33 research outputs found

    Limnological annual cycle inferred from physical-chemical fluctuations at three stations of Lake Tanganyika

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    peer reviewedTen variables were measured at least twice per month at three locations of Lake Tanganyika (East Africa) over one year (1993-94). Upwelling was observed in the south of the lake during the dry, windy season from May to September. Stratification was variable in strength but always present in the north. The lake showed a marked tilting of the epilimnion during the dry season (0-20 m in the South, 60-70 m in the North). This period was followed by oscillations of water masses towards an equilibrium when the strong winds from the south east ceased. Conductivity and pH fluctuations indicated dampened oscillations, particularly at the ends of the lake. Movements of the epilimnion toward an equilibrium position generated and/or re-inforced internal waves. These waves were inferred from fluctuations of chemical and physical characteristics of the lake. The concentrations of inorganic P and N commonly fluctuated by a factor of 3 or more in the epilimnion. The period of long-period internal waves was estimated to be ca. 28-33 days. Turbidity changes suggested pulse production caused by internal waves linked to non-random patchiness in nutrients and organisms. Turbulence resulting from highly dynamic physical events also induce random-patchiness in water composition. The lake water generally showed oligotrophic characteristics near the surface but had high concentrations of nutrients in deep water. The results showed that the trophic state of Lake Tanganyika, like that of the oceans, seems to depend largely on regeneration processes. The annual limnological cycle in Lake Tanganyika appears closely linked to the climatic conditions

    Operative Procedures in the Elderly in Low-Resource Settings: A Review of Médecins Sans Frontières Facilities: Reply

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    As the demographic transition occurs across developing countries, an increasing number of elderly individuals are affected by disasters and conflicts. This study aimed to evaluate the elderly population that underwent an operative procedure at MSF facilities

    Caractéristiques des gîtes larvaires associées à la prolifération des vecteurs du paludisme dans la Zone de Santé de Ngaba-Kinshasa

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    La zone de Ngaba est située dans la Ville de Kinshasa et elle compte une population de 254947dont une large proportion souffre de paludisme (69,1% pour l’année 2017), un taux de loin plus élevé que dans les autres zones de santé environnantes. Cette situation découle d'une importante prolifération des anophèles dans le site. Cette étude est conduite pour explorer et déterminer les facteurs associés à la prolifération des vecteurs du paludisme dans cette zone malgré les conditions environnementales qui s’avèrent défavorables à une telle prolifération. Une meilleure compréhension de ces facteurs va contribuer à une mitigation plus efficace, voire à une élimination de cette condition. Au cours de l’année 2018, nous avons mené un travail de terrain consistant dans la visite de nombreuses gites potentielles de prolifération des anophèles dans cette zone en vue d’y prélever des données sur le type de gîtes, l'origine de l'eau (eau de pluie ou autre), la nature de la collection d'eau (flaque), caractéristiques de l'eau (claire), les paramètres bioécologiques (physico-chimique) des gîtes, l'exposition au soleil (ensoleillé), présence ou non de la végétation, présence des composés organiques (aucune), la nature du sol (humide et marécageux). L’analyse de ces données à travers un modèle multivarié nous a montré que les cours et plans d'eau de Ngaba sont pollués mais les anophèles s'y sont/seraient adaptées. Plusieurs facteurs tels que le type de gîtes, l'origine de l'eau (eau de pluie), la nature de la collection d'eau (flaque), caractéristiques de l'eau (claire), les paramètres bioécologiques (physico-chimique) des gîtes, l'exposition au soleil (ensoleillé), présence de la végétation (aucune couverture végétale), présence des composés organiques (aucune), la nature du sol (humide et marécageux) et la densité larvaire sont présents à Ngaba et sont associés à la prolifération des vecteurs du paludisme.  La zone de Ngaba est située dans la Ville de Kinshasa et elle compte une population de 254947dont une large proportion souffre de paludisme (69,1% pour l’année 2017), un taux de loin plus élevé que dans les autres zones de santé environnantes. Cette situation découle d'une importante prolifération des anophèles dans le site. Cette étude est conduite pour explorer et déterminer les facteurs associés à la prolifération des vecteurs du paludisme dans cette zone malgré les conditions environnementales qui s’avèrent défavorables à une telle prolifération. Une meilleure compréhension de ces facteurs va contribuer à une mitigation plus efficace, voire à une élimination de cette condition. Au cours de l’année 2018, nous avons mené un travail de terrain consistant dans la visite de nombreuses gites potentielles de prolifération des anophèles dans cette zone en vue d’y prélever des données sur le type de gîtes, l'origine de l'eau (eau de pluie ou autre), la nature de la collection d'eau (flaque), caractéristiques de l'eau (claire), les paramètres bioécologiques (physico-chimique) des gîtes, l'exposition au soleil (ensoleillé), présence ou non de la végétation, présence des composés organiques (aucune), la nature du sol (humide et marécageux). L’analyse de ces données à travers un modèle multivarié nous a montré que les cours et plans d'eau de Ngaba sont pollués mais les anophèles s'y sont/seraient adaptées. Plusieurs facteurs tels que le type de gîtes, l'origine de l'eau (eau de pluie), la nature de la collection d'eau (flaque), caractéristiques de l'eau (claire), les paramètres bioécologiques (physico-chimique) des gîtes, l'exposition au soleil (ensoleillé), présence de la végétation (aucune couverture végétale), présence des composés organiques (aucune), la nature du sol (humide et marécageux) et la densité larvaire sont présents à Ngaba et sont associés à la prolifération des vecteurs du paludisme

