13 research outputs found

    On-Farm Experimente - Leitfaden zur Planung und DurchfĂŒhrung

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    Durch den entwickelten Leitfaden wird gewĂ€hrleistet, dass durch eine richtige Anlage/ Auswertung von Experimenten eine in den Betriebsablauf integrierte Weiterentwicklung von Anbauverfahren und –strategien erfolgen kann. So enthĂ€lt der Leitfaden u.a. eine Anleitung zur Problemidentifikation und Formulierung relevanter Versuchsfragen, die unter den Bedingungen bzw. EinschrĂ€nkungen von "On-Farm Experiments" realisiert werden können, eine ErlĂ€uterung der Grundprinzipien bei der DurchfĂŒhrung von Versuchen, eine Auswahl potenzieller PrĂŒfmerkmale und -faktoren sowie Stufen der PrĂŒffaktoren, Beispiele fĂŒr Versuchsanlagen, Datenerhebung bzw. Auswertung/ AussagefĂ€higkeit und Dokumentation

    Organic Farming on large farms with special reference to Eastern Germany

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    Nearly 3 % of the total arable land of the five new States of Germany have been converted to organic farming according to the AGÖL standards. The average farm size reaches about 200 ha, while the average size of organic farms in West Germany amounts to 30 ha. The structure of the large farms in East Germany contrasts with the organic farms in West Germany and are mainly characterised by a higher complexity of organisation, involving mainly blue collar workers and low livestock units. Under the site and structural conditions of large organic farms in North-East Germany, for economic and environmental reasons, it is especially important to develop and apply special nutrient management strategies concerning the prediction and optimisation of nitrogen inputs so as to prevent deficits and losses. As long-term management strategies the calculation of humus and nitrogen balances are suitable for an overview of the nutrient fluxes of the total farm. To optimise the nitrogen uptake and to minimise nitrate leaching, the effects of specific cultivation methods, selected fields and crops, and short-term management strategies are developed for site- and situation-adapted decision making. Positive abiotic and biotic environmental effects of organic farming systems, similar to those known from small family farms, can be described or predicted for large farms in North-East Germany. These effects include significant reduction of nitrate losses through leaching and nitrate contents in the soil water; prevention of pesticide leaching; conservation and increase of the humus content; reduction of CO2-emission caused by intensive agriculture; conservation and increase of biodiversity of flora and fauna. To achieve an expansion of organic agriculture, particularly in CEE countries, the development of specific markets with higher prices (especially for milk products) and/or specific economic rewards of the positive environmental effects are necessary

    Guide for on-farm experiments by organic farmers

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    The Guide will be overworked based on observations and experiences of chosen users to ensure a broad as possible practical relevance. Experiments which have already been implemented to address various questions cover the diversity of possibilities which result through that kind of approach for practice and advising

    DĂŒngung von Böden

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