23 research outputs found

    Predicting sample size required for classification performance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Supervised learning methods need annotated data in order to generate efficient models. Annotated data, however, is a relatively scarce resource and can be expensive to obtain. For both passive and active learning methods, there is a need to estimate the size of the annotated sample required to reach a performance target.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We designed and implemented a method that fits an inverse power law model to points of a given learning curve created using a small annotated training set. Fitting is carried out using nonlinear weighted least squares optimization. The fitted model is then used to predict the classifier's performance and confidence interval for larger sample sizes. For evaluation, the nonlinear weighted curve fitting method was applied to a set of learning curves generated using clinical text and waveform classification tasks with active and passive sampling methods, and predictions were validated using standard goodness of fit measures. As control we used an un-weighted fitting method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 568 models were fitted and the model predictions were compared with the observed performances. Depending on the data set and sampling method, it took between 80 to 560 annotated samples to achieve mean average and root mean squared error below 0.01. Results also show that our weighted fitting method outperformed the baseline un-weighted method (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This paper describes a simple and effective sample size prediction algorithm that conducts weighted fitting of learning curves. The algorithm outperformed an un-weighted algorithm described in previous literature. It can help researchers determine annotation sample size for supervised machine learning.</p

    Individual versus superensemble forecasts of seasonal influenza outbreaks in the United States.

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    Recent research has produced a number of methods for forecasting seasonal influenza outbreaks. However, differences among the predicted outcomes of competing forecast methods can limit their use in decision-making. Here, we present a method for reconciling these differences using Bayesian model averaging. We generated retrospective forecasts of peak timing, peak incidence, and total incidence for seasonal influenza outbreaks in 48 states and 95 cities using 21 distinct forecast methods, and combined these individual forecasts to create weighted-average superensemble forecasts. We compared the relative performance of these individual and superensemble forecast methods by geographic location, timing of forecast, and influenza season. We find that, overall, the superensemble forecasts are more accurate than any individual forecast method and less prone to producing a poor forecast. Furthermore, we find that these advantages increase when the superensemble weights are stratified according to the characteristics of the forecast or geographic location. These findings indicate that different competing influenza prediction systems can be combined into a single more accurate forecast product for operational delivery in real time

    Mean absolute error for superensemble forecasts.

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    <p>Forecast error averaged over all seasons, forecast weeks, and locations.</p

    Heat map of forecast rankings.

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    <p>The colors indicate the frequency of each forecast ranking, with rank 1 assigned to the most accurate forecast and rank 22 assigned to the least accurate forecast. More optimal forecasts have a higher frequency of top rankings (warm colors on the left) and a lower frequency of bottom rankings (cold colors on the right). The upper image shows peak week, the middle shows peak incidence, and the bottom shows total incidence. This analysis includes all forecasts of total season incidence (n = 22640), and all forecasts made at or prior to the observed outbreak peak for peak week and peak incidence (n = 15187). Forecasts made after the peak had been observed were excluded from the ranking, as were forecasts where all 22 forecasts predicted the same outcome.</p

    Forecast MAE grouped by forecast lead (left column) and season (right column).

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    <p>Line plots show MAE for forecast peak week (top row), peak ILI+ (middle row) and total ILI+ (bottom row), averaged over all locations. Each line shows the MAE of an individual forecast method. For the model-filter systems, colors indicate groupings by filter type.</p

    Supplementary Material from Superensemble forecasts of dengue outbreaks

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    Additional details on study methods and results. Includes text, figures and tables

    Distributions of observed outbreak peak timing, peak ILI+ and total ILI+ by season.

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    <p>Boxplots show the range of metric values observed each season across 97 cities and 48 states. ILI+ measures the number of influenza positive patients per 100 visits to outpatient visits to health care providers.</p

    Performance of superensemble forecasts compared to individual forecasts stratified by lead time.

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    <p>Each line shows the results of one forecast, with grey dotted lines representing the 21 individual forecasts and colored lines representing superensemble forecasts. SE-baseline refers to the baseline superensemble forecast, while SE-week, SE-region, SE-forlead and SE-actlead refer to superensemble forecasts with weights stratified by forecast week, HHS region, lead relative to predicted peak, and lead relative to observed peak, respectively.</p

    Contribution of each individual forecast to the baseline superensemble forecast for peak week (top), peak incidence (middle), and total incidence (bottom) by year.

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    <p>The colors indicate the weight assigned to an individual forecast system specified by the horizontal axes and the influenza season specified by the vertical axes. For example, the upper-right square in each subplot shows the weight assigned to the EAKF-SEIR forecast system for the 2005–2006 influenza season.</p