2,342 research outputs found

    Combinatorics of linear iterated function systems with overlaps

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    Let p0,...,pm1\bm p_0,...,\bm p_{m-1} be points in Rd{\mathbb R}^d, and let {fj}j=0m1\{f_j\}_{j=0}^{m-1} be a one-parameter family of similitudes of Rd{\mathbb R}^d: fj(x)=λx+(1λ)pj,j=0,...,m1, f_j(\bm x) = \lambda\bm x + (1-\lambda)\bm p_j, j=0,...,m-1, where λ(0,1)\lambda\in(0,1) is our parameter. Then, as is well known, there exists a unique self-similar attractor SλS_\lambda satisfying Sλ=j=0m1fj(Sλ)S_\lambda=\bigcup_{j=0}^{m-1} f_j(S_\lambda). Each xSλ\bm x\in S_\lambda has at least one address (i1,i2,...)1{0,1,...,m1}(i_1,i_2,...)\in\prod_1^\infty\{0,1,...,m-1\}, i.e., limnfi1fi2...fin(0)=x\lim_n f_{i_1}f_{i_2}... f_{i_n}({\bf 0})=\bm x. We show that for λ\lambda sufficiently close to 1, each xSλ{p0,...,pm1}\bm x\in S_\lambda\setminus\{\bm p_0,...,\bm p_{m-1}\} has 202^{\aleph_0} different addresses. If λ\lambda is not too close to 1, then we can still have an overlap, but there exist x\bm x's which have a unique address. However, we prove that almost every xSλ\bm x\in S_\lambda has 202^{\aleph_0} addresses, provided SλS_\lambda contains no holes and at least one proper overlap. We apply these results to the case of expansions with deleted digits. Furthermore, we give sharp sufficient conditions for the Open Set Condition to fail and for the attractor to have no holes. These results are generalisations of the corresponding one-dimensional results, however most proofs are different.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nonlinearit

    Determination of meteor flux distribution over the celestial sphere

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    A new method of determination of meteor flux density distribution over the celestial sphere is discussed. The flux density was derived from observations by radar together with measurements of angles of arrival of radio waves reflected from meteor trails. The role of small meteor showers over the sporadic background is shown

    Atom trapping with a thin magnetic film

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    We have created a 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate in a magnetic trapping potential produced by a hard disk platter written with a periodic pattern. Cold atoms were loaded from an optical dipole trap and then cooled to BEC on the surface with radiofrequency evaporation. Fragmentation of the atomic cloud due to imperfections in the magnetic structure was observed at distances closer than 40 μ\mum from the surface. Attempts to use the disk as an atom mirror showed dispersive effects after reflection.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Higher twists in polarized DIS and the size of the constituent quark

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    The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry implies the presence of a short-distance scale in the QCD vacuum, which phenomenologically may be associated with the "size" of the constituent quark, rho ~ 0.3 fm. We discuss the role of this scale in the matrix elements of the twist-4 and 3 quark-gluon operators determining the leading power (1/Q^2-) corrections to the moments of the nucleon spin structure functions. We argue that the flavor-nonsinglet twist-4 matrix element, f_2^{u - d}, has a sizable negative value of the order rho^{-2}, due to the presence of sea quarks with virtualities ~ rho^{-2} in the proton wave function. The twist-3 matrix element, d_2, is not related to the scale rho^{-2}. Our arguments support the results of previous calculations of the matrix elements in the instanton vacuum model. We show that this qualitative picture is in agreement with the phenomenological higher-twist correction extracted from an NLO QCD fit to the world data on g_1^p and g_1^n, which include recent data from the Jefferson Lab Hall A and COMPASS experiments. We comment on the implications of the short-distance scale rho for quark-hadron duality and the x-dependence of higher-twist contributions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Computing Garsia Entropy for Bernoulli Convolutions with Algebraic Parameters

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    We introduce a parameter space containing all algebraic integers β(1,2]\beta\in(1,2] that are not Pisot or Salem numbers, and a sequence of increasing piecewise continuous function on this parameter space which gives a lower bound for the Garsia entropy of the Bernoulli convolution νβ\nu_{\beta}. This allows us to show that dimH(νβ)=1\mathrm{dim}_\mathrm{H} (\nu_{\beta})=1 for all β\beta with representations in certain open regions of the parameter space.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 5 table

    Golden gaskets: variations on the Sierpi\'nski sieve

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    We consider the iterated function systems (IFSs) that consist of three general similitudes in the plane with centres at three non-collinear points, and with a common contraction factor \la\in(0,1). As is well known, for \la=1/2 the invariant set, \S_\la, is a fractal called the Sierpi\'nski sieve, and for \la<1/2 it is also a fractal. Our goal is to study \S_\la for this IFS for 1/2<\la<2/3, i.e., when there are "overlaps" in \S_\la as well as "holes". In this introductory paper we show that despite the overlaps (i.e., the Open Set Condition breaking down completely), the attractor can still be a totally self-similar fractal, although this happens only for a very special family of algebraic \la's (so-called "multinacci numbers"). We evaluate \dim_H(\S_\la) for these special values by showing that \S_\la is essentially the attractor for an infinite IFS which does satisfy the Open Set Condition. We also show that the set of points in the attractor with a unique ``address'' is self-similar, and compute its dimension. For ``non-multinacci'' values of \la we show that if \la is close to 2/3, then \S_\la has a nonempty interior and that if \la<1/\sqrt{3} then \S_\la$ has zero Lebesgue measure. Finally we discuss higher-dimensional analogues of the model in question.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure