21 research outputs found

    The CCR4-NOT Complex Is Implicated in the Viability of Aneuploid Yeasts

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    To identify the genes required to sustain aneuploid viability, we screened a deletion library of non-essential genes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, in which most types of aneuploidy are eventually lethal to the cell. Aneuploids remain viable for a period of time and can form colonies by reducing the extent of the aneuploidy. We hypothesized that a reduction in colony formation efficiency could be used to screen for gene deletions that compromise aneuploid viability. Deletion mutants were used to measure the effects on the viability of spores derived from triploid meiosis and from a chromosome instability mutant. We found that the CCR4-NOT complex, an evolutionarily conserved general regulator of mRNA turnover, and other related factors, including poly(A)-specific nuclease for mRNA decay, are involved in aneuploid viability. Defective mutations in CCR4-NOT complex components in the distantly related yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae also affected the viability of spores produced from triploid cells, suggesting that this complex has a conserved role in aneuploids. In addition, our findings suggest that the genes required for homologous recombination repair are important for aneuploid viability

    2-inch size crystal growth of Ce:Gd3Al2Ga3O12 with various Ce concentration and their scintillation properties

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    2 inch size Ce0.2, 1%, 2.5% and 3% doped Gd3(Ga,Al)5O12 (GAGG) single crystals were grown by the Cz method. Luminescence and scintillation properties were measured. Light yield change along the growth direction and effects of Ce concentration on scintillation properties in Ce:GAGG were studied. Ce3+ 5d-4f emission within 520–530nm was observed in the Ce:GAGG crystals. The Ce1%:GAGG sample with 5×5×5mm size showed the highest light yield of 62000 photon/MeV. The energy resolution was 4.7%@662keV. With increasing solidification fraction, the LY were decreased. It is proposed that the increase of Ga concentration along the growth direction is the main cause of the decrease of LY. The scintillation decay times were accelerated with increasing Ce concentration in the Ce:GAGG crystals. The scintillation decay times were 92.0ns, 79.1ns and 68.3ns in the Ce1, 2 and 3% GAGG, respectively. Ce0.2% sample showed scintillation decay time of 61.9ns (49%) with slower decay component of 595ns(51%)

    Studies of electron transport and isochoric heating and their applicability to fast ignition

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    Experimental measurements of electron transport and isochoric heating in 100 J, 1 ps laser irradiation of solid Al targets are presented. Modeling with a hybrid PIC code is compared with the data and good agreement is obtained using a heuristic model for the electron injection. The relevance for fast ignition is discussed

    Er þörf forgangsröðunar í heilbrigðismálum? [ritstjórnargrein]

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenForgangsröðun í heilbrigðiskerfinu hefur verið nokkuð vinsælt umræðuefni undanfarið. Ég hef verið meðal þeirra sem hef gagnrýnt þessa umræðu fyrir að vera ómarkvissa, takmarkaða og oft á tíðum ruglandi (1). Færa má rök að því að heppilegt sé að skoða forgangsröðun í heilbrigðiskerfinu eins og hún eigi sér stað á nokkrum þrepum. Ástæðan er sú að umfjöllunarefni, rök, vandamál, aðferðir og lausnir eru ekki endilega þau sömu á öllum þessum þrepum. Forgangsröðun í heilbrigðiskerfinu hefur venjulega verið skipt í þrjú stig eða þrep sem eru; a) forgangsröðun í meðferð tiltekinna einstaklinga, b) forgangsröðun innan stofnana eða landsvæða og c) forgangsröðun fyrir þjóðina alla