47,797 research outputs found

    Magnetic field amplification by cosmic rays in supernova remnants

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    Magnetic field amplification is needed to accelerate cosmic cays to PeV energies in supernova remants. Escaping cosmic rays trigger a return current in the plasma that drives a non-resonant hybrid instability. We run simulations in which we represent the escaping cosmic rays with the plasma return current, keeping the maximum cosmic ray energy fixed, and evaluate its effects on the upstream medium. In addition to magnetic field amplification, density perturbations arise that, when passing through the shock, further increase amplification levels downstream. As the growth rate of the instability is most rapid for the smaller scales, the resolution is a limiting factor in the amplification that can be reached with these simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "370 years of Astronomy in Utrecht", eds. G. Pugliese, A. de Koter and M. Wijbur

    Cosmic ray acceleration in young supernova remnants

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    We investigate the appearance of magnetic field amplification resulting from a cosmic ray escape current in the context of supernova remnant shock waves. The current is inversely proportional to the maximum energy of cosmic rays, and is a strong function of the shock velocity. Depending on the evolution of the shock wave, which is drastically different for different circumstellar environments, the maximum energy of cosmic rays as required to generate enough current to trigger the non-resonant hybrid instability that confines the cosmic rays follows a different evolution and reaches different values. We find that the best candidates to accelerate cosmic rays to ~few PeV energies are young remnants in a dense environment, such as a red supergiant wind, as may be applicable to Cassiopeia A. We also find that for a typical background magnetic field strength of 5 microG the instability is quenched in about 1000 years, making SN1006 just at the border of candidates for cosmic ray acceleration to high energies.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Confining the high-energy cosmic rays

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    Diffusive shock acceleration is the prime candidate for efficient acceleration of cosmic rays. Galactic cosmic rays are believed to originate predominantly from this process in supernova remnant shock waves. Confinement of the cosmic rays in the shock region is key in making the mechanism effective. It has been known that on small scales (smaller than the typical gyroradius) high-amplitude non-resonant instabilities arise due to cosmic ray streaming ahead of the shock. For the efficiency of scattering of the highest energy cosmic rays it is of interest to determine the type of instabilities that act on longer length scales, i.e. larger than the cosmic ray gyroradius. We will present the results of our analysis of an instability that acts in this regime and will discuss its driving mechanism and typical growth times.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings for the conference on Cosmic Rays and the Interstellar Medium (CRISM) in June 2011, Montpellier, France. To appear in MSA

    From cosmic ray source to the Galactic pool

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    The Galactic cosmic ray spectrum is a remarkably straight power law. Our current understanding is that the dominant sources that accelerate cosmic rays up to the knee (3×10153 \times 10^{15} eV) or perhaps even the ankle (3×10183 \times 10^{18} eV), are young Galactic supernova remnants. In theory, however, there are various reasons why the spectrum may be different for different sources, and may not even be a power law if nonlinear shock acceleration applies during the most efficient stages of acceleration. We show how the spectrum at the accelerator translates to the spectrum that make up the escaping cosmic rays that replenish the Galactic pool of cosmic rays. We assume that cosmic ray confinement, and thus escape, is linked to the level of magnetic field amplification, and that the magnetic field is amplified by streaming cosmic rays according to the non-resonant hybrid or resonant instability. When a fixed fraction of the energy is transferred to cosmic rays, it turns out that a source spectrum that is flatter than E−2E^{-2} will result in a E−2E^{-2} escape spectrum, whereas a steeper source spectrum will result in an escape spectrum with equal steepening. This alleviates some of the concern that may arise from expected flat or concave cosmic ray spectra associated with nonlinear shock modification.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Absence of Electron Surfing Acceleration in a Two-Dimensional Simulation

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    Electron acceleration in high Mach number perpendicular shocks is investigated through two-dimensional electrostatic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. We simulate the shock foot region by modeling particles that consist of three components such as incident protons and electrons and reflected protons in the initial state which satisfies the Buneman instability condition. In contrast to previous one-dimensional simulations in which strong surfing acceleration is realized, we find that surfing acceleration does not occur in two-dimensional simulation. This is because excited electrostatic potentials have a two-dimensional structure that makes electron trapping impossible. Thus, the surfing acceleration does not work either in itself or as an injection mechanism for the diffusive shock acceleration. We briefly discuss implications of the present results on the electron heating and acceleration by shocks in supernova remnants.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The generalized Kochen-Specker theorem

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    A proof of the generalized Kochen-Specker theorem in two dimensions due to Cabello and Nakamura is extended to all higher dimensions. A set of 18 states in four dimensions is used to give closely related proofs of the generalized Kochen-Specker, Kochen-Specker and Bell theorems that shed some light on the relationship between these three theorems.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Table. A new third paragraph and an additional reference have been adde

    Detection of genuinely entangled and non-separable nn-partite quantum states

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    We investigate the detection of entanglement in nn-partite quantum states. We obtain practical separability criteria to identify genuinely entangled and non-separable mixed quantum states. No numerical optimization or eigenvalue evaluation is needed, and our criteria can be evaluated by simple computations involving components of the density matrix. We provide examples in which our criteria perform better than all known separability criteria. Specifically, we are able to detect genuine nn-partite entanglement which has previously not been identified. In addition, our criteria can be used in today's experiment.Comment: 8 pages, one figur

    Quantum Preferred Frame: Does It Really Exist?

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    The idea of the preferred frame as a remedy for difficulties of the relativistic quantum mechanics in description of the non-local quantum phenomena was undertaken by such physicists as J. S. Bell and D. Bohm. The possibility of the existence of preferred frame was also seriously treated by P. A. M. Dirac. In this paper, we propose an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-type experiment for testing the possible existence of a quantum preferred frame. Our analysis suggests that to verify whether a preferred frame of reference in the quantum world exists it is enough to perform an EPR type experiment with pair of observers staying in the same inertial frame and with use of the massive EPR pair of spin one-half or spin one particles.Comment: 5 pp., 6 fig

    Transition from spot to faculae domination -- An alternate explanation for the dearth of intermediate \textit{Kepler} rotation periods

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    The study of stellar activity cycles is crucial to understand the underlying dynamo and how it causes activity signatures such as dark spots and bright faculae. We study the appearance of activity signatures in contemporaneous photometric and chromospheric time series. Lomb-Scargle periodograms are used to search for cycle periods present in both time series. To emphasize the signature of the activity cycle we account for rotation-induced scatter in both data sets by fitting a quasi-periodic Gaussian process model to each observing season. After subtracting the rotational variability, cycle amplitudes and the phase difference between the two time series are obtained by fitting both time series simultaneously using the same cycle period. We find cycle periods in 27 of the 30 stars in our sample. The phase difference between the two time series reveals that the variability in fast rotating active stars is usually in anti-phase, while the variability of slowly rotating inactive stars is in phase. The photometric cycle amplitudes are on average six times larger for the active stars. The phase and amplitude information demonstrates that active stars are dominated by dark spots, whereas less active stars are dominated by bright faculae. We find the transition from spot to faculae domination at the Vaughan-Preston gap, and around a Rossby number equal to one. We conclude that faculae are the dominant ingredient of stellar activity cycles at ages >2.55 Gyr. The data further suggest that the Vaughan-Preston gap can not explain the previously detected dearth of Kepler rotation periods between 15-25 days. Nevertheless, our results led us to propose an explanation for the rotation period dearth to be due to the non-detection of periodicity caused by the cancellation of dark spots and bright faculae at 800 Myr.Comment: 12+15 pages, 10+2 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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