    Phytochemistry and in vitro Anti-sickling activity of Senna Occidentalis L. (Fabaceae)

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    Introduction Sickle cell disease is an inherited genetic disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal hemoglobin, leading to the deformation of red blood cells and serious complications. It is a major public health problem in many countries of inter-tropical Africa. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, over a million people (2%) are affected by this hemoglobinopathy. Purpose This study aimed to scientifically validate the anti-sickle cell activity of aqueous extracts of S. occindentalis seeds and to identify the chemical constituents responsible for this activity. Methods In this study, we used S. occidentalis seeds harvested at Ilebo in Central Kasai Province, while the blood samples used were taken from sickle-cell patients. The phytochemical composition was determined according to the standard method described previously by Iteku et al. and Nkasa et al. The Emmel test was carried out according to the standard protocol described previously by Bongo et al. Results The results obtained in this study showed that the seeds of this plant are rich in secondary metabolites such as total polyphenols (flavonoids, anthocyanins, leuco-athocyanins, tannins, and saponins), di-terpenes, alkaloids, and bound quinones. However, these seeds do not contain triterpenoids and steroids. Total seed extracts from this plant showed significant anti-sickle cell activity. Conclusion This study identified a medicinal plant used by the sickle cell disease community

    BMJ Open

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute malnutrition (AM) is a continuum condition, arbitrarily divided into moderate and severe AM (SAM) categories, funded and managed in separate programmes under different protocols. Optimising acute MAlnutrition (OptiMA) treatment aims to simplify and optimise AM management by treating children with mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) <125 mm or oedema with one product-ready-to-use therapeutic food-at a gradually tapered dose. Our main objective was to compare the OptiMA strategy with the standard nutritional protocol in children 6-59 months presenting with MUAC <125 mm or oedema without additional complications, as well as in children classified as uncomplicated SAM (ie, MUAC <115 mm or weight-for-height Z-score (WHZ) <-3 or with oedema). METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This study was a non-inferiority, individually randomised controlled clinical trial conducted at community level in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Children 6-59 months presenting with MUAC <125 mm or WHZ <-3 or with bipedal oedema and without medical complication were included after signed informed consent in outpatient health facilities. All participants were followed for 6 months. Success in both arms was defined at 6 months post inclusion as being alive, not acutely malnourished per the definition applied at inclusion and without an additional episode of AM throughout the 6-month observation period. Recovery among children with uncomplicated SAM was the main secondary outcome. For the primary objective, 890 participants were needed, and 480 children with SAM were needed for the main secondary objective. We will perform non-inferiority analyses in per-protocol and intention-to-treat basis for both outcomes. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approvals were obtained from the National Health Ethics Committee of the Democratic Republic of Congo and from the Ethics Evaluation Committee of Inserm, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Paris, France). We will submit results for publication to a peer-reviewed journal and disseminate findings in international and national conferences and meetings. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03751475. Registered 19 September 2018, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03751475

    Valorization of the essential oil from Drypetes gossweileri S. Moore (Putranjivaceae): in vitro, in vivo, and in silico nematicidal activity

