3,842 research outputs found

    Theory of Transition Temperature of Magnetic Double Perovskites

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    We formulate a theory of double perovskite coumpounds such as Sr2_2FeReO6_6 and Sr2_2FeMoO6_6 which have attracted recent attention for their possible uses as spin valves and sources of spin polarized electrons. We solve the theory in the dynamical mean field approximation to find the magnetic transition temperature TcT_c. We find that TcT_c is determined by a subtle interplay between carrier density and the Fe-Mo/Re site energy difference, and that the non-Fe same-sublattice hopping acts to reduce TcT_c. Our results suggest that presently existing materials do not optimize TcT_c

    Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a perpendicular field of quasi two-dimensional CeCoIn5

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    A Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnkov (FFLO) state was previously reported in the quasi-2D heavy fermion CeCoIn5 when a magnetic field was applied parallel to the ab-plane. Here, we conduct 115^In NMR studies of this material in a PERPENDICULAR field, and provide strong evidence for FFLO in this case as well. Although the topology of the phase transition lines in the H-T phase diagram is identical for both configurations, there are several remarkable differences between them. Compared to H//ab, the FFLO region for H perpendicular to the ab-plane shows a sizable decrease, and the critical field separating the FFLO and non-FFLO superconducting states almost ceases to have a temperature dependence. Moreover, directing H perpendicular to the ab-plane results in a notable change in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum within the planar node associated with the FFLO transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Non-perturbative JpdJ_{pd} model and ferromagnetism in dilute magnets

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    We calculate magnetic couplings in the JpdJ_{pd} model for dilute magnets, in order both to identify the relevant parameters which control ferromagnetism and also to bridge the gap between first principle calculations and model approaches. The magnetic exchange interactions are calculated non-perturbatively and disorder in the configuration of impurities is treated exacly, allowing us to test the validity of effective medium theories. Results differ qualitatively from those of weak coupling. In contrast to mean field theory, increasing JpdJ_{pd} may not favor high Curie temperatures: TCT_C scales primarily with the bandwidth. High temperature ferromagnetism at small dilutions is associated with resonant structure in the p-band. Comparison to diluted magnetic semiconductors indicate that Ga(Mn)As has such a resonant structure and thus this material is already close to optimality.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figure

    Observation of anomalous single-magnon scattering in half-metallic ferromagnets by chemical pressure control

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    Temperature variation of resistivity and specific heat have been measured for prototypical half-metallic ferromagnets, R_0.6Sr_0.4MnO_3, with controlling the one-electron bandwidth W. We have found variation of the temperature scalings in the resistivity from T^2 (R = La, and Nd) to T^3 (R = Sm), and have interpreted the $T^3-law in terms of the anomalous single-magnon scattering (AMS) process in the half-metallic system.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 3 pages + 4 EPS figure

    Orbital degeneracy and Mott transition in Mo pyrochlore oxides

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    We present our theoretical results on an effective two-band double-exchange model on a pyrochlore lattice for understanding intricate phase competition in Mo pyrochlore oxides. The model includes the twofold degeneracy of ege_g' orbitals under trigonal field splitting, the interorbital Coulomb repulsion, the Hund's-rule coupling between itinerant ege_g' electrons and localized a1ga_{1g} spins, and the superexchange antiferromagnetic interaction between the a1ga_{1g} spins. By Monte Carlo simulation with treating the Coulomb repulsion at an unrestricted-type mean-field level, we obtain the low-temperature phase diagram as functions of the Coulomb repulsion and the superexchange interaction. The results include four dominant phases with characteristic spin and orbital orders and the metal-insulator transitions among them. The insulating region is characterized by a `ferro'-type orbital ordering of the ege_g' orbitals along the local axis, irrespective of the spin ordering.Comment: 6 pages, proceedings for ICFC

    Magnon Broadening Effect by Magnon-Phonon Interaction in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites

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    In order to study the magnetic excitation behaviors in colossal magnetoresistance manganites, a magnon-phonon interacting system is investigated. Sudden broadening of magnon linewidth is obtained when a magnon branch crosses over an optical phonon branch. Onset of the broadening is approximately determined by the magnon density of states. Anomalous magnon damping at the brillouine zone boundary observed in low Curie temperature manganites is explained.Comment: 4 pages incl. 4 figs. New e-mail: [email protected]

    Orbital polarons versus itinerant e_g electrons in doped manganites

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    We study an effective one-dimensional (1D) orbital t-J model derived for strongly correlated e_g electrons in doped manganites. The ferromagnetic spin order at half filling is supported by orbital superexchange prop. to J which stabilizes orbital order with alternating x^2-y^2 and 3z^2-r^2 orbitals. In a doped system it competes with the kinetic energy prop. to t. When a single hole is doped to a half-filled chain, its motion is hindered and a localized orbital polaron is formed. An increasing doping generates either separated polarons or phase separation into hole-rich and hole-poor regions, and eventually polarizes the orbitals and gives a it metallic phase with occupied 3z^2-r^2 orbitals. This crossover, investigated by exact diagonalization at zero temperature, is demonstrated both by the behavior of correlation functions and by spectral properties, showing that the orbital chain with Ising superexchange is more classical and thus radically different from the 1D spin t-J model. At finite temperature we derive and investigate an effective 1D orbital model using a combination of exact diagonalization with classical Monte-Carlo for spin correlations. A competition between the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spin order was established at half filling, and localized polarons were found for antiferromagnetic interactions at low hole doping. Finally, we clarify that the Jahn-Teller alternating potential stabilizes the orbital order with staggered orbitals, inducing the ferromagnetic spin order and enhancing the localized features in the excitation spectra. Implications of these findings for colossal magnetoresistance manganites are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Interstellar Gas and X-rays toward the Young Supernova Remnant RCW 86; Pursuit of the Origin of the Thermal and Non-Thermal X-ray

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    We have analyzed the atomic and molecular gas using the 21 cm HI and 2.6/1.3 mm CO emissions toward the young supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 86 in order to identify the interstellar medium with which the shock waves of the SNR interact. We have found an HI intensity depression in the velocity range between 46-46 and 28-28 km s1^{-1} toward the SNR, suggesting a cavity in the interstellar medium. The HI cavity coincides with the thermal and non-thermal emitting X-ray shell. The thermal X-rays are coincident with the edge of the HI distribution, which indicates a strong density gradient, while the non-thermal X-rays are found toward the less dense, inner part of the HI cavity. The most significant non-thermal X-rays are seen toward the southwestern part of the shell where the HI gas traces the dense and cold component. We also identified CO clouds which are likely interacting with the SNR shock waves in the same velocity range as the HI, although the CO clouds are distributed only in a limited part of the SNR shell. The most massive cloud is located in the southeastern part of the shell, showing detailed correspondence with the thermal X-rays. These CO clouds show an enhanced CO JJ = 2-1/1-0 intensity ratio, suggesting heating/compression by the shock front. We interpret that the shock-cloud interaction enhances non-thermal X-rays in the southwest and the thermal X-rays are emitted by the shock-heated gas of density 10-100 cm3^{-3}. Moreover, we can clearly see an HI envelope around the CO cloud, suggesting that the progenitor had a weaker wind than the massive progenitor of the core-collapse SNR RX J1713.7-3949. It seems likely that the progenitor of RCW 86 was a system consisting of a white dwarf and a low-mass star with low-velocity accretion winds.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Journal of High Energy Astrophysics (JHEAp

    Magnetic Order in the Double Exchange Model in Infinite Dimensions

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    We studied magnetic properties of the double exchange (DE) model with S=1/2 localized spins at T=0, using exact diagonalization in the framework of the dynamical mean field theory. Obtained phase diagram contains ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. Comparing the phase diagram with that of the DE model with classical localized spins, we found that the quantum fluctuations of localized spins partly destabilize the ferromagnetism and expand the paramagnetic phase region. We found that phase separations occur between the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases as well as the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic ones.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps-figure