8,071 research outputs found

    Detrital zircon from a late Paleozoic accretionary complex of SW Iberia (Variscan Belt): History of crustal growth and recycling at the Rheic convergent margin

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    In this study we present new U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from greywackes and quartzites of the Pulo do Lobo Anticline (PLA) that have been interpreted to represent a Late Paleozoic accretionary complex in SW Iberia. The PLA separates the Ossa Morena Zone, which has a North- Gondwana affinity throughout Late Ediacaran and Early Paleozoic times, from the South Portuguese Zone, which is considered to be underlain by Laurussia basement. The PLA stratigraphy most likely represents a synorogenic basin that records the closure of the Late Paleozoic Rheic Ocean and the amalgamation of Pangaea. The youngest formations of the PLA contain upper Devonian microfossils.The results obtained indicate that the detrital zircons from the PLA represent a wide range of Precambrian and Paleozoic crystallization ages. Recycling of older sedimentary units of the Late Ediacaran active margin (Cadomian/Pan-African orogenies) as well as of the Early Paleozoic rifting and passive margin (Rheic Ocean) stages, accounts for the older populations with North-Gondwana affinity (Cambrian, Neoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic and Archean, with a gap of Mesoproterozoic-age). However, the Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon ages found in the greywackes of the Pulo do Lobo Formation (< 7%) that do not correspond to any substantial source within North-Gondwana, could come from recycled sedimentary deposits or from denudation of Grenville-age basement (Laurussia?). The more recent formations present in the northern limb (Ferreira-Ficalho Group) of the PLA show a significant age cluster in the upper Devonian (c. 378 Ma), whereas on the southern limb (Chança Group), samples have from base to top of the stratigraphic sequence: a minor age cluster in the middle Devonian (c. 390 Ma), a significant age cluster in upper Devonian (c. 380 Ma) and very significant age cluster in the upper Devonian (c. 372 Ma). The presence of middle-upper Devonian detrital zircons in combination with very low abundances of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon suggests that the PLA sedimentary rocks were not derived from exotic sources but rather have a North-Gondwanan origin. The zircon population in the interval c. 390-380 Ma has no identified corresponding magmatic or stratigraphic source in SW Iberia. Considering that, during the development of the upper Devonian basins of SW Iberia, Laurussia basement was not exposed and that there was no magmatic arc on the North-Gondwana margin, we suggest that the c. 390- 380 Ma detrital zircons are most probably derived from denudation of a (intra-oceanic) magmatic arc related to the closure of the Rheic Ocean

    Identifying Sea Ice Ridging in SAR Imagery using various Machine Learning Models

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    Sea ice ridging presents a great challenge to ships navigating thearctic. In this paper, we examine the capabilities of various machinelearning methods in predicting regions of high ridge density fromSAR imagery of Hudson Strait. Our results showed that althoughridging in Hudson Strait may be difficult to distinguish even with thehuman eye, machine learning can give some insight into potentiallydangerous regions of Hudson Strait

    A single model of traversable wormholes supported by generalized phantom energy or Chaplygin gas

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    This paper discusses a new variable equation of state parameter leading to exact solutions of the Einstein field equations describing traversable wormholes. In addition to generalizing the notion of phantom energy, the equation of state generates a mathematical model that combines the generalized phantom energy and the generalized Chaplygin gas models.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Tailoring laser pulses with spectral and fluence constraints using optimal control theory

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    Within the framework of optimal control theory we develop a simple iterative scheme to determine optimal laser pulses with spectral and fluence constraints. The algorithm is applied to a one-dimensional asymmetric double well where the control target is to transfer a particle from the ground state, located in the left well, to the first excited state, located in the right well. Extremely high occupations of the first excited state are obtained for a variety of spectral and/or energetic constraints. Even for the extreme case where no resonance frequency is allowed in the pulse the algorithm achieves an occupation of almost 100%

    Equation of state description of the dark energy transition between quintessence and phantom regimes

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    The dark energy crossing of the cosmological constant boundary (the transition between the quintessence and phantom regimes) is described in terms of the implicitly defined dark energy equation of state. The generalizations of the models explicitly constructed to exhibit the crossing provide the insight into the cancellation mechanism which makes the transition possible.Comment: 3 pages, talk given at TAUP200

    Low-temperature alkaline activation of feldspathic solid solutions: Development of high strength geopolymers

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    Most of the natural solid solutions, as a result of the history of their formation and crystallization, present a fraction of amorphous or metastable materials that may easily be dissolved or activated in alkaline media. In this work, trachyte, granite, pegmatite and sand for comparison are used as principal solid precursors for the design of high strength geopolymers. The particularity of the solid-solution based geopolymers is the high fraction of crystalline phases incongruently dissolved that may react essentially at the surface, thus developing very resistant bonds. While working with 100 wt% of solid solution is almost unrealistic for the production of geopolymers, it was found that 15 to 30 wt% of metakaolin in replacement of the solid-solution powder conducts to low porosity (10 vol.%), high flexural strength (20-30 MPa) and compact microstructure. Preliminary resonance-based mechanical tests showed that the elastic modulus of the investigated samples ranged between 11-15 GPa, as also confirmed by instrumented micro-indentations. It was concluded that a high strength and durable matrix are a result of chemico-mechanical equilibrium of phases contained within the composites including the pore volume and pore-size distribution, which are significant for the life cycle of geopolymer composites

    Absolute properties of the binary system BB Pegasi

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    We present a ground based photometry of the low-temperature contact binary BB Peg. We collected all times of mid-eclipses available in literature and combined them with those obtained in this study. Analyses of the data indicate a period increase of 3.0(1) x 10^{-8} days/yr. This period increase of BB Peg can be interpreted in terms of the mass transfer 2.4 x 10^{-8} Ms yr^{-1} from the less massive to the more massive component. The physical parameters have been determined as Mc = 1.42 Ms, Mh = 0.53 Ms, Rc = 1.29 Rs, Rh = 0.83 Rs, Lc = 1.86 Ls, and Lh = 0.94 Ls through simultaneous solution of light and of the radial velocity curves. The orbital parameters of the third body, that orbits the contact system in an eccentric orbit, were obtained from the period variation analysis. The system is compared to the similar binaries in the Hertzsprung-Russell and Mass-Radius diagram.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, accepted for Astronomical Journa
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