109 research outputs found

    Adhesion of perfume-filled microcapsules to model fabric surfaces

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    The retention and adhesion of melamine formaldehyde (MF) microcapsules on a model fabric surface in aqueous solution were investigated using a customised flow chamber technique and atomic force microscopy (AFM). A cellulose film was employed as a model fabric surface. Modification of the cellulose with chitosan was found to increase the retention and adhesion of microcapsules on the model fabric surface. The AFM force–displacement data reveal that bridging forces resulting from the extension of cellulose chains dominate the adhesion between the microcapsule and the unmodified cellulose film, whereas electrostatic attraction helps the microcapsules adhere to the chitosan-modified cellulose film. The correlation between results obtained using these two complementary techniques suggests that the flow chamber device can be potentially used for rapid screening of the effect of chemical modification on the adhesion of microparticles to surfaces, reducing the time required to achieve an optimal formulation

    Atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles in non-ideal conditions

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    Nanoparticles are often measured using atomic force microscopy or other scanning probe microscopy methods. For isolated nanoparticles on flat substrates, this is a relatively easy task. However, in real situations, we often need to analyze nanoparticles on rough substrates or nanoparticles that are not isolated. In this article, we present a simple model for realistic simulations of nanoparticle deposition and we employ this model for modeling nanoparticles on rough substrates. Different modeling conditions (coverage, relaxation after deposition) and convolution with different tip shapes are used to obtain a wide spectrum of virtual AFM nanoparticle images similar to those known from practice. Statistical parameters of nanoparticles are then analyzed using different data processing algorithms in order to show their systematic errors and to estimate uncertainties for atomic force microscopy analysis of nanoparticles under non-ideal conditions. It is shown that the elimination of user influence on the data processing algorithm is a key step for obtaining accurate results while analyzing nanoparticles measured in non-ideal conditions

    Lateral force microscopy study of the friction between silica surfaces in electrolyte solutions

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    Lateral force measurements between a polished silica wafer and a colloidal silica particle in monovalent electrolyte solution environment (LiCl, NaCl, CsCl) were performed using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Analysis of the friction versus load data, in LiCl case, indicates that increasing the electrolyte concentration, the intensity of the friction force decreases. The effects of the counterions on lateral forces show that friction coefficients gradually decrease from pure Dl water to 1.0M LiCl. Lateral forces versus scan rate graphs show a typical behavior for all investigated systems: transition and saturation region. These results are consistent with the idea that strongly hydrated ions have a lubrication effect in silica-silica interactions

    Friction forces in aqueous solutions

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