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    The chemical composition, insect antifeedant, in vtro/in vivo nematicidal activity, phytotoxicity, and in silico nematicidal activity of the essential oil (EO) of the African medicinal plant Drypetes gossweileri were studied. Chemical analysis using GC/MS indicated that benzyl isothiocyanate (96.23%) was the major compound, followed by benzyl cyanide (1.38%). The biocidal effects of this oil were tested against insect pests and root-knot nematodes. All the insect species tested were significantly affected by the oil according to their feeding adaptations (Spodoptera littoralis and Myzus persicae were less affected than Rhopalosiphum padi) with efficient doses (EC50) of 29.4 8.3 μg/cm2, 14.744 8.3 μg/cm2, and 8.3 μg/cm2, respectively. The oil was highly effective against juveniles J2 of the nematode Meloidogyne javanica, with LC50–LC90 values of 0.007 mg/mL–0.0113 mg/mL. D. gossweileri EO at minimum lethal concentrations (MLC) and below strongly inhibited egg hatching in vitro, whereas soil treatment caused a strong suppression of nematode population, infection frequency, and multiplication rate. The EO inhibited ryegrass (Lolium perenne) germination at 0.4 mg/mL, while at 0.1 mg/mL, its effects on germination, root and leaf growth were moderate (32.4%, 8.4%, and 18.3%, respectively). The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) germination was not affected by the EO, but the root growth was reduced (56% at 0.1 mg/mL) at a dose 10 times higher than the LD50 calculated for M. javanica J2 mortality. Molecular docking of the nematicidal effects of the oil using PyRx revealed a strong interaction between potassium chloride transporting KCC3 (PDB ID: 7D90) and benzyl cyanide at a distance of 2.20 A° with GLN C:350, followed by benzyl isothiocyanate at a distance of 2.78 A° with ARG B:294. The in vivo nematicidal effects of D. gossweileri EO on M. javanica penetration and reproduction in tomato roots further support the potential of this EO as a nematicidal agent with insect antifeedant effects, which could be used by local farmers for crop protection

    L´experience cooperative au Congo (Zaire) dans le contexte colonial. Forme de duperie internationale et de devoyemente des colonises

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    Ce travail présent des données historiques sur le mouvement coopératif existant au Zaïre depuis sa naissance jusqu’à l’actualité. Le coopérativisme est présenté par l’auteur comme étant l’instrument par excellence utilisé dans le cadre de la politique internationale pour l’effectivation d’un nouveau d’un nouveau « pacte colonial » enfin de maintenir le colonialisme économique. Les coopératives congolaises, soumises aux conditions de temps et d’espace d’un néo-colonialisme, durent accentuer les relations de dépendance entre colonie et métropole. Conclut l’auteur que ces coopératives toujours définies par les agents sociaux n’ont pas été effectivement dynamisées au bénéfice du pays.O trabalho apresenta dados históricos sobre o movimento cooperativo existente no Zaire desde seu surgimento até a atualidade. O cooperativismo é apresentado pelo autor como sendo o instrumento por excelência utilizado no quadro da política internacional para a efetivação de um novo “pacto colonial” para manter o colonialismo econômico. As cooperativas congolesas estiveram inadaptadas às condições de tempo e lugar voltadas para um neo-colonialismo, acentuando as relações de dependência entre colônia e metrópole, o autor conclui que sempre estiveram voltadas para os agentes que não as puderam dinamizar efetivamente em beneficio do país

    Effects of massive doses of ergocalciferol plus cholesterol on pregnant rats and their offspring

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    Ergocalciferol (320,000 or 480,000 IU/kg) plus cholesterol (60 mg/kg) in olive oil solution was administered daily on 1, 2, or 4 consecutive days to pregnant rats from days 9, 10, 14, or 18 of gestation. The control animals received only olive oil. Disseminated lesions of metastatic calcinosis were found in various tissues, in the coronary arteries and myocardium, in the media of the abdominal aorta, in the lung and pleura, in the gastrointestinal tract, and in the kidney. This is in contrast to the atherosclerosis described in nonpregnant rats fed a similar diet. A significant decline in maternal weight as well as a high rate of morbidity and mortality was observed. In mothers killed on day 22 of pregnancy, fetal and placental growths appeared significantly retarded, suggesting a direct effect of the steroid or its more active metabolite, 1,25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol, on the fetus or the trophoblastic tissue. Fetal bone lesions associated with a generalized retardation of ossification, placental edema, or calcification accompanied by a loss of the normal structure of the placenta and degenerative manifestations at this level were observed. Moreover, we noted a striking alteration of the fetal face in 33-39% of experimental fetuses, called by us carnival fetuses.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe