169 research outputs found

    Infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies of glasses with NASICON - type chemistry

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    Structures of NASICON glasses of the general formula AB2(PO4)3, where A = Li, Na or K and B = Fe, Ga, Ti, V or Nb, have been investigated using vibrational (IR and Raman) spectroscopies. Phosphate species appear to establish an equilibrium via a disproportionation reaction involving a dynamical bond-switching mechanism where both charge and bonds are conserved. B ions in the system acquire different coordinations to oxygens. Alkali ions cause absorptions due to cage vibrations. All the observed spectroscopic features are consistent with speciation involving disproportionation reactions

    Evaluation of stress distribution in fixed partial dentures with pier abutments using rigid and nonrigid connectors - A finite element analysis.

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    In recent years fixed prosthesis has obtained an increasing acceptance from partially edentulous patients as it regains comfort, masticatory ability, appearance, health and integrity of the dentition. Planning a fixed prosthesis requires a sharp acumen to diagnose the presenting conditions and a thorough knowledge of the available treatment methods. In the success of fixed partial denture, abutment plays an important role. The type of occlusion, amount of bone present and periodontal health of the tooth also determines the success rate. The health of the periodontium depends upon several factors and one such vital factor is the magnitude and direction of load and the stresses induced thereupon. The vertical stress directing along the long axis of the tooth is less injurious when compared to the oblique force, which is more deleterious to the periodontium. Apart from the load applied, the resilient character of the restoration also plays an appreciable role. The occlusal stress may cause periodontal injury when it goes beyond the adaptive capacity of the periodontium. Torque is the most dangerous force to injure the periodontium to the maximum level due to development of shear stress. Deleterious forces can also cause bone resorption and inflammation of the periodontium. Aim: To evaluate the amount of stress distribution in fixed partial dentures with pier abutments using rigid and nonrigid connectors. Objectives: 1. To evaluate the amount of stress transmitted to the supporting structure by loading a fixed partial denture with pier abutment using a rigid connector design. 2. To evaluate the stress distribution using a different orientation of nonrigid connector design in four locations: Distal to mesial abutment (canine), Mesial to pier abutment (second premolar), Distal to pier abutment (second premolar), Mesial to distal abutment (second molar), 3. To evaluate the stress distribution under different loading conditions: Loading of all teeth to simulate maximum centric occlusion contacts, Loading of canine to simulate a single anterior contact, Loading of second molar to simulate a single posterior contact, 4. To compare the stress distribution with rigid and nonrigid design types. CONCLUSION: This study was done to evaluate the stress distribution in fixed partial dentures with pier abutments using rigid and a different orientation of nonrigid connector designs. A finite element study was done to determine the amount of stress distribution and to find out the ideal location of nonrigid connector. Finite element models were simulated using CATIA V5R18 software by giving various commands. All the five models were loaded with a static vertical occlusal force of 50N to the cusp fossa to simulate anterior, posterior and complete loading. The results were analyzed and interpreted using ANSYS software through IGES (Initial Graphic Exchange Specification) file. The data obtained were tabulated and statistical analysis was done. The findings of the present study support the following conclusions. 1. The stress distribution in fixed partial denture with pier abutment was affected by the presence and location of a nonrigid connector. 2. The area of minimum stress concentration occurs in pier abutments when the nonrigid connector was positioned distal to the pier abutment. 3. The overall stress distribution on the pier abutment was decreased when a nonrigid connector with an elastic cap was used. Finite element analysis suffers from several limitations, mostly related to necessarily simplified assumptions due to the lack of information about material properties, uncertainty of correct load distribution, assignment of the proper boundary conditions and creation of a valid mesh

    Study of placental location and pregnancy outcome

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    Background: Placental location can be estimated easily using ultrasonogram by 16 weeks. It can be classified based on its location into central and lateral. Central can be anterior or posterior. Lateral can be left lateral or right lateral. Placental location has been attributed to both normal and abnormal pregnancy and neonatal outcomes.Methods: This is a prospective cohort study conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology which comprised of 450 singleton gestations between 18 and 24 weeks. The primary objective is to determine the association between placental location and pregnancy outcome and secondary objective is to find out the association between placental location and neonatal outcome. The study population was divided into two groups – central and lateral. Results were analyzed using SPSS version 20, Chi square test and independent two sample t-test.Results: The frequency of central placenta was 377 (83.8%) and lateral placenta in 73 (16.2%). Central placentation had an abnormal outcome in 182(48.3%), lateral placentas with abnormal outcome were 44(60.3%). Abnormal maternal outcomes like hypertensive disorders (33.3%), Intra Uterine Growth Restriction (10.2%), Antepartum haemorrhage (25%), Preterm birth (16.3%) were more in lateral placentation. The number of central placentas having NICU admissions were 62(16.4%) and lateral placenta with NICU admissions were 19(26%).Conclusions: There is a significant association between lateral placentation and abnormal pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Second trimester ultrasound can be used as non-invasive predictor of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes.

    Microbiological profile of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy

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    Background: Asymptomatic bacteriuria is the presence of actively multiplying bacteria within the urinary tract in the absence of any symptoms. Anatomical and physiological changes make women more susceptible to UTI in pregnancy. The objective of present study was to determine the percentage of pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria and its microbiological profile.Methods: A total of 555 antenatal women who had no clinical features of urinary tract infection were recruited for this study over a period of one year. Clean catch mid-stream urine sample was collected and semi quantitatively cultured immediately. Significant bacteriuria was identified and antibiotic sensitivity found out by conventional methods.Results: Significant growth was observed in 26 samples. There was no association between age, parity, gravidity, period of gestation and asymptomatic bacteriuria. Gram stain was found to be the best screening test. Escherichia coli were the commonest organism isolated. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus were the most resistant organisms.Conclusions: Escherichia coli, the most common organism isolated, was resistant to most of the commonly used antibiotics. Wet film examination, the most commonly used screening test in our set up, was less sensitive and specific. So culture has to be done in all antenatal cases for screening asymptomatic bacteriuria of pregnancy

    Investigations on sodium tin phosphate and tin pyrophosphate glasses

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    Glasses of the alkali tin phosphate system have been investigated. The infrared absorption and fluorescence spectra of the glasses have been examined. It is found that tin is present in both +2 and +4 oxidation states. Also tin ions occupy four- or six-coordinated sites in the glass

    Effect of nurse culture on inducing division of isolated pollen protoplasts of Hevea brasiliensis

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    Haploids are of great relevance in crop improvement of Hevea, a highly heterozygous tree species with a long breeding cycle. The isolation and culture of pollen protoplasts may be a viable proposition for raising haploid plants/ homozygous lines in Hevea. The present work envisages the development of a method for the isolation and culture of pollen protoplasts of Hevea. Effect of different nurse cultures on the development of cultured protoplasts has been studied. Intact pollen grains were isolated from mature male flowers of Hevea prior to opening. Viable protoplasts in high yield could be isolated from these pollen grains when exposed to a mixture of 0.5 per cent cellulase and 0.05 per cent pectolyase in the presence of the osmotic stabilizers 0.6 M mannitol and 0.3 M sorbitol. These protoplasts were partially purified and cultured in the nutrient medium with three different nurse cultures namely embryogenic calli from Hevea, tobacco and carrot. Division of the cultured protoplasts leading to the formation of a few micro-colonies was observed in the medium containing 0.8 mg l-1 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg l-1 BA and enriched with Hevea nurse culture. Cultures with micro-colonies are dark incubated for further development. This is the first report of division of pollen protoplasts and micro-colony formation in Hevea brasiliensis

    OASIS: clinical audit in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Obstetric anal sphincter injury involves injury to the anal sphincter and rectal mucosa sustained at time of vaginal delivery and can result in significant long-term morbidity. These injuries have been defined as 3rd and 4th degree lacerations that involve disruption of the anal sphincter and rectal mucosa respectively. Objectives of this study were to find out the incidence of obstetrical anal sphincter injuries, to identify the risk factors for of OASIS and the outcome of primary repair in terms of anal incontinence and its associated complications.Methods: We did a descriptive study of OASIS by retrospective analysis of the labour case records. The study period was 1 year between August 2016 to July 2017. Inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancy, vertex presentation, instrumental and normal vaginal delivery. Exclusion criteria were multiple pregnancy, non-vertex presentation and caesarean section. Proforma was developed to capture the age, parity, gestational age in weeks, induction of labour, epidural analgesia, delivery duration, type of episiotomy, instrumentation, shoulder dystocia, occipito posterior position,manual support, weight of the baby, suturing method. Postnatal evaluation after 6 weeks and 6 months for perineal discomfort, pain, incontinence, wound infection, breakdown, fistula were noted. Results: The incidence of OASIS was 1.4%. 81.8% women had 3rd degree perineal and 18.1% had 4th degree perineal tear. The mean age of the patients were 27.9 years, gestational age of 39.45 weeks, 72.7% were primiparous. Induction of labour with prostaglandins was done in 36.36% and Pitocin augmentation for 81.81%. The duration of second 36.36% had 60-89 min and 27.27% had duration more than 90 min. 54.54% had epidural analgesia, 36.36% had shoulder dystocia, 36.36% had instrumental delivery. 72.72% babies had birth weight between 3-3.5 kg, 9% between 3.5-4 kg. Ano vaginal fistula developed in 9%.Conclusions: Appropriate training, anticipating and identifying major degrees of perineal tear helps in reducing the complications. Anovaginal fistula is distressing and disabling the patient and to her near ones

