunga”. Untuk menyampaikan pesan Kota Sejuta Bunga maka Pemerintah KotaMagelang melakukan pembangunan fisik Kota Magelang termasuk melakukanpenataan taman kota.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuistrategi branding dan mengevaluasi proses strategi branding yang dilakukanPemerintah Kota Magelang melalui pesan Kota Sejuta Bunga. Fase-fase destinationbranding menjadi dasar dalam evaluasi branding Kota Magelang. Oleh karena itu,penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian studi kasus.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses branding yang dilakukan olehKota Magelang sudah sesuai dengan konsep branding. Hal ini dapat dilihat melaluihal-hal yang telah dilakukan Kota Magelang untuk mewujudkan Kota Sejuta Bunga