1,102 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kedudukan Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) dalam pengembalian Aset Tindak Pidana Korupsi dan bagaimana perjanjian Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Republik Indonesia-Konfederasi Swiss dalam memberantas Korupsi di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan transportasi global diringi dengan perkembangan tindak pidana yang tidak lagi mengenal batas yurisdiksi, sehingga penanggulangannya membutuhkan penanganan bersama negara-negara dunia. Banyak pelaku kejahatan yang kemudian melarikan diri atau menyimpan hasil kejahatannya di luar negara asalnya dengan berbagai tujuan. Termasuk menghindari pajak maupun menyelamatkan aset dari hasil kejahatan. Bantuan timbal balik dalam masalah pidana merupakan salah satu cara menghentikan tindakan curang pelaku tindak pidana yang hendak menyembunyikan aset maupun mengindari pajak atas hasil tindak pidana yang dilakukan. 2. Bagi Indonesia, Konfederasi Swiss adalah negara yang memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat bersembunyi maupun menyimpan aset hasil kejahatan tersebut, sehingga kerja sama Indonesia dan Konfederasi Swiss tentang bantuan timbal balik dalam masalah pidana merupakan bentuk keseriusan pemerintah Indonesia dan Konfederasi Swiss dalam upaya penanggulangan kejahatan transnasional. Pengesahan Perjanjian Bantuan Timbal Balik dalam Masalah Pidana antara Republik Indonesia dan Konfederasi Swiss harus segera dilakukan mengingat Indonesia telah menandatangani perjanjian Pada tanggal 4 Februari 2019. Perjanjian tersebut memberikan syarat bagi Indonesia maupun Konfederasi Swiss sebagai negara pihak untuk mengesahkan perjanjian dimaksud berdasarkan hukum nasional negara masing-masing. Indonesia melakukan pengesahan dengan Undang-Undang disebabkan materi muatan perjanjian tersebut berkenaan dengan masalah politik, keamanan, dan kedaulatan negara serta dilandasi dengan iktikad baik Republik Indonesia untuk menerapkan Perjanjian Bantuan Timbal Balik dalam Masalah Pidana antara Republik Indonesia dan Konfederasi Swiss.Kata kunci: korupsi

    Optimal design of nanoplasmonic materials using genetic algorithms as a multi-parameter optimization tool

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    An optimal control approach based on multiple parameter genetic algorithms is applied to the design of plasmonic nanoconstructs with pre-determined optical properties and functionalities. We first develop nanoscale metallic lenses that focus an incident plane wave onto a pre-specified, spatially confined spot. Our results illustrate the role of symmetry breaking and unravel the principles that favor dimeric constructs for optimal light localization. Next we design a periodic array of silver particles to modify the polarization of an incident, linearly-polarized plane wave in a desired fashion while localizing the light in space. The results provide insight into the structural features that determine the birefringence properties of metal nanoparticles and their arrays. Of the variety of potential applications that may be envisioned, we note the design of nanoscale light sources with controllable coherence and polarization properties that could serve for coherent control of molecular or electronic dynamics in the nanoscale.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Retention of E. coli and water on the skin after liquid contact

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    The frequent contact people have with liquids containing pathogenic microorganisms provides opportunities for disease transmission. In this work, we quantified the transfer of bacteria-using E. coli as a model- from liquid to skin, estimated liquid retention on the skin after different contact activities (hand immersion, wet-cloth and wet-surface contact), and estimated liquid transfer following hand-to-mouth contacts. The results of our study show that the number of E. coli transferred to the skin per surface area (n [E. coli/cm2]) can be modeled using n = C (10-3.38+h), where C [E. coli/cm3] is the concentration of E. coli in the liquid, and h [cm] is the film thickness of the liquid retained on the skin. Findings from the E. coli transfer experiments reveal a significant difference between the transfer of E. coli from liquid to the skin and the previously reported transfer of viruses to the skin. Additionally, our results demonstrate that the time elapsed since the interaction significantly influences liquid retention, therefore modulating the risks associated with human interaction with contaminated liquids. The findings enhance our understanding of liquid-mediated disease transmission processes and provide quantitative estimates as inputs for microbial risk assessments

    Rehabilitation following surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis: a Cochrane review

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    Study Design A systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) Objective To determine the effects of active rehabilitation on functional outcome following lumbar spinal stenosis surgery when compared with 'usual postoperative care'. Summary of background data Surgery rates for lumbar spinal stenosis have risen, yet outcomes remain suboptimal. Post-operative rehabilitation has been suggested as a tool to improve post-operative function but, to date, there is limited evidence to support its use. Methods CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library), the Cochrane Back Review Group Trials Register, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PEDro electronic databases were searched. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effectiveness of active rehabilitation with usual care in adults with lumbar spinal stenosis who had undergone primary spinal decompression surgery were included. Two authors independently selected studies, assessed the risk of bias, and extracted the data in line with the recommendations of the Cochrane Back Review Group. Study results were pooled in a meta-analysis when appropriate using functional status as the primary outcome, with secondary outcomes including measures of leg pain, low back pain, and global improvement/general health. The GRADE approach was used to assess the quality of the evidence. Results Our searches yielded 1,726 articles, of which three studies (N = 373 participants) were suitable for inclusion in meta-analysis. All included studies were deemed to have low risk of bias; no study had unacceptably high dropout rates. There was moderate evidence suggesting that active rehabilitation was more effective than usual care in improving both short- and long-term functional status following surgery. Similar findings were noted for secondary outcomes, including short-term improvement in low back pain and long-term improvement in both low back pain and leg pain. Conclusions We obtained moderate-quality evidence indicating that postoperative active rehabilitation after decompression surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis is more effective than usual care. Further work is required particularly with respect to the cost effectiveness of such interventions

    Integration of sexual and reproductive health services in the provision of primary health care in the Arab States: status and a way forward.

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    Different approaches are used for integration of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services at the primary health care (PHC) level, aiming at providing comprehensive services leaving no one behind. This paper aims to assess gaps in the delivery of SRH in PHC services, identifying challenges and proposing action towards universal health coverage in Arab countries. The United Nations Population Fund - Arab States Regional Office (UNFPA/ASRO), in partnership with Middle East and North Africa Health Policy Forum (HPF), launched an assessment of integration of SRH into PHC in 11 Arab countries in 2017-2018. Desk reviews were conducted, using published programme reports and national statistics. Data from country reports were compiled to present a regional assessment, challenges and recommendations. SRH services are partially integrated in PHC. Family planning is part of PHC in all countries except Libya, where only counselling is provided. Only Morocco, Tunisia and Oman provide comprehensive HIV services at PHC level. Jordan, Libya and Saudi Arabia rely mainly on referral to other facilities, while most of the integrated family planning or HIV services in Sudan, Morocco and Oman are provided within the same facilities. Action is required at the policy, organisational and operational levels. Prioritisation of services can guide the development of essential packages of SRH care. Developing the skills of the PHC workforce in SRH services and the adoption of the family medicine/general practice model can ensure proper allocation of resources. A presented regional integration framework needs further efforts for addressing the actions entailed
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