    Pattern of congenital abnormalities in a tertiary hospital and its impact on neonatal mortality

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    Background: Congenital abnormalities are major contributors of neonatal mortality and stillbirths. However, there is not sufficient data in our country on the prevalence of various congenital malformations and their impact on neonatal mortality. Objectives: To study the prevalence and pattern of congenital anomalies among neonates delivered in a tertiary hospital setting in 3 years and its impact on perinatal and neonatal mortality. Materials and Methods: This hospital based prospective descriptive study was undertaken at tertiary care hospital in Kerala. All babies born in the hospital from January 2013 to December 2015 (3 years) were included in the study. The baby was examined by a pediatrician during the first 24 h to identify any birth defects. A detailed history including familial and gestational factors was taken in babies with birth defects. Photographs, radiographs, ultrasound examination, echocardiography, and chromosomal studies were undertaken as required. The details were entered in a pro forma. The anomalies are classified as per ICD-10 criteria. Results were analyzed by simple statistical techniques recording number and percentage of cases. Results: The prevalence of birth defects in live born newborn was 1.9% whereas, in stillbirths, it was 15.3%. Congenital anomalies also contributed a major risk factor for neonatal death as 22% of the newborns, died in the immediate neonatal period, had some form of congenital anomaly. The major maternal risk factor found to be associated with congenital anomalies was gestational diabetes (21.3%). The patterns of congenital anomalies were musculoskeletal anomalies (25%), central nervous system (18%), genitourinary system (14%), congenital diaphragmatic hernia (12%), cardiovascular system (10%), gastrointestinal (7%), syndromes (6%), non-immune hydrops (5%), and others (3%). Conclusion: Prevalence of birth defects in this birth cohort was 1.9% comparable to other Indian data. In Kerala, one of the major causes of perinatal and neonatal mortality is congenital malformations

    Physical activity and FTO genotype by physical activity interactive influences on obesity

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    Background: Although the effect of the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene on adiposity is well established, there is a lack of evidence whether physical activity (PA) modifies the effect of FTO variants on obesity in Latino populations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine PA influences and interactive effects between FTO variants and PA on measures of adiposity in Latinos. Results: After controlling for age and sex, participants who did not engage in regular PA exhibited higher BMI, fat mass, HC, and WC with statistical significance (P \u3c 0.001). Although significant associations between the three FTO genotypes and adiposity measures were found, none of the FTO genotype by PA interaction assessments revealed nominally significant associations. However, several of such interactive influences exhibited considerable trend towards association. Conclusions: These data suggest that adiposity measures are associated with PA and FTO variants in Latinos, but the impact of their interactive influences on these obesity measures appear to be minimal. Future studies with large sample sizes may help to determine whether individuals with specific FTO variants exhibit differential responses to PA interventions

    The Arg59Trp variant in ANGPTL8 (betatrophin) is associated with total and HDL-cholesterol in American Indians and Mexican Americans and differentially affects cleavage of ANGPTL3

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    We previously identified a locus linked to total cholesterol (TC) concentration in Pima Indians on chromosome 19p. To characterize this locus, we genotyped \u3e2000 SNPs in 1838 Pimas and assessed association with log(TC). We observed evidence for association with log(TC) with rs2278426 (3.5% decrease/copy of the T allele; P=5.045×10(-6)) in the ANGPTL8 (angiopoietin-like 8) gene. We replicated this association in 2413 participants of the San Antonio Mexican American Family Study (SAMAFS: 2.0% decrease per copy of the T allele; P=0.005842). In a meta-analysis of the combined data, we found the strongest estimated effect with rs2278426 (P=2.563×10(-7)). The variant T allele at rs2278426 predicts an Arg59Trp substitution and has previously been associated with LDL-C and HDL-C. In Pimas and SAMAFS participants, the T allele of rs2278426 was associated with reduced HDL-C levels (P=0.000741 and 0.00002, respectively), and the combined estimated effect for the two cohorts was -3.8% (P=8.526×10(-8)). ANGPTL8 transcript and protein levels increased in response to both glucose and insulin. The variant allele was associated with increased levels of cleaved ANGPTL3. We conclude that individuals with the variant allele may have lower TC and HDL-C levels due to increased activation of ANGPTL3 by ANGPTL